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newsletter from the League of Canadian Poets

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帖子发表于: 星期一 十二月 01, 2014 3:50 pm    发表主题: newsletter from the League of Canadian Poets 引用并回复

The office will be closed for the holidays from December 19, 2014 – January 4, 2015. We will respond to your emails and phone calls upon our return. Thank you for your patience and best wishes for a happy and healthy holiday season.

Save the date!
The League of Canadian Poets and the Writers’ Union of Canada are Holding a Joint Conference at the Radisson Hotel in Winnipeg from May 28 – May 31, 2015.
The LCP and TWUC invite you to Winnipeg from May 28th to the 31st for a weekend filled with professional development sessions, learning, and sharing. There are panels, workshops, the Anne Szumigalski Lecture (presented by Gregory Scofield), the Margaret Lawrence Lecture (presented by Guy Gavriel Kay), and presentations of the LCP and TWUC literary awards, and a gala dinner with dancing to follow. We have been working hard to make this event happen in collaboration with our friends at the Writers’ Union of Canada. We hope that you will take advantage of this amazing opportunity to be in the same room with your friends and colleagues. We will be sending out further information about the schedule, but for now, please save the date.

Spoken Word Award Call for Nominations
Deadline: January 15, 2015
The League of Canadian Poets and Calgary Spoken Word Festival are thrilled to present the 9th annual Sheri-D Wilson Golden Beret Award.

The recipient will be announced in April as part of National Poetry Month and the award will be presented at the League of Canadian Poets’ annual LCP Poetry Festival and Conference in Winnipeg in May. The recipient will receive a prize of $1000.

This $1000.00 annual award was created by Sheri-D Wilson—a pioneer of spoken word poetry in Canada—to honour a Canadian spoken word artist who has made a substantial contribution to the development of spoken word, through the originality and excellence of his or her own writing/performance works, and through involvement in—and contributions to—the expansion of the spoken word community. The Golden Beret Award was first presented at the Calgary Spoken Word Festival in 2007.

NOMINATE SOMEONE TODAY! Submit a One Page Letter by snail-mail to The League of Canadian Poets, Attn: Golden Beret Award, 192 Spadina Ave., Suite 312, Toronto, ON M5T 2C2 or email [email protected], Subject: Golden Beret Award by January 15, 2015.
The selection committee will evaluate candidates based on the following qualities: 1.Originality of creative process,
2.Mastery of the genre,
3.Innovation and quality of writing,
4.Use of new technologies,
5.Contribution to community,
6.Openness and Inclusiveness of diverse voices.
This year’s jury is: bill bissett, Moe Clark & Sheri-D Wilson.

Previous Recipients:2014 – bill bissett (Toronto, ON); 2013 - Tanya Evanson (Vancouver, BC); 2012 - Kirk Miles (Calgary, AB); 2011 - Ian Ferrier (Montréal, QC); 2010 - Wendy Morton (Victoria,BC); 2009 - Lillian Allen (Toronto, ON); 2008 - Sarah Murphy (Calgary, AB); 2007 - Murdoch Burnett (Comox, BC).

National Poetry Month 2015
Established in Canada in April 1998 by the League of Canadian Poets (LCP), National Poetry Month (NPM) brings together schools, publishers, booksellers, literary organizations, libraries, and poets from across the country to celebrate poetry and its vital place in Canada’s culture. The year 2015 marks the 17th anniversary of National Poetry Month in Canada.

This year we are encouraging poets and hosts to explore and savour the theme of Food and Poetry. Inspired by Rachel Rose’s inaugural speech as Vancouver’s Poet Laureate (see below), we want to investigate the ways in which “food is personal, political, sensual and powerful”. Food nourishes, grounds and connects us, much like poetry. Without food as without poetry, we go hungry. There is so much that can be spoken of and written about food and one’s experience with it.

How will you celebrate and reflect on Food and Poetry? Imagine your city alive with the energy of poetry shared over picnics, at food drives, in vegetable gardens or orchards. Does your interest lie in holistic nutrition and the poetics of how food can heal or the problematic politics of food security? Why not plan a reading over brunch with friends, a poetry slam at your local farmer’s market or a writing workshop exploring how food speaks to home? However your creative juices flow, marinade in this theme and let it nourish you and others with your delicious work. We are looking forward to your ideas, and to hearing your poetry in April!

The LCP asks poets and hosts to create events across the country, in their local communities, incorporating the Food and Poetry theme. For more information and funding applications visit:

“Everyone has something to say about food, whether it is the activist challenging the cruelties of conventional farming, the exile remembering the waft of spices on lost streets, or the child writing about the sockeye salmon she buys at Granville Island. Food is personal, political, sensual, and powerful. It concerns every one of us. It’s time to write hymns to dumplings, sonnets to community gardens, love lyrics to beekeepers, odes to the food banks that fed your family while you were sick, pantoums to the lost spices of home now that you are an exile, fierce free verse about conventional chicken farming, performance poetry about guerilla gardens, hymns to the feasts your grandmother prepared, incantations about poverty and food insecurity and bohemian rhapsodies about dumpster diving.”
– Rachel Rose

National Council Member Invited to Austin International Poetry Festival
Our Ontario representative Anna Yin will be a feature poet at the 2015 Austin International Poetry Festival. Anna will also be presenting a workshop. Here is the link to the festival:

Also, Chinese media covered INSPIRE! Toronto International Book Fair with Anne Yin, George Elliott Clarke and Niki Koulouris. Visit:

News from the Feminist Caucus
By Anne Burke. This month news from Sharon Singer, Betsy Struthers, Magie Dominic, Mona Fertig, Cathy Ford, Gloria Alvernaz Mulcahy; Susan McCaslin; reviews of Wilderness Rushing In, by dee Hobsbawn-Smith, orient, by Gillian Wigmore, House Dreams, Poems, by Deanna Young. For full report:

Spread the Word - Jessamy Stursberg Poetry Contest for Canadian Youth
There are two age categories, junior (grades 7-9) and senior (grades 10-12). First place poems in each category will receive a cash prize of $400, second place winners will receive $350 and third place winners will receive $300. All winning poems will be published in the League of Canadian Poets’ e-zine, Re:verse at All winners will receive Jessamy Stursberg Poetry Contest for Youth certificates and student memberships in the League of Canadian Poets for one year. For guidelines: Deadline: January 15.

The Great Canadian PoeTrain Tour Update
A group of passionate poets and train lovers are journeying next April 2015 to celebrate National Poetry Month. Their rail venture is called “The Great Canadian PoeTrain Tour”. The itinerary includes events in Ottawa, Toronto, Edmonton, and Vancouver as well as performances on the Via Rail “Canadian”.

