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The New Culture Days Participation Guide

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注册时间: 2004-05-02
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帖子发表于: 星期五 三月 25, 2011 10:55 am    发表主题: The New Culture Days Participation Guide 引用并回复

The New Culture Days Participation Guide is Now Available!

While many have already started to pre-register their Culture Days 2011 activities since pre-registration opened on March 15, there may be others who are still wondering how they can participate or what’s involved in organizing a Culture Days activity.

We’re pleased to announce that the new Culture Days 2011 Participation Guide is now available. This resource will help answer these questions, and more!

The Participation Guide acts as an introduction to the goals and philosophies behind the Culture Days movement and includes a wide range of information and tips to help you plan and make the best of your 2011 Culture Days weekend. Everyone can play a role in Culture Days: as an arts or cultural organization, an artist, a municipality, a school, a citizen, a business person; you can participate in and contribute to the Culture Days movement!

Download your copy of the Culture Days 2011 Participation Guide here!

These are just a few of the topics covered in The Participation Guide:

• Why Participate? - Learn about the many benefits of being involved in a collective movement to inspire greater participation in arts and culture across Canada.
• How to Participate - Learn about the three basic criteria for all Culture Days activities.
• Ways to Get Involved - Quick tips for artists, arts organizations, tourism boards, arts councils, libraries, municipalities and members of the public.
• Types of Activities - Browse sample Culture Days activities from 2010 for inspiration.
• Planning Checklists - Phases of the campaign and details to help you get organized for Culture Days.
• Support Offered for Your Culture Days activities - Learn about the different marketing, promotional and communications resources at your disposal to help you make the most of your Culture Days experience.

So, what are you waiting for? If you’re thinking about participating in Culture Days, this is your essential guidebook!

Download the Culture Days 2011 Participation Guide and start planning! Feel free to circulate it amongst your networks and community; everyone can join the Culture Days movement!

Pre-Register Your 2011 Culture Days Activity Now!

Once you have an idea as to what kind of activity you’d like to offer as part of Culture Days 2011, be sure to register it as part of the pre-registration period (March 15 – April 22, 2011) so you can access a number of promotional benefits as well as play a key role in generating early momentum for the Culture Days movement leading up to the 2011 launch and event weekend.

By pre-registering:
-Your activity details will be listed on the Culture Days website and may be included in newsletters, social media and other communications;
-You’ll be included in press materials for the Culture Days national media launch this spring;

Many are in the planning stages for Culture Days 2011, so don’t worry; while you may not have all of the details for your activity locked down, you can still pre-register. Details like location or exact date/time of your activity can be marked as “TBD” (To Be Determined). The important thing is to let everyone know that you will be participating in Culture Days 2011; the rest of the details for your activity can be filled in over the coming months.

Anna Yin

<Nightlights> <Seven Nights with the Chinese Zodiac> ...
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