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anna[星子安娜] anna作品集 Site Admin
注册时间: 2004-05-02 帖子: 7141
发表于: 星期四 六月 06, 2013 2:47 pm 发表主题: messege from Wang Ping |
Hi, Anna, how are you? Hope this summer is treating you with peace and joy. I'm writing with the hope that you would support Kinship of Rivers project. Here's the link and some reasons for your support .
1. Bring the world’s two greatest rivers together as Sister Rivers, for the first time in civilization.
2. Bring 2000 beautiful river flags made by the people along the Mississippi and its tributaries to the Yangtze as our peace offers.
3. Six artists, writers, poets, musicians (two high school students, 2 college graduates, 2 professors) will bring the best of American culture and spirits (the Mississippi blues, arts, poetry, stories…) to China.
4. The river flags represent the best of American imagination, generosity, care and love for rivers, land, and free spirits.
5. Your wishes for clean water, air and land will be brought to Tibet, flutter and spread from the roof of the world.
6. You get fun perks.
7. It’s easy. Just click the link and contribute. Any amount is important.
8. If you can’t give now, please spread the good will among your friends and come back later when you can.
9. Many people have contributed: poor, rich, local, national, America, China, Europe, Middle East…the whole world is helping.
http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/kinship-of-rivers/x/3410887 _________________ ---------------------
Anna Yin
<Nightlights> <Seven Nights with the Chinese Zodiac> ...
http://annapoetry.com |
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