Poet Mary Elizabeth Grace articulated it this way. “This spring a train full of poets is going to ride the rails. Riffing, reveling and rendering their inner landscape alive with words. To travel the rails city to city sea to sea across this vast beauty Canada is a perfect symbol of the boundless language of poetry to express who we are. It also a journey of connecting, which is poetry’s ultimate quest and its ultimate contribution”.

We want you to join us on this poetry national building legacy!! One new POETrainer who just signed up says, “This is the best poetry event of 2015”. Deadlines are December 15 for submitting applications for 3 Canada Reading Tour Grants, one Poet/musician free train ticket for Via Rails on board entertainment program, and applying for the world’s first POETrain Laureate position. Send us your bio and reason why you want to ride the rails. January 31 is deadline for receiving the 10% discount on your train ticket.

P.S. We need billets for the stops in Ottawa (one night), Toronto (two nights), Edmonton (3 nights) and Vancouver (1 night).If any League members have an extra bed or know someone who does and wants to help us it would be very appreciated. Email Dave at [email protected] for more details and to register your accommodation spot.


Ken Babstock Wins the Inaugural Latner Writers’ Trust Poetry Prize
Ken Babstock, author of On Malice, receives prestigious new literary award honouring a mid-career Canadian poet. At the Writers’ Trust Awards in Toronto, it was announced that Ken Babstock was the recipient of the first annual Latner Writers’ Trust Poetry Prize. The Latner Writers' Trust Poetry Prize is a new, annual literary award given to a mid-career poet in recognition of a remarkable body of work, and in anticipation of future contributions to Canadian poetry. Poets are judged on their body of work – no less than three published collections – rather than a single book. All Canadian poets are considered and no age restrictions apply. The winner receives $25,000.

Ken was selected by a three-member, independent judging panel consisting of Stephanie Bolster, an award-winning poet and coordinator of the creative writing program at Concordia University in Montreal; Lorna Crozier, an award-winning author of 16 books of poetry who is based in North Saanich, BC; and Fred Wah, formerly Canada’s Parliamentary Poet Laureate and current Professor Emeritus at the University of Calgary.

Ken Babstock’s most recent collection is the highly anticipated On Malice (Coach House Books, October 2014), a bad mist, a digitized weather front trying to watch the surveillance from inside it, and to sit vigil at our convalescence as an alien witness. Ken’s previous collections include Methodist Hatchet (Anansi, 2011), which won the Griffin Prize for Excellence in Poetry and was a finalist for the Trillium Book Award, Mean (1999), winner of the Atlantic Poetry Prize and the Milton Acorn People’s Poet Award, Days into Flatspin (2001), winner of a K. M. Hunter Award and finalist for the Winterset Prize, and Airstream Land Yacht (2006), finalist for the Griffin Prize for Poetry, the Governor General’s Literary Award and the Winterset Prize, and winner of the Trillium Book Award for Poetry. His poems have been translated into Dutch, German, Serbo-Croatian, Czech and French, and he has appeared at festivals in Rotterdam, Brisbane, Sarajevo, New York and Brno. He was awarded a year-long international artist residency in Berlin by the DAAD. Ken was born in Newfoundland and is currently the Writer in Residence at the University of British Columbia. He returns to his Toronto home in January 2015.

Founded in 1972 by Albert and the late Temmy Latner, the Latner Family Foundation has been providing support to health care, education, social development, and the arts in the Greater Toronto Area.

The Writers’ Trust of Canada is a charitable organization that seeks to advance, nurture, and celebrate Canadian writers and writing through a portfolio of programs, including literary awards, financial grants, scholarships, and a writers’ retreat. Writers’ Trust programming is designed to champion excellence in Canadian writing, to improve the status of writers, and to create connections between writers and readers. Canada’s writers receive more financial support from the Writers’ Trust than from any other non-governmental organization or foundation in the country.

Arleen Paré Wins the Governor General's Award for Poetry for Lake of Two Mountains
A hymn to a beloved lake, a praise poem in forty-five parts, a contemplation of landscape and memory. Lake of Two Mountains, Arleen Paré's second poetry collection, is a portrait of a lake, of a relationship to a lake, of a network of relationships around a lake. It maps, probes and applauds the riparian region of central Canadian geography that lies between the Ottawa and the St. Lawrence Rivers. The poems portray this territory, its contested human presences and natural history: the 1990 Oka Crisis, Pleistocene shifts and dislocations, the feather-shaped Ile Cadieux, a Trappist monastery on the lake's northern shore. As we are drawn into experience of the lake and its environs, we also enter an intricate interleaving of landscape and memory, a reflection on how a place comes to inhabit us even as we inhabit it.

Arleen Paré is a poet and novelist, author of two previous books. Her first book, Paper Trail, was shortlisted for the Dorothy Livesay Poetry Prize at the BC Book Prizes and won the City of Victoria Butler Book Prize. Her second book, Leaving Now, a mixed genre novel, was also well received. Originally from Montreal where she spent the first thirty years of her life, she still thinks of Montreal as her home town and makes regular visits to the city. She lived for many years in Vancouver, where she worked as a social worker. She now lives in Victoria. Lake of Two Mountains is her first full poetry collection.

Winners and Runners-up Announced for the Fred Cogswell Award for Excellence in Poetry
Royal City Literary Arts Society is pleased to announce the winners and runners up for the Fred Cogswell Award for Excellence In Poetry. Judging the award was Canada’s first Parliamentary Poet Laureate and author of over 100 books, George Bowering who will also be the Keynote Speaker at the Royal City Literary Arts 1st Annual Awards Show on Saturday November 22nd, held at the Richmond Cultural Centre, free admission and open to all.

This Award was open to all Canadian Poets who had a book published in 2013. The Winners are: 1st place ($500.00) Ken Howe, “The Civic-Mindedness of Trees”, Wolsak & Wynn; 2nd place ($250.00) Murray Reiss, “The Survival Rate of Butterflies in the Wild”, Hagios Press.
The runners up are Al Rempel, “This Isn't the Apocalypse We Hoped For”, Caitlin Press; Susan Andrews Grace, “Philosopher at the Skin Edge of Being”, Signature Editions; Mary Dalton, “Hooking”, Signal Editions; and Dennis Cooley, “The Stones”, Turnstone Press. For more information visit:

Canadian Women in the Literary Arts (CWILA) Membership Drive
Canadian Women in the Literary Arts (CWILA) is a federally incorporated non-profit which promotes gender equity in Canadian literary culture. Canadian Women in the Literary Arts (CWILA) is kicking off a membership drive that will run until December 15, 2014. Supporters of CWILA can help to foster equitable critical culture in Canada by purchasing a membership through

Over the past three years, CWILAs research has demonstrated there is a significant gender gap in reviews of Canadian books. According to data collected by CWILA in 2013, only 37% of Canadian book review space goes to books written by women, while 57% goes to books written by men. In response to these startling statistics, CWILA and its supporters advocate for gender equity and positive community in the literary arts.

