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Lake[Lake] Lake作品集 二品总督 (刚入二品,小心做人)

注册时间: 2006-10-10 帖子: 1341 来自: Sky Blue Water
发表于: 星期二 五月 08, 2007 4:05 pm 发表主题: Form |
In a vast field
that revives the spring weeds
a green grasshopper—
wearing his own suit
to conceal himself
. |
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ZY[ZY] ZY作品集 五品知州 (再努力一把就是四品大员了!)

注册时间: 2005-10-20 帖子: 226 来自: 台北盆地
发表于: 星期二 五月 08, 2007 4:17 pm 发表主题: |
almost feel like a Haiku, short, but vivid!
Nice contrast between vast field and small grasshopper.
Also nice is the link from spring to weeds to grasshopper.
Cheers! |
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博弈[Mark] 博弈作品集 二品总督 (刚入二品,小心做人)

注册时间: 2006-09-24 帖子: 1484 来自: San Francisco
发表于: 星期二 五月 08, 2007 8:24 pm 发表主题: |
nice one, I like the title: Form. _________________ Sometimes I am busy
Sometimes I am free
In between, there's it
Until I find thee... |
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Lake[Lake] Lake作品集 二品总督 (刚入二品,小心做人)

注册时间: 2006-10-10 帖子: 1341 来自: Sky Blue Water
发表于: 星期三 五月 09, 2007 8:27 am 发表主题: |
ZY 写到: | almost feel like a Haiku, short, but vivid!
Nice contrast between vast field and small grasshopper.
Also nice is the link from spring to weeds to grasshopper.
Cheers! |
Thanks ZY for clearing my train of thoughts (the contrast, the link) which at the time of writing I was not aware of. |
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Lake[Lake] Lake作品集 二品总督 (刚入二品,小心做人)

注册时间: 2006-10-10 帖子: 1341 来自: Sky Blue Water
发表于: 星期三 五月 09, 2007 8:33 am 发表主题: |
博弈 写到: | nice one, I like the title: Form. |
I am happy to see different characters here——
different readers pick different things they see.
I am glad you like the title, 博弈.
At first it was untitled and then later on all of a sudden this word came into my mind.
Now I see it works for you. Thanks. |
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星子[ANNA] 星子作品集 酷我!I made it!

注册时间: 2004-06-05 帖子: 13192 来自: Toronto
发表于: 星期三 五月 09, 2007 9:41 pm 发表主题: |
wearing his own suit ?
I read a few times, a little confused.
Why? his own suit? does he have other choice? what is it? _________________
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Lake[Lake] Lake作品集 二品总督 (刚入二品,小心做人)

注册时间: 2006-10-10 帖子: 1341 来自: Sky Blue Water
发表于: 星期四 五月 10, 2007 9:06 am 发表主题: |
星子 写到: | wearing his own suit ?
I read a few times, a little confused.
Why? his own suit? does he have other choice? what is it? |
Thanks 星子 for your read and question.
As for your question, you may get some clue from 博弈's response, the title "Form". It can be paraphrased as "using his very own form (green) to disappear in the grassland (green)", my interpretaion of course. His own, his very own, a kind of emphasis. Confusing?  |
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ZY[ZY] ZY作品集 五品知州 (再努力一把就是四品大员了!)

注册时间: 2005-10-20 帖子: 226 来自: 台北盆地
发表于: 星期四 五月 10, 2007 9:56 am 发表主题: |
A little further discussion.
I think Xing-zhi actually brought up a very interesting point.
One can look at this in 2 ways:
1. The green suit of the grasshopper, from an evolution perspective, in fact, is a result of "selection". (I may be going way out on this.) And so, a choice in buried down there.
2. I think it is possible to read this poem and get a sense that the grasshopper is hiding inside/hiding from spring. This potential ambiguity brings some richness to the reading experience.
On another point, the word "wearing" also is ambiguous--wear, as in "wear and tear". That reading further connects to my earlier point on the interaction between spring and the role of the grasshopper.
I may be reading too much into it. But, hey, I believe once a text is done, it is up to the reader to create his/her own reading experience.
Cheers. |
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Lake[Lake] Lake作品集 二品总督 (刚入二品,小心做人)

注册时间: 2006-10-10 帖子: 1341 来自: Sky Blue Water
发表于: 星期四 五月 10, 2007 11:53 am 发表主题: |
I’m overwhelmed by your interpretations. I always think my poems are as simple as ABC, now with your scrutiny it has multi-meanings.
“wear and tear”, that’s a very imaginative way of thinking, maybe that’s me or can be anybody or anything, you figure.
Green green!
green green green!
green green!
green green green!
green green, the grass!
Many thanks!
. |
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anna[星子安娜] anna作品集 Site Admin

注册时间: 2004-05-02 帖子: 7141
发表于: 星期四 五月 10, 2007 3:41 pm 发表主题: |
Thanks Lake....
You know sometimes I really need to retreat... then read it again...
I am still not in the right mood... though in logical I understand... _________________ ---------------------
Anna Yin
<Nightlights> <Seven Nights with the Chinese Zodiac> ...
http://annapoetry.com |
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Lake[Lake] Lake作品集 二品总督 (刚入二品,小心做人)

注册时间: 2006-10-10 帖子: 1341 来自: Sky Blue Water
发表于: 星期三 五月 16, 2007 9:54 am 发表主题: |
anna 写到: | Thanks Lake....
You know sometimes I really need to retreat... then read it again...
I am still not in the right mood... though in logical I understand... |
anna, that's quite alright to retreat. I have just learned when and how to withdraw. I'll copy a line from Elizabeth Bishop, the art of withdrawing is not too hard to master...  |
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Lake[Lake] Lake作品集 二品总督 (刚入二品,小心做人)

注册时间: 2006-10-10 帖子: 1341 来自: Sky Blue Water
发表于: 星期三 五月 23, 2007 2:15 pm 发表主题: |
Comments from others:
Tony: A lovely look at nature, and the way even the smallest animals, like insects, just blend right in. Beautiful!
Ann: Lake, I think this is applicable to many things, to people too. An interesting exploration of form/appearance, and I got the impression the poem questions why. Could be totally off the mark here, but hey.
Linda: Lake: A waka...on purpose? Nice turn in the center. I like it very much.
Tink:Lake, Your little poem paints a picture of the grasshopper blending with the blades of grass. I picture him almost chuckling over his own cleverness, very nice.
Kokho:Good works ... this is a parable!
Thank you all, much appreciated!
. |
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