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熏衣草[我还没有昵称] 熏衣草作品集 六品通判 (官儿做大了,保持廉洁哦)

注册时间: 2004-06-09 帖子: 125
发表于: 星期四 一月 24, 2008 1:06 pm 发表主题: An Introduction to American Poetry (ZT) |
20 pages, very worthy reading...
D Walt Whitman
A newspaper reporter and editor, Whitman first published poems that were traditional in form and conventional in sentiment. In the early 1850s, however, he began experimenting with a mixture of the colloquial diction and prose rhythms of journalism; the direct address and soaring voice of oratory; the repetitions and catalogues of the Bible; and the lyricism, music, and drama of popular opera. He sought to write a democratic poetry—a poetry vast enough to contain all the variety of burgeoning 19th-century American culture. In 1855 Whitman published the first edition of Leaves of Grass, the book he would revise and expand for the rest of his life. The first edition contained only 12 untitled poems. The longest poem, which he eventually named “Song of Myself,” has become one of the most discussed poems in all of American poetry. In it Whitman constructs a democratic “I,” a voice that sets out to celebrate itself and the rapture of its senses experiencing the world, and in so doing to celebrate the unfettered potential of every individual in a democratic society. Emerging from a working class family, Whitman grew up in New York City and on nearby Long Island. He was one of the first working-class American poets and one of the first writers to compose poetry that is set in and draws its energy from the bustling, crowded, diverse streets of the city.
Whitman later added a variety of poems to Leaves of Grass. They include “Crossing Brooklyn Ferry” (1856), in which Whitman addresses both contemporary and future riders of the ferry, and “Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking” (1860), a reverie about his boyhood on the shores of Long Island. Other poems were about affection between men and about the experiences and sufferings of soldiers in the Civil War (1861-1865).
Whitman’s work was initially embraced more fully in Britain than in the United States. An influential 1872 anthology, American Poems, published in England and edited by English literary critic William Michael Rossetti, was dedicated to Whitman and gave him more space than any other poet. From then on American poetry was judged not by how closely it approximated the best British verse, but by how radically it divorced itself from British tradition. Rough innovation came to be admired over polished tradition.
E Emily Dickinson
Emily Dickinson, along with Whitman, is one of the most original and demanding poets in American literature. Living her whole life in Amherst, Massachusetts, Dickinson composed nearly 2,000 short, untitled poems. Despite her productivity, only a handful of Dickinson’s poems were published before her death in 1886. Most of her poems borrow the repeated four-line, rhymed stanzas of traditional Christian hymns, with two lines of four-beat meter alternating with two lines of three-beat meter. A master of imagery that makes the spiritual materialize in surprising ways, Dickinson managed manifold variations within her simple form: She used imperfect rhymes, subtle breaks of rhythm, and idiosyncratic syntax and punctuation to create fascinating word puzzles, which have produced greatly divergent interpretations over the years.
Dickinson’s intensely private poems cover a wide range of subjects and emotions. She was fascinated with death, and many of her poems struggle with the contradictions and seeming impossibility of an afterlife. She carries on an argument with God, sometimes expressing faith in him and sometimes denying his existence. Many of her poems record moments of freezing paralysis that could be death, pain, doubt, fear, or love. She remains one of the most private and cryptic voices in American literature.
Because of Dickinson’s prominence, it sometimes seems that she was the only female poet in America in the 19th century. Yet nearly a hundred women published poetry in the first six decades of the 1800s, and most early anthologies of American poetry contained far more women writers than appeared in anthologies in the first half of the 20th century. Dickinson’s work can be better understood if read in the context of these poets. Lydia Huntley Sigourney, for example, was a popular early-19th-century poet whose work set the themes for other female poets: motherhood, sentiment, and the ever-present threat of death, particularly to children. She developed, among other forms, the same hymn stanza that Dickinson used, although she experimented with fewer variations on it than Dickinson, and her poetry was simple and accessible. The work of Sigourney, along with that of Elizabeth Oakes Smith, Frances Sargent Locke Osgood, Alice and Phoebe Cary, and Sarah Morgan Bryan Piatt, was dismissed by most 20th-century critics until feminist critics began to rediscover the ironic edge to what had before seemed to be conventional sentimentality. The work of these and other women poets offers a window into the way 19th-century culture constructed and understood such concepts as gender, love, marriage, and motherhood.
and more.... |
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熏衣草[我还没有昵称] 熏衣草作品集 六品通判 (官儿做大了,保持廉洁哦)

注册时间: 2004-06-09 帖子: 125
发表于: 星期四 一月 24, 2008 3:55 pm 发表主题: |
I like H.D. 's poems.
Sheltered Garden
"Sheltered Garden" is another imagery poem from Sea Garden. This poem represents H.D.'s plight to create new poems out of images. The line in the poem that says "to find a new beauty", lets the reader know that the old poems are not good enough. H.D. writes a new style of poems that are filled with beautiful images.
I have had enough.
I gasp for breath.
Every way ends, every road,
every foot-path leads at last
to the hill-crest --
then you retrace your steps,
or find the same slope on the other side,
I have had enough --
border-pinks, clove-pinks, wax-lilies,
herbs, sweet-cress.
O for some sharp swish of a branch --
there is no scent of resin
in this place,
no taste of bark, of coarse weeds,
aromatic, astringent --
only border on border of scented pinks.
Have you seen fruit under cover
that wanted light --
pears wadded in cloth,
protected from the frost,
melons, almost ripe,
smothered in straw?
Why not let the pears cling
to the empty branch?
All your coaxing will only make
a bitter fruit --
let them cling, ripen of themselves,
test their own worth,
nipped, shrivelled by the frost,
to fall at last but fair
with a russet coat.
Or the melon --
let it bleach yellow
in the winter light,
even tart to the taste --
it is better to taste of frost --
the exquisite frost --
than of wadding and of dead grass.
For this beauty,
beauty without strength,
chokes out life.
I want wind to break,
scatter these pink-stalks,
snap off their spiced heads,
fling them about with dead leaves --
spread the paths with twigs,
limbs broken off,
trail great pine branches,
hurled across the melon-patch,
break pear and quince --
leave half-trees, torn, twisted
but showing the fight was valiant.
O to blot out this garden
to forget, to find a new beauty
in some terrible
wind-tortured place.
http://www.cichone.com/jlc/hd/hd8.html |
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fanfan[FAFAFA] fanfan作品集 四品府丞 (封疆大吏也!)