Membership dues are $25 annually and support CWILAs two main programs, the annual count of book reviews by gender, and the Critic-in-Residence program, which seeks to foster criticism that promotes public awareness of issues of gender, race, class and sexuality in literary culture. The deadline for applications to be CWILAs Critic-in-Residence for 2015 is Monday November 10th, 2014. You can find the guidelines here.

Please consider joining CWILA. Your membership will go a long way in addressing and redressing the issue of gender inequity in our literary review culture. Visit CWILA at for more information and to get involved.

Please note: The opportunities, contests or markets listed in this electronic newsletter are only an informational resource. We encourage all poets to thoroughly investigate all contests or markets before submitting their work.

Brick Books’ Year-long Celebration of Canadian Poetry Starting in January 2015
Hello from Kitty Lewis, general manager of Brick Books for over 25 years. I am writing to you about our latest project - a year-long celebration of Canadian poetry starting in January 2015.

In 2015 Brick Books marks a big milestone - our 40th anniversary!! Over those 40 years we are proud to have published well-known poets Michael Ondaatje, Anne Carson, Dennis Lee, Robert Kroetsch and P.K. Page, as well as introduced Karen Solie, Julie Bruck, Adam Dickinson, Sue Sinclair, Jan Zwicky, Phil Hall, Sue Goyette and Steven Price. What better way to highlight this achievement than through a broad conversation about Canadian poetry!!

We are contacting people from as many walks of life as possible - Canadian, American and international poets, novelists, short story writers, musicians, actors, members of the media, academics, high school teachers, directors of writers' festivals, publishers, agents, personnel at writing and publishing associations, (you get the idea...) and anyone else who likes poetry - to see who would be interested in being part of this exciting event.

I want to invite you to add your voices to this new project. We are asking people to write a piece that expresses their own appreciation of a particular Canadian poet (and it doesn't have to be someone published by Brick Books...). Is there a poem that has stuck with you ever since you first read it? A poet whose words move you every time you read or hear them? We'd love you to tell us about it. Every week on the website, we will feature one piece that talks about a specific Canadian poet. We are aiming for at least 52 different poets (if we get an even bigger response we will run more than one per week) so if you are interested - and I hope you are! - please let me know right away which poet you'd like to write about - and feel free to write about more than one poet, if it is too hard for you to choose just one...

There are many ways you could approach your piece. Some ideas are: •writing a personal account of how your chosen poet's work moved you when you first encountered it, or perhaps a story of how something in your life mirrored a poem you read
•telling us something about the poet him/herself, offering us some biographical information to help introduce readers to a poet they perhaps had never heard of before
•offering an analysis of one particular poem by the individual
•recounting an anecdote that relates back to a story involving the poet or poem
The length of the piece is entirely up to you: it could be several pages, or a few paragraphs, or a single paragraph, or even a few sentences if that's all you have time for. The important thing is your involvement, and the reader coming away with a new appreciation of an aspect of Canadian poetry. Your submission will be posted on our website, as well as our Facebook and Twitter pages and all the weekly pieces will be showcased in one place on our website. We would be pleased to link back to your own website or any works of yours that you choose.

I hope you find this project interesting and that you'll want to be involved. If you know of any other people in any walk of life who might be interested, please pass this e-mail along to them for me. The more people we can get involved, the more special we can make this.

So please join Brick Books in celebrating not only our 40th anniversary but also the astonishing breadth and variety of Canadian poetry that is available. Let's help showcase an area of publishing where Canada truly shines and demonstrate the beauty and vast talent in this country.

If you are interested in participating in this new project, please contact me at [email protected] and let me know which poet you'd like to write about. Because this will begin in January, we are hoping to get some early responses, so please let me know of your interest in the next week or two, and then I can let you know when we'd need your piece. For more information visit:

Applications for Emerging Writers Mentorship Program Announced
The Writers’ Alliance of Newfoundland and Labrador is once again inviting applications from individuals interested in its Emerging Writers Mentorship Program. Applicants for both the mentor and apprentice positions are being sought.

The deadline for submissions is January 12, 2015. For full details and eligibility, visit

2015 Robert Kroetsch Award
The cold weather is here and it's time to hunker down and get your poetry manuscript in shape for the 2015 Robert Kroetsch Award! The winner gets a trade paperback publishing contract, a 500 dollar advance, and has their book published and distributed by one of North America's most respected literary presses. The Robert Kroetsch Award is without a doubt the best opportunity for emerging poets in Canada!

Our 2015 judge is Karen Solie! Karen is a Griffin Prize-winning poet who recently released her Selected Poems in the United Kingdom. She is one of Canada's greatest living poets and we are so lucky to be working with her.

Invisible Publishing and Matrix Magazine are pleased to bring you the 2015 Robert Kroetsch Award for Innovative Poetry.


The prize is awarded annually to the best poetry manuscript by an emerging Canadian writer (a writer who has published two books or fewer). Each year the winning manuscript is selected by an established poet in co-operation with Matrix Magazine and Invisible Publishing's Snare Imprint. •The deadline is January 31, 2015.
•Entries can be submitted through Matrix Magazine's Submittable site.
•Each entry must be accompanied with a business size SASE and an entry fee for $30.00 CDN. Please make all cheques and money orders payable to “Matrix Publications.” No cash please.
•Or if you prefer to use PAYPAL, you may send you manuscript electronically to [email protected] and send your payment via PAYPAL at Matrix's Robert Kroetsch Award Page.
•Alternatively, you may send manuscripts to: The Robert Kroetsch Award for Innovative Poetry, Invisible Publishing's Snare Imprint, c/o Matrix Magazine, 1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W. LB 658,Montreal QC / H3G 1M8
FreeFall Magazine Annual Prose & Poetry Contest 2014
Contest Closes Dec 31, 2014. New $1700.00 in prize money. 1st Prize (Poetry and Fiction) $500 Sponsored by Frontenac House and FreeFall; 2nd Prize (Poetry and Fiction) $250. Sponsored by The Alexandra Writers’ Centre Society; 3rd Prize (Poetry and Fiction) $75.00 Sponsored by Carol Mock; Honourable Mention (Poetry and Fiction) $25.00 Sponsored by Shelley McAneeley. Winners will be published in Volume XXV Number 2.

