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  主题: Jan 22: Poets Celebrating No Borders with Mirrors and Window

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帖子论坛: Poetry in Translation   发表于: 星期三 一月 19, 2022 10:39 pm   主题: Jan 22: Poets Celebrating No Borders with Mirrors and Window

  主题: My spontaneous writing

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帖子论坛: English Garden   发表于: 星期日 一月 31, 2021 2:42 pm   主题: My spontaneous writing
Yesterday joined Kate Marshall Flaherty’s sponemous writing workshop, this morning I are three short poems for three friends:

River of Life
For 巴山夜雨

The old memories grow in you;
you carry them day after day-
a sad long river mourning her losses.
Let me to be here to listen.
Let me walk with you along the long bank.
They say-
One cannot enter the same river twice.
I hear you weep-
They are wrong, wrong again.

Book Lover
For Frank Wang

Your love for books is the light
sometimes comforting you
most times consoling us
Each day a few lines
yet they might take us our whole life

See the snow falls and melts
Each moment we resolve things
in accepting then letting go

Living Your Dream
For Iris He

In our interview, I see a mirrored self
We are not alone, not the dying one
In your hometown, wintersweets bloom
in the coldest time
you carry them in your heart

The further you travel,
the more bittersweet they blossom,
Each with a dream to rise,
each with wings to fly...
  主题: 【海外詩粹】星子安娜譯作精選|鏡子與窗戶

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帖子论坛: Poetry in Translation   发表于: 星期四 一月 21, 2021 9:46 pm   主题: 【海外詩粹】星子安娜譯作精選|鏡子與窗戶
Thank WePoetry 【海外詩粹】for a special issue of poetry and translation for 《Mirrors and Windows/镜子与窗户》 ( 2021-01-17. USA)


Vivian雯 2021/01/10 於紐約[img][/img]
  主题: Previous Videos of George Elliott Clarke from Anna Yin

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帖子论坛: Poetry in Translation   发表于: 星期二 九月 15, 2020 9:31 pm   主题: Previous Videos of George Elliott Clarke from Anna Yin
George Elliott Clarke reading at Great Lakes Poets Laureate on Social Justice- at Aurora Public Library

Poetry Night | Readings with Canadian Poets Laureate

Q/A: Poets Laureate’s Role discussion among four poets laureate
  主题: George Elliott Clarke's Whylah Falls

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帖子论坛: Poetry in Translation   发表于: 星期二 九月 15, 2020 9:22 pm   主题: George Elliott Clarke's Whylah Falls

George's videos:
  主题: George Elliott Clarke's Exile

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帖子论坛: Poetry in Translation   发表于: 星期日 九月 13, 2020 12:42 pm   主题: George Elliott Clarke's Exile
for Kwame Dawes

Your scuttled pays floats – fiery – in the ether;
Blazing, it vomits smudge-smoke. Your mind chars
Black because you yaw – moth-like – too near flames.
You douse your dream-scorched brain with slave-sweat rum –
The only gold you can own, corroding
Your liver. Your anthem plays to gunfire.
When you think about it (when you can breathe) –
After all the lies that frame nostalgia,
All the dead faces that occupy photographs,
All the slain lovers pitched into ditches,
Your eyes itch and ache with water, then dry –
Curling like dead leaves, starving for gold fire.

  主题: George Elliott's Self-Composed

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帖子论坛: Poetry in Translation   发表于: 星期日 九月 13, 2020 12:41 pm   主题: George Elliott's Self-Composed

It’s today
That I can see
Daisies play
At being me.

Beaming gold,
They bend and sway –
Limber, bold,
Anarchic, ..

Holding out
Their leaves like hands,
They don’t shout
Or make demands.

They’re quiet,
Quite, but not shy:
Their riot
Is their beauty.

If I seem
A weed to some
Eyes, I dream –
And flower I am.
  主题: Tombeau de Keats by George Elliott Clarke

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帖子论坛: Poetry in Translation   发表于: 星期日 九月 13, 2020 12:22 pm   主题: Tombeau de Keats by George Elliott Clarke
Language fabricates intimates:
The very alphabet pledges incipient pleasantries –
to rollick in letters,
to kiss without kissing….

(Note the glib efficacy of the tongue
at lying;
or to indulge injurious prophesying;
or, wielding a battering-ram limerick,
to hurl a potentate off a pedestal.)

Keats, I come to you as a back-page spectre,
a wanton haunt,
my unidentifiable shadow
crossing over your lines,
to find in Thee –
beyond the grave’s beguiling caricature –
arborescent headstone –
Thy iconic Glamour
that cancels the grave’s purgatorial visibility.

Thou art never as marginal as a corpse,
but sprout poems like gilded lilies –
opaque ink jetting white sunlight –
la dolce vita of Liberty –
what flowers from your acreage –
as vast as the (Roman) alphabet…

[Roma (Italia) 15 février mmxiv]
  主题: George Elliott Clarke's Experience 1: 1-9  

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帖子论坛: Poetry in Translation   发表于: 星期日 九月 13, 2020 12:21 pm   主题: George Elliott Clarke's Experience 1: 1-9  
Experience 1: 1-9 by George Elliott Clarke
History is nothing like what is reported.
(Hard to drain light from mud.)
Trumpets don’t usher in Heaven.
Truth blinds, but Deceit dazzles.
Flames that don’t gleam are smoke.
Manure gerrymanders gardens:
Eden flowers from shit.
Fine wine refines urine.
Politics is PREJUDICE.
Behind these black letters?
White bone, invisible breath.
Bread is eternal.
But your words?