注册时间: 2007-12-27 帖子: 353 来自: Canada
发表于: 星期四 一月 24, 2008 4:30 pm 发表主题: Re: An Introduction to American Poetry (ZT) |
Thanks for sharing this useful information.
I like Dickinson's poems. _________________ Don't imitate me;
it's as boring
as the two halves of a melon. |
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ericcoliu[ericcoliu] ericcoliu作品集 二品总督 (刚入二品,小心做人)

注册时间: 2007-05-29 帖子: 1393 来自: GTA, Canada
发表于: 星期四 一月 24, 2008 5:17 pm 发表主题: |
Thanks for your posting. It's very helpful in acquiring a basic understanding of American poetry.
熏衣草 写到: |
She carries on an argument with God, sometimes expressing faith in him and sometimes denying his existence. Many of her poems record moments of freezing paralysis that could be death, pain, doubt, fear, or love. She remains one of the most private and cryptic voices in American literature.
Generally speaking, Dickinson’s poems, brief, mysterious, elliptical, and often epigrammatic, are meditations or the result of meditations on various themes.
The religious climate of her time greatly influenced Emily Dickinson’s poetry writing. However, what eludes critics and readers is a sense of clarity in attempting to somehow “de-code” her “religious” poetry. Generally speaking, one important aspect of spiritual representation in her work is the use of sacramental imagery in a painful quest for spiritual truth. Jane Donahue Eberwein has provided a sufficient discussion of Dickinson's sacramental imagery in light of its Calvinist foundations.
See my review of Some Keep the Sabbath Going to Church, posted at http://coviews.com/viewtopic.php?t=30625
This poem shows one of her inspiring poetic responses to the new religious style of her day, a historical period between 1800 and 1860 during which the popular religious discourse gradually shifted from the doctrinal to the imaginative, and even to colloquial humour. When Dickinson finds a sacred place in nature, she frees herself from some restrictive aspects of the 19th century American puritan tradition. _________________ Time is nothing but a disquiet of the soul |
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Lake[Lake] Lake作品集 二品总督 (刚入二品,小心做人)

注册时间: 2006-10-10 帖子: 1341 来自: Sky Blue Water
发表于: 星期五 一月 25, 2008 2:44 pm 发表主题: |
Yes, thanks for the introduction which provides some helpful information to those who are interested in the history of American poetry. Will find time to read for sure.
After a quick glance, I didn't see Kenneth Rexroth. A bit disappointed. He acted as MC for the famous poetry reading where Allen Ginsberg read his surrealistic Howl.
In addition to his erotic poems, his is known to me as a translator of Chinese and Japanese poetry, for this I show my respect to him.
The way how he is buried shows his desire and willingness to connect the East and West: He is buried on the grounds of the Santa Barbara Cemetery Association overlooking the sea, and while all the other graves face inland, his alone faces the Pacific.
I've just borrowed his complete collection of poems and see if I can finish it.
. |
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星子[ANNA] 星子作品集 酷我!I made it!

注册时间: 2004-06-05 帖子: 13192 来自: Toronto
发表于: 星期六 一月 26, 2008 9:21 am 发表主题: |
Hi Lake,
Great. Hope you write some review if you finish reading his poems.
I will try to read the introduction and details more. _________________
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星子[ANNA] 星子作品集 酷我!I made it!

注册时间: 2004-06-05 帖子: 13192 来自: Toronto
发表于: 星期一 三月 10, 2008 9:39 pm 发表主题: |
I randomly read some and find it is better to read it by plan and in an efficient way. _________________
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redshoe[redshoe] redshoe作品集 九品县令 (一不小心,做了官儿了。)

注册时间: 2008-02-13 帖子: 28
发表于: 星期二 三月 11, 2008 7:00 pm 发表主题: |
There is one entry on the work of Anne Sexton. Good. _________________ I am a butterfly drunk with life. |
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星子[ANNA] 星子作品集 酷我!I made it!

注册时间: 2004-06-05 帖子: 13192 来自: Toronto
发表于: 星期四 九月 18, 2008 8:09 am 发表主题: |
最近借了书,"poem making" ways to begin writing poetry by Myra Cobn livingston.
I think it is good. _________________
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星子[ANNA] 星子作品集 酷我!I made it!

注册时间: 2004-06-05 帖子: 13192 来自: Toronto
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anna[星子安娜] anna作品集 Site Admin

注册时间: 2004-05-02 帖子: 7141
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anna[星子安娜] anna作品集 Site Admin

注册时间: 2004-05-02 帖子: 7141
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anna[星子安娜] anna作品集 Site Admin

注册时间: 2004-05-02 帖子: 7141
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anna[星子安娜] anna作品集 Site Admin

注册时间: 2004-05-02 帖子: 7141
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anna[星子安娜] anna作品集 Site Admin

注册时间: 2004-05-02 帖子: 7141
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