Guest Editor/Judge: John Vigna will be our guest editor/judge for the 2014 contest. John’s first book, Bull Head was published to critical acclaim in Canada and the US. It was selected by Quill & Quire as an editor’s pick of the year and was a finalist for the Danuta Gleed Literary Award. He was named one of the “10 writers to watch” by CBC books. John is a recipient of the Dave Greber Award for Freelance Writers and a winner of the sub-Terrain Lush Triumphant fiction contest.

Contest Rules 2014 •Entry fee: $25.00 (includes one year subscription for your first entry only); AWCS Members $10.00; Additional entries $5.00 (at time of original entry only)
•Maximum 3000 words prose, or 5 poems per entry.
•Both Electronic entries and Mailed entries must be received on or before December 31st, 2014.
•Only previously unpublished work may be entered. No simultaneous entries.
•Prose entries must be: Double spaced with a title; Page number at the top of each page; NO authors name on manuscript
•Poetry entries must be: Single spaced; NO author’s name on manuscript; Poems that run more than one page require a title and page number at the top of each page.
•Mailed Submissions General Formatting page size: 8.5” X 11” , all margins: 1.5”, 12 pt Times New Roman font.
•Please Note - Short listed entries may be selected for publication to round out the issue and will be paid the standard rate.
•For more info or to enter online visit:
Subterranean Blue Poetry Announces! Advertising on Subterranean Blue Poetry!
Subterranean Blue Poetry Announces! "all things poetry . . . " an infomatique pin board featuring a photo with your ad on a dbl click. ads for poetry books, poetry events, poetry associations, poetry publishing houses, poetry prizes, calls for submission, poetry radio programs . . . "all things poetry . . . " @ (down the page). Yearly subscription $5 by PayPal ([email protected]).

Dr. William Henry Drummond Poetry Contest
Spring Pulse Poetry Festival northern Ontario’s largest poetry/arts event is sponsoring the 2015 Dr. William Henry Drummond Poetry Contest. In 1970 the first contest began in Cobalt during the Miners festival on French-Canadian Day. It is the oldest non-governmental national poetry contest in Canada. The contest honours Canada’s most popular 19 th century poet. Dr. Drummond was the town’s first doctor, a silver mine manager, and world famous poet who died in Cobalt in 1907. •Deadline: Friday February 27 2015
•Entry fee: $10
•Prizes: $1200: $300 first place, $200 second place, $100 third place,
•8 honourable mentions of $50 8 judge’s choice of $25
•Complimentary anthology of winners, trophy, and award ceremony Cobalt Public Library on Friday May 29 during the Spring Pulse Poetry Festival.
•Blind Judging will be done by a League of Canadian Poets member.
•Enquires: Send to David Brydges [email protected]
Call for Submission: Subterranean Blues Poetry
Subterranean Blue Poetry Announces a Submission Call of New Age Poetry and Books of Poetry for Review. Particularly l@@king for New Age Art for the Masthead. We thrive on new original word synergies. All Poets and their poetry are welcome and we are especially looking for homegrown Poets from the Canadian/American Indian Community, Quebec, small town Canada, international Poets and anyone who was ever considered "the other”. Email Submissions. No entry fees. Free ad. Email: [email protected]. Subterranean Blue Poetry @ "for those subterranean blues".

Now Accepting Applications for Residencies for 2016: Al Purdy A-frame
Thanks to generous sponsorship, it has been an exciting McClelland & Stewart* Summer at the Purdy A-frame. The Purdy Picnic was a smashing success as was Katherine Leyton's How Pedestrian project. Katherine's residency ended August 31 and the new writers-in-residence are Nick Thran and Sue Sinclair. Information about events will be posted soon. Over the winter we hope to finish the necessary work on Al's writing shed so if you are considering a donation it would be timely. The Al Purdy A-frame Association is now accepting applications for residencies for 2016. Information and applications procedures are posted on our website

Call For Submissions: The Inflectionist Review
The Inflectionist Review,, considers poetry submissions on an ongoing basis. We are reading for issue 3 right now. TIR has a strong preference for non-linear work that carefully constructs ambiguity so that the reader can play an active role in the poem. In general, we commend the experimental, the worldly and universal, and eschew the inane, trendy, and overly personal. Work that reveals multiple layers with further readings. Work that speaks to people across borders, across literary and cultural boundaries, across time periods, is more likely to fascinate us (and the reader). Submissions are accepted online via Submittable at:

2015 Griffin Poetry Prize Deadline Reminder
This is a reminder that the deadline for the $200,000 2015 Griffin Poetry Prize is December 31, 2014. Books must be submitted postmarked no later than December 31, 2014 for books published between January 1st and December 31st, 2014. Please remember to complete all necessary customs/duties paperwork when shipping your entries. If you have any questions regarding the rules, or would like to download an entry form, please visit our Web site, at:

University of Alberta Invites Applications for its 2015-16 Writer-in-Residence
Term: September 1, 2015 to May 31, 2016. Salary: $50,000 plus a full range of benefits, a professional expense allowance and a one-week paid residency at Leighton Artists’ Colony, The Banff Centre.

Description of the Position: The Writer-in-Residence is a member of the university and Edmonton community from September through May. While the writer is encouraged to become involved in community activities, including consultations with and mentoring writers, ample time is provided to devote to their own writing projects. The Writer-in-Residence normally gives two readings in the department, as well as other readings in response to requests from the community. Although they also may be invited to visit Creative Writing, Canadian Literature and other classes on campus, this is not a teaching position. It is assumed that your physical residence will be in the city of Edmonton for the duration of the appointment.

Qualifications: The successful applicant must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada and must have at least one published book. Eligible publications include a complete book of fiction, short stories, poetry, drama, children’s literature or literary non-fiction that lends itself to a public reading.

Applications must include:
• a literary resume
• writing samples: published book and/or 20-30 pages of work-in-progress
• a statement of interest in the residency (maximum 1 page)
• a single-page description of the writing projects to be undertaken during the residency
• two letters of reference (preferably not from agents or publishers)

Send complete applications by mail or courier to: Professor Lahoucine Ouzgane, Chair, Writer-in-Residence Committee, Department of English and Film Studies, University of Alberta, 3-5 Humanities Centre, Edmonton, AB T6G 2E5. The deadline for applications is November 30, 2014. The date of the decision is January 15, 2015.

