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anna[星子安娜] anna作品集 Site Admin

注册时间: 2004-05-02 帖子: 7141
发表于: 星期日 七月 19, 2020 9:58 pm 发表主题: In Poetry We Meet: Poetry Reading at VPL – 在詩中相遇 |
Meet Dr. Chun Yu, an award-winning poet based in San Francisco, and Anna Yin, Mississauga’s Inaugural Poet Laureate, author of six collections of poetry and an IT Consultant; listen to their bilingual poems and share their creative experiences with boundary crossing. This event will be moderated by Dr. Shuyu Kong, Professor in Humanities at SFU and Co-Director of David Lam Centre for International Communication. This will be conducted in Mandarin.
在詩歌裡 — 遇见有趣的靈魂,遇見你。舊金山作家、詩人和科學家俞淳、多倫多密西沙加桂冠詩人、IT咨询师星子安娜,朗誦她們中英文詩歌,交流各自在詩歌中,如何穿越時空,跨越疆界,與愛和美相遇。SFU人文學系教授、林思齐國際文化交流中心主任孔書玉主持。國語活動
https://vpl.bibliocommons.com/events/5ef649a09cdc143a0004104c _________________ ---------------------
Anna Yin
<Nightlights> <Seven Nights with the Chinese Zodiac> ...
http://annapoetry.com |
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