– Zurich, Switzerland. 14 September, 2011.
  主题: Sept 25, Poetry in Translation (4) George Elliott Clarke

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帖子论坛: Poetry in Translation   发表于: 星期日 九月 13, 2020 9:23 am   主题: Sept 25, Poetry in Translation (4) George Elliott Clarke
George Elliott Clarke and Anna Yin will discuss poetry, translations and life experiences. They will discuss about how to write poetry related to political issues, difficult history and identity etc.

The 4th Poet Laureate of Toronto (2012-15) and the 7th Parliamentary/Canadian Poet Laureate (2016-17), George Elliott Clarke is a revered artist in song, drama, fiction, screenplay, essays, and poetry. Born in Windsor, Nova Scotia, in 1960, Clarke was educated at the University of Waterloo, Dalhousie University, and Queen’s University. Clarke is also a pioneering scholar of African-Canadian literature. A professor of English at the University of Toronto, Clarke has taught at Duke, McGill, the University of British Columbia, and Harvard. He holds eight honorary doctorates, plus appointments to the Order of Nova Scotia and the Order of Canada at the rank of Officer. His recognitions include the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Fellows Prize, the Governor-General’s Award for Poetry, the National Magazine Gold Award for Poetry,, the Dartmouth Book Award for Fiction, the Eric Hoffer Book Award for Poetry (US), and the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Achievement Award.
  主题: Alice Major's reading another math-related poem/video

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帖子论坛: Poetry in Translation   发表于: 星期六 八月 29, 2020 8:56 pm   主题: Alice Major's reading another math-related poem/video
Alice reading another math-related poem, "Rectangularization of the Morbidity Curve" (along with some upfront explanation of the metaphor). -
  主题: Alice Major's Poem: Advice to the Lovelorn

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帖子论坛: Poetry in Translation   发表于: 星期六 八月 29, 2020 8:48 pm   主题: Alice Major's Poem: Advice to the Lovelorn
Advice to the Lovelorn by Alice Major

We are observing Eros,
raddled asteroid, lumpish and erratic,
on a loopy path such that
our planet and that planetoid
just might find themselves
one day trying to inhabit
the same point on their intersecting lines.

So keep a wary eye on it.
It’s no sleek bow-directed arrow,
this potato-shaped tumbler
aimed at no particular target in the dark,
just a stranger across a room
that could suddenly become
much too crowded.

Remember this and contemplate
the drowned crater of Chicxulub,
where an asteroid stove in the planet’s rib,
turned rock to instant liquid
and instantly back to mountain, a crumpled scab.
And how the noise was heard two thousand miles away –
everyone knew your business. How dark
the skies turned, whole species lying down
to die in the shadows.

But remember too –
you can’t see that crater now.
The blue gulf washes over it.
Small creatures you’d previously ignored
became more interesting, filled in the gaps.

And always remember,
though nothing will ever be
the same, still you
are bigger than it is.

  主题: Sept 11 Alice Major/Anna Yin Poetry, Translation and Science

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帖子论坛: Poetry in Translation   发表于: 星期二 八月 25, 2020 9:09 pm   主题: Sept 11 Alice Major/Anna Yin Poetry, Translation and Science

Alice Major and Anna Yin will discuss poetry, translations and life experiences. They will explore how to get inspirations from science and how to write poetry with an interesting and understandable view related to science.

Alice Major‘s 11th poetry collection is “Welcome to the Anthropocene”. published by the University of Alberta Press. Science has been a source of inspiration for much of her work, including an award-winning collection of essays: “Intersecting Sets: A Poet Looks at Science.” Alice served as the first poet laureate for her home city of Edmonton and her honours include an honorary doctorate of letters from the University of Alberta.
  主题: Alice Major's The muse of universes

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帖子论坛: Poetry in Translation   发表于: 星期二 八月 25, 2020 9:06 pm   主题: Alice Major's The muse of universes
The muse of universes

Once in a trillion years
the muse of universes
claps her hands. And, with that shock
of light, reverses

an aeon of drift, dilution,
the outward-rolling wave
of dark and the illusion
of end times.

A new draft, she orders
and the universe erupts
into rhyme, fields and forces
echoing. She rebuts

formlessness, sparks stanzas
from an alphabet of particles,
spells out what matters, what
radiates, what tickles

the fancy into galaxies
with gravity’s feather pen.
She unrolls the scroll of space,
says, There. Now try again.

- by Alice Major
from Standard Candles, University of Alberta Press

  主题: On Translation by Anna Yin

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帖子论坛: Poetry in Translation   发表于: 星期五 八月 21, 2020 8:30 am   主题: On Translation by Anna Yin
Please feel free to respond or add on...I will share on our Poetry In Translation events! #poetry #translation

On Translation Anna Yin 2020/08/21

Sometimes it’s a maze
I fall into.
I call for light, for a guide,
struggle to find my way…
finally, out of it,
I am not myself.

Sometimes it’s a lake,
clear to see.
I swim across it with ease.
Looking back,
I find my own mark left behind.

Sometimes it’s a dialogue,
words longing for one another.
Two languages stream like songs,
chiming from the deep.

Sometimes it’s a dream
I walk into yours,
and find you waiting,
then you lead me
through each door
with your own key.
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