Writer in Residence Position–Poetry Toronto Reference Library
February – May, 2016. Remuneration: $16,000 for four-month term. Toronto Public Library invites applications from Canadian poets for the Spring 2016 Writer in Residence position. The residency is designed to encourage exchanges between the author and the community and requires 14 hours per week at the library for: public readings, workshops, evaluation of submitted manuscripts, one-on-one and/or group meetings with writers from the general public, blog development, participation in online forums, and other activities as agreed. The remaining time is available for the Writer in Residence to work on his or her own project.

Eligibility Criteria: •Canadian citizen, permanent resident of Canada
•Minimum of two books in print, published by a professional publishing house, at least one of which is poetry
•Active in the writing profession; active online presence
•Experience in teaching creative writing
•Understanding of the needs of aspiring writers
•Experience developing and delivering programs, workshops, readings
•Working on or planning to work on a new project intended for book-length publication
Applications must include: •Curriculum Vitae or Resume, including a list of publications and completed projects, a summary of teaching experience, and detailed suggestions for workshops or programs on writing poetry
•Sample of recent published poetry (15-20 pages)
•Two letters of reference
•Terms of employment based on Canada Council guidelines. Position and length of term subject to Canada Council funding.
•Application Deadline: Friday, December 12, 2014
•Send applications to: Writer in Residence c/o Phyllis Jacklin, Toronto Reference Library, 789 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario M4W 2G8
Submission Period for the 2014 Manitoba Book Awards Now Open
The Manitoba Writers’ Guild and the Association of Manitoba Book Publishers is pleased to announce the submission period for the 2014 Manitoba Book Awards is now open—with the addition of two new awards: the Beatrice Mosionier Aboriginal Writer of the Year Award, and the Chris Johnson Award for Best Play by a Manitoba Playwright.

The Beatrice Mosionier Aboriginal Writer of the Year Award, sponsored by the Centre for Creative Writing and Oral Cultures at the University of Manitoba, will be awarded annually, and the Chris Johnson Award for Best Play by a Manitoba Playwright, sponsored by the Manitoba Association of Playwrights (MAP) and Winnipeg theatres, will be awarded every two years. Both awards will be presented for the first time at the 2015 gala.

Also, the award previously known as the “Best Illustrated Book Award” is now part of the Manuela Dias Book Design and Illustration Award(s). Up to three awards may be presented, one for best design, and (potentially) two for best illustration.

Throughout November, regular season publications (January 1 to October 31), as well as all other award submissions, may be sent to, or dropped off at, the Manitoba Writers’ Guild offices at 218-100 Arthur Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3B 1H3. Late season publications (November 1 through December 31) may be submitted—with advance notice—until early January.

The jury will announce a short list in March 2015. Finalists will be invited to the Manitoba Book Awards Gala, at which time the recipients will be announced. This year’s awards gala will take place on Saturday, April 25 in the Skyview Ballroom of the historic Marlborough Hotel. For more information, guidelines and entry forms, please visit

Canadian Poets and Poetry Publishers Open Call
Deadline, January 5, 2014
2015 Envoi Poetry Festival, May 31 – June 7, The Forks, Winnipeg, MB. A festival of Canadian poetry celebrating Indigenous, Francophone, and western Canadian poets and spoken word artists, produced by the Envoi Literary Foundation, and Envoi Publishing and Productions. The Envoi Poetry Festival (EPF) will be held at the historic Forks in Winnipeg, a meeting place of Indigenous, French and English cultures—our ancestors, our heroes, and a few villains as well.

Please send an email to [email protected] expressing your interest to present your work at the festival, a literary resume, including a list of publications and/or recordings and your website address. Publishers and poets are encouraged to send a copy of their most recently published book by surface mail to Envoi Poetry Festival, 300 – 245 McDermot Ave, Winnipeg, MB, R3B 0S6.

Selection Criteria for Main Stage Events •Artistic excellence: Looking for mastery of the craft and originality. Innovation and inventiveness of themes and language is valued.
•Ability to engage an audience for up to 30 minutes, with verve and enthusiasm, as we seek to build a larger poetry audience.
•Substantial body of work: Poets must have the equivalent of the criteria of the League of Canadian Poets for a body of work (a book or its equivalent by a recognized publisher, or a substantial body of published work in recognized journals, magazines, etc.) or the Canada Council for the Arts.
•Spoken word and performance poets, and those working in the oral tradition, must have a substantial resume of performances, including performances at major venues.
•French, western Canadian and Indigenous language and culture will be a core element of the program, but not exclusively. Think about the people who came to the linguistic, cultural and economic crossroads of the Winnipeg Forks.
•Poetry for children is welcome.
EPF Book Launch Opportunities for Publishers & Poets •There will be up to 10 opportunities for publisher supported book launches, at noon and late afternoon before Mainstage events begin.
•EPF will provide venues while publishers will supply poets and promotion. Should demand exceed availability, selection criteria will focus on the timeliness of the publication date, with preference given to books published in 2014 and 2015. Publisher support for promotion of the title and the launch as well as the presence of at least one poet will also be taken into consideration.
•Publishers may launch multiple titles (including non-poetry), as long as one poetry title or poet is included. Preference will be given to Indigenous, Francophone and western Canadian titles.
•Poetry for children is welcome.
Forty years ago, the Manitoba Arts Council, under the direction of Marlene Neustaedter, and with the assistance of the Department of Education, supported rural and northern tours of poets following an annual meeting of the League of Poets in Winnipeg. The Envoi Poetry Festival is seeking support for another tour, on a smaller scale, to ensure that poetry is available outside of Winnipeg during Manitoba Poetry Week. Participation is open to all Canadian poets, with one or more Manitoba poet on each tour. If you are interested in being considered for the tour, please indicate in your email or cover letter.

EPF Poetry Outreach Program – Winnipeg
The EPF is planning a “Poetry Welcome Here” program, inviting Winnipeg downtown businesses and offices to purchase and post the promotional card, making them eligible for “Random Acts of Poetry, ” at street level. Random Acts of Poetry will be limited to 15 minutes and one or two poets, paid $50 for a shared presentation and $100 for the full 15 minutes. There could be as many as 15 different Random Acts of Poetry focused on Portage and Provencher Avenues, and Main Street. Audience members could chose to see one or two, taking some time off during a coffee break. Others might prefer to walk the avenue and like a progressive dinner, have a different sample at each location. Participation is open to all Canadian poets. If you are interested in being considered for Random Acts of Poetry, please indicate in your email or cover

EPF Poetry Outreach Program – Children and Young People
This program element is being developed for the Kidsfest weekend (June 5 – 7), at the Manitoba Theatre for Young People at the Forks) Please indicate on the following form if you are an interested poet for children, making sure to specify the age group for which your work is most appropriate. Participation is open to all Canadian poets. If you are interested in being considered for the children and youth outreach program, please indicate in your email or cover letter.
Payment of Artists Fees, Travel and Accommodation

EPF intends to provide artist fees to presenters at the festival, with the exception of book launches. Fees range from a minimum of $50 for participating in a Random Act of Poetry to a maximum of $250 for a full 45-minute reading. Proposals and sponsorships have been submitted to make this possible, though it’s unlikely EPF will be able to cover the travel and accommodation costs of more than 10-12 poets and spoken word artists performing at Mainstage events. EPF is working to expand this capability through Host-A-Poet. Please indicate if you are willing to be hosted.


Shab-e She’r (Poetry Night) XXIV, Toronto, ON
Open Stage of poetry and music featuring poets: Andrea Thomson & Jordan Chiang. Hosts: Bänoo Zan & Kate Marshall Flaherty. Photography: Poetry Pictures. Time: Tuesday, December 16th, 2014. Place: Beit Zatoun, 612 Markham Street, Toronto, ON. Doors open: 6:15 p.m. Sign-up for the open mic: 6:30 p.m.
Start: 7 p.m. Admission: $5

Writer and spoken word artists Andrea Thompson has performed her work at venues across North America and overseas for the past twenty years. A pioneer of Slam poetry in Canada, Thompson’s work has been featured on film, radio, and television; and included in magazines, literary journals and anthologies across the country. Thompson’s poetry is hybridist and unique – blending elements of jazz, dub, hip-hop and traditional literary verse. In 2009 she was awarded the Canadian Festival of Spoken Word’s Poet of Honour: For Outstanding Achievement in the Art of Spoken Word, and in 2005, her spoken word CD One, was nominated for a Canadian Urban Music Award. Thompson is the co-editor of the anthology Other Tongues: Mixed Race Women Speak Out, the author of the poetry collection Eating the Seed, and is a graduate of the University of Guelph’s MFA Creative Writing program. She currently teaches Spoken Word through the Ontario College of Art and Design, and has recently released her debut novel, Over Our Heads with Inanna Publications.

Jordan Chiang is a writer and educator based in Toronto. As an educator, he has taught locally and abroad with a focus on youth empowerment and global citizenship. As a writer, he’s just getting started. He is currently working on his first poetry manuscript with the support of good friends and a creative writing program at the University of Toronto. His work explores issues of identity, culture and the minutiae of the everyday.

Please feel free to spread the word. “Join” the event on Facebook and “invite” your friends; use twitter and other social media. Let us make it as diverse as we are. Facebook link:

Bilingual Poetry Reading Featuring Fantastic Poets from Francophone Canada, Toronto, ON
For the fourth consecutive year, and thanks to the good offices of Gaston Bellemare, creator of wonders, among them the International Poetry Festival of Trois-Rivières, I am organizing a bilingual poetry reading featuring three fantastic poets from Francophone Canada: Corinne Chevarier; Stéphane Despatie; Eric Charlebois. Reading their work in English translation will be Jay MillAr, Karen Shenfeld
Nikita Gourski. The event takes place on Wednesday, December 3rd, between 7 and 10 PM, at the Annex Art Centre, 1075 Bathurst Street (just south of Dupont).

Toronto Poetry Slam
Dec. 7, Toronto Poetry Slam's spoken word competitions returns with guest feature Holly Painter from London. The Drake Hotel, 1150 Queen. St. W. 8pm. $5. 416-312-3865. More info visit:

Qualifier Poetry Slam for Women of the World Poetry Slam, Toronto, ON
Dec. 9, Qualifier Poetry Slam to determine Toronto rep at the Women of the World Poetry Slam in U.S. All-Female slam featuring Britta B. Hosted by Elyse Maltin. Supermarket, 258 Augusta. 8pm. $10 416 312 3865. For more info visit:

Two-Day Professional Grant Development Workshop, Toronto, ON
This intensive interactive two-day professional grant development workshop is perfect for:
• Those who wish to strengthen their grant writing skills
• Beginners who wish to acquire and master the techniques of preparing and writing inning proposals for various funding agencies
Participants will learn how to:
• Write winning proposals that stand out against scores of competing submissions
• Present a compelling description of the need for the project
• Navigate the world of grant procurement
• Understand the guidelines of grant applications
• Know the evaluation process and how to think as a requester and evaluator
• Highlight foundation and corporate giving in the Province of Ontario
Participants will interactively design an abstract, grant design, and budget for their next project. Upon completion of the workshop, participants will be fully prepared for the entire grant application process and have a head start toward success. Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, December 4 - 5, 2014, from 8:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m., $535.00. *There is a $45 discount per person for two or more registrants from the same organization.

Words and Music Salon Saturdays at Vino Rosso, Toronto, ON
Peter will be back with us for this one and it’s going to be another wonderful, fabulous, never-to-be-forgotten afternoon! Hosted by Peter Solmes and Linda Stitt. Featured musician/poet Max Layton; featured author/musician Shane Joseph; guest author Carol Malyon; guest musicians Jeff & Debbie Currie; guest musician Angele Menard; guest vocalist Julie Lynch. Saturday, December 6, 2014 from 1:30 – 4:30 p.m. 995 Bay Street, Toronto, ON, 416-926-1800.

Rowers Reading Series, Toronto, ON
Join the Rowers Reading Series for our annual Best Canadian Poetry night featuring Stevie Howell, Sonnet L’Abbe, Kateri Lanthier and Ricardo Sternberg. Monday, December 1, 2014. Doors open at 6:15 pm, readings begin at 6:45 pm, evening ends at 8:45pm. The Central, 603 Markham St., Toronto

The Factory Reading Series, Ottawa, ON
Factory Reading Series presents three readings and chapbook launches by: Karen Massey (Ottawa), Pearl Pirie (Ottawa) & Marilyn Irwin (Ottawa). Lovingly hosted by rob mclennan on Friday, December 12, 2014; doors 7pm; reading 7:30pm at The Carleton Tavern, 223 Armstrong Street (at Parkdale; upstairs).

Karen Massey lives in Ottawa, between the canal and the river. Her poetry has won numerous prizes and been published in literary journals and anthologies including Decalogue: Ten Ottawa Poets (Chaudiere Books). Her erasure poetry has appeared in anthologies including Bukowski Erasure Poetry Anthology (Silver Birch Press, 2014) and online at, ottawater, Bukowski on Wry, and in Là Bloom, special Bloomsday issue of the Found Poetry Review featuring poetry sourced from James Joyce’s Ulysses. She will be launching the chapbook Strange Fits of Beauty & Light(above/ground press, 2014), her second above/ground press chapbook, after Bullet (1999).

Pearl Pirie’s next collection, Pet Radish, Shrunken is with BookThug, Spring 2015. Host of Literary Landscape on, she has organized Ottawa’s Tree Seed Workshops since 2009 and gives workshops and talks on poetry for various organizations. She blogs and photographs Ottawa’s rich, amazing literary scene. She will be launching the chapbook today's woods (above/ground press, 2014), her fifth above/ground press publication and third chapbook, after vertigoheel for the dilly (2014) and oath in the boathouse (2008).

Marilyn Irwin’s work has been published by above/ground press, Arc Poetry Magazine (where she is a Contributing Editor), Bywords, Dusie,In/Words, and New American Writing, among others. A graduate of Algonquin College’s Creative Writing program and winner of Arc’s 2013 Diana Brebner Prize, she has three chapbooks: for when you pick daisies (2010), flicker (2012), andlittle nothings (2012). for when you pick daisies was reprinted in the Chaudiere Books collection Ground rules: the best of the second decade of above/ground press 2003-2013. She will be launching the chapbook tiny (In/Words, 2014).

For more info visit:

The Banff Centre Spoken Word Program, Banff, AB
Speaking in Volumes - Leap into a fresh new take on spoken word and its fusion with music in the 2015 Banff Centre Spoken Word Program. This 2-week artist residency in the Rocky Mountains is open to artists of all spoken art forms - poetry, hip hop, dub, storytelling, theatre, slam, etc. Our focus is strong writing and strong performance guided by faculty members Tanya Evanson (director), Robert Priest, Ivy and musicians from Kalmunity Vibe Collective - Jahsun (percussion), Malika Tirolien (voice & keys) and Mark Haynes (bass). Application deadline is December 3, 2014 and program dates are March 30-April 11, 2015. Don't not do it. For more info:

The eh List Author Series: Linden MacIntyre – Punishment – Toronto, ON
Tuesday December 2, 7:00 p.m. Auditorium, North York Central Library, 5120 Yonge St., Toronto, ON. In Punishment, his first novel since completing his Long Stretch trilogy, Scotiabank Giller-winner Linden MacIntyre brings us a powerful exploration of justice and vengeance, and the peril that ensues when passion replaces reason in a small town shaken by a tragic death. Please call 416 395 5639 to register for this FREE program.

The eh List Author Series: Jack Granatstein - The Greatest Victory – Toronto, ON
Wednesday December 3, 7:00 p.m. Auditorium, North York Central Library, 5120 Yonge St., Toronto, ON. Jack Granatstein, one of Canada's most prolific and socially active historians, has penned polemics, headed the Canadian War Museum and made deep impacts on the study of history in Canada. In The Greatest Victory, he analyses the Battle of Vimy Ridge in great detail and with considerable force. Please call 416 395 5639 to register for this FREE program.

London Poetry Open Night, London, ON
You and your friends are invited to the London Poetry Open Night this Wednesday, December 3rd at Mykonos Restaurant. Plan to arrive around 6:30 p.m. or earlier for a good seat.

As the featured reader for this month, I'll be sharing work from my first trade publication Tarnished Trophies (Black Moss Press, 2014) as well as several new poems that I am working on. If you're not familiar with my work, four of my poems as well as a Question and Answer interview appears on this event link:

Another highlight of the evening will be the open mic where experienced and emerging poets may share their work. Bring something to read. Sign-up at the door. First come, first serve with a limit of 15 readers. Admission is free but donations are welcome.

Expand your Creative Practice with Artist-Educator Professional Training, Toronto, ON
Are you an artist looking to expand your career into the education, community, and health care sectors? The Royal Conservatory School and Learning Through the Arts offer you a four-tiered certification program to build your toolkit and enhance your skills as an Artist-Educator.

The Royal Conservatory’s courses in Artist-Educator Professional Training are geared toward practicing artists who are already involved, or are interested in becoming involved, in arts education. Each course level – from Foundations to Level III (Mentor Artist) certification – offers a path to successfully working in schools, communities, and health care settings through both theoretical study and hands-on exploration.

You can expect to come out of each course level with a more advanced toolkit of strategies and concrete skills that can be used to bring your art form to work with children, youth, and adults in a variety of contexts.

Each Artist-Educator course uses a module-based learning structure to explore content in a creative atmosphere. Together with your experienced course instructors, you will use engaging, fun, and hands-on arts-infused activities that you can experiment with and eventually apply to your own arts discipline in education and community environments.

Upcoming Courses – Winter 2015
Level 1 (Artist-Educator)
Building on Foundations, this course explores: the Ontario arts curriculum; connecting the arts to other school subjects (e.g. math, language arts, and social studies); successful classroom partnerships and management; and developing arts-based lessons that are both effective and engaging for learners of different ages, stages, and abilities. You can expect to exit this course with concrete, applicable, professional skills that connect your art form to working effectively with children and youth in various settings. Prerequisite: Successful completion of Foundations course. Dates, Times and Cost: Mondays, Jan 26 - Apr 20, 2015 (no classes Feb 16, Mar 16, Apr 6) (10 evenings, 30-hour course) from 6:30-9:30pm Cost: $600.

Level II (Lead Artist)
Lead Artist training deepens your ability to work in schools and community settings. Course content expands on both understanding and shaping practice around: how people learn at different stages of life; adult education; understanding the brain and the neuroscience of learning; and how to develop more advanced lesson plans, including those for adult learners. You will also learn how to promote yourself and your arts education projects through effective presentation skills and project proposal/pitching. Successful completion of Lead Artist training will equip you to take on a more active role in arts education advocacy. You will be empowered to: deliver workshops for teachers, school administrators, and staff; give program demonstrations to funders, media or other audiences; and provide professional workshops for other artists. Prerequisites: Successful completion of Level I with a minimum grade of 65% and permission from the Course Director. Dates, Times and Cost: (Winter 2015) Thursdays, Jan 29 - April 9, 2015 (no class Mar 19) (10 evenings, 30-hour course) from 6:30-9:30pm. Cost: $600

Information and Registration For more information about the Artist-Educator Professional Training please visit:


Fern G.Z. Carr
Fern G.Z. Carr, over the past month, was pleased to be published in Peru, Virginia, North Carolina and twice in California. She also had her poetry accepted for publication in New York, France and Israel. For more info:

Louise Carson
Louise Carson has two poems online in Montreal Serai's latest issue: Believers and Non-Believers. Another poem and its translation into French have found a home in the future anthology: Writing Menopause. This fall Louise read in Montreal at the Yellow Door, the Atwater Library, and the Visual Arts Centre, in Ottawa at the open mic of the Tree Poetry Reading Series, at the Rigaud Municipal Library, Quebec, and in Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec at Twigs & Leaves, a monthly spoken word event where, in September, she won first prize - a large piece of carrot cake. She continues to convene the Greenwood Poets, a grassroots poetry writing collective which has met for the last seven years in rural Quebec.

Magie Dominic
Magie Dominic is interviewed by Canadian Writers Abroad regarding the writing process for her new memoir “Street Angel”; on being a Canadian writer who is writing outside of Canada, and on being multi–disciplinary: art, poetry, essays, and memoir. Interview link:

She also has an Op-Ed in the National Post, Toronto: It’s about wonderful childhood memories of summer and the fantastic Newfoundland ocean.

Keith Inman
Keith’s work appeared or is forthcoming in the following: the Ambassador from Hidden Brook Press; Ascent Aspirations Bizarre Issue, 2nd place; Arborealis a TOPS Contest, Honourable Mention; Judges choice in TOPS Food for Thought Contest; and a journal called Dieresis in Cuba.

His book The War Poems: Screaming at Heaven from Black Moss Press was launched successfully October 9th at Niagara College’s Teaching Winery. War Poems can be purchased through;; at the Niagara College Wine Store, Figg St. Co. 40 Front St. South in Thorold, and the Niagara Historical Society & Museum, 43 Castlereagh St., Notl..

Other recent presentations of his work were: the Stellar Literary festival in Oshawa on June 22, the Niagara Falls Museum September 18th, and the Pen Centre Mall, part of the St Catharines Art Associations Painters and Poets exhibit, October 30th to November 1st. Keith also helped launch the second edition of Window Fishing: the night we caught beatlemania from Hidden Brook Press with fellow poets John B. Lee, Amber Homeniuk, Deborah Cox, Vanessa Shields, John Tyndall, Mark Tovey, Roger Bell and musician Michael Schatte to a sold out audience at the Port Dover Library on August 21st.

Keith will be hosting a night of The Saving Bannister 29th edition authors at the Mahtay Cafe in St Catharines on December 10th.

Susan McCaslin
Susan’s new memoir, Into the Mystic, was just launched in Toronto and can now be ordered through Inanna Publications (see below).

If you live in the Vancouver area, she will also be sending out invitations soon for the Vancouver launch that will take place on Jan. 17, 2015, 3:30-5:30 pm at the Canadian Memorial Centre for Peace on 16th and Burrard.

As well she’ll be launching and touring in BC in the spring with fellow Inanna author Pam Galloway.

For anyone who does reviews, complimentary review copies are available from the publisher (email contact below).

Inanna Publications and Education Inc. is proud to announce the release of:

Into the Mystic: My Years with Olga - a spiritual memoir in poetic prose by Susan McCaslin
"“You won't be the same after reading this book. Into the Mystic: My Years with Olga flows with a subtle, near-miraculous spiritual sweetness. This is a vibrant, light-filled portrait, a document of transformation, an eloquent guidebook. It's a treasure.” - Russell Thornton, author of Birds, Metal, Stones & Rain (nominated for the Governor General’s Award, 2014)

Susan McCaslin is an award-winning Canadian poet and Faculty Emerita of Douglas College in Westminster, BC, where she taught English and Creative Writing for twenty-three years. She is the author of eleven volumes of poetry, including her most recent, The Disarmed Heart (May 2014). Her previous volume of poetry, Demeter Goes Skydiving (2012) was short-listed for the BC Book Prize (Dorothy Livesay Award) and the first-place winner of the Alberta Book Publishing Award (Robert Kroetsch Poetry Book Award) in 2012. Susan has published a volume of essays, Arousing the Spirit: Provocative Writings (2011) and edited two anthologies on poetry and spiritual practice. Freed to be a full-time writer since retiring from teaching, she lives in Fort Langley, British Columbia with her husband.

ISBN no. 978-177133-188-3/ 260 pgs. / $24.95 / November 2014
Passing Stranger - poems by Pam Galloway

" These poems depict the ache and echo of loss with clarity, honesty and lyric intensity. This moving journey through heart and body bears witness to life's myriad beginnings and endings, anticipations and losses." —Fiona Lam

Pam Galloway lives, works and writes in Vancouver and has an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of British Columbia. Her poetry and non-fiction have been featured on CBC radio and her poetry has been published in numerous Canadian literary magazines including The Antigonish Review, The New Quarterly, Contemporary Verse 2, Grain, Descant, Dandelion, Event, The New Orphic Review, Room of One’s Own and twice on the website of the Canadian Parliamentary Poet Laureate. Her first book of poetry Parallel Lines was published in 2006.

ISBN no. 978-177133-184-5 / 112 pgs. / $18.95 / November 2014

To purchase your copy of the above titles, please call our office at 416-736-5356, send us a fax at 416-735-5765, email us at: [email protected] or write to us at 210 Founders, York University, 4700 Keele St. Toronto, ON M3J 1P3. *Online orders are available through our secure web store at the book page links above. Canadian orders: please add 5% gst. Postage in Canada is $8.00 per book. U.S. orders: please add $15.00 for postage and handling. International orders: please add $20.00 for postage and handling.
For review copies, author interviews, publisher interviews, or more information, please contact Inanna Publications and Education Inc. at 416 736 5356 or email [email protected].

Debbie Okun Hill
Debbie Okun Hill will be the featured reader at the London Open Mic Poetry Night, Wednesday, December 3 starting at 7 p.m. at Mykonos Restaurant, 572 Adelaide Street North in London, Ontario. She will be sharing work from her first trade publication Tarnished Trophies (Black Moss Press, 2014) as well as poetry from a new manuscript. This will be followed by a Question and Answer session and an open mic featuring 15 poets from the audience. Admission is free with donations accepted. More details can be found on the open mic website:

To subscribe, unsubscribe, or post a notice, send an e-mail to [email protected]. If members don’t have e-mail access, we’ll be happy to send printed copies by Canada Post. Please send a note to the League office requesting us to do so. Address: 192 Spadina Ave, Suite 312, Toronto, Ontario, M5T 2C2. Send news to [email protected]. The League of Canadian Poets receives operating funding from the Canada Council for the Arts, the Ontario Arts Council and the Toronto Arts Council.

Anna Yin

<Nightlights> <Seven Nights with the Chinese Zodiac> ...
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