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Nick Noorani's last 'Publisher's Note'

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帖子发表于: 星期四 十月 07, 2010 8:36 am    发表主题: Nick Noorani's last 'Publisher's Note' 引用并回复

Goodbye for now
Nick Noorani's last 'Publisher's Note' for Canadian Immigrant magazine
Nick Noorani
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There is perhaps one thing that weighs on my mind as I leave the magazine — and that is there are still many immigrants out there who are not succeeding. And that is why my work is not done yet.

Goodbye is just another word!

Or so the famous song goes. By the time you read this, I will have left my daily duties as publisher of the magazine to pursue other interests. Written on my last official day, this is therefore my last “Publisher’s Note.”

And it was a tough one to write (seven drafts written and deleted!). As difficult as walking away from a baby you created, breathed life into and nurtured. But this baby is all grown up and has fulfilled everything that any proud parent could want.

From the very first issue, the magazine got heartfelt thanks from so many immigrants. Immigrants whose lives changed. Immigrants who responded when I scolded them for giving up. Immigrants who reached out and sent me hundreds of thousands of emails over the years. You don’t know it, but every single one of your emails touched me and made me more determined to overcome obstacles. My sincere apologies for not being able to answer all of your emails, but you can rest assure that I read them all.

So, as I sit here wistfully looking out the window, I ask myself “Any regrets?” And the answer is a resounding “No!” The magazine has allowed me to speak to all of you every month. Allowed me to create content and events like the first national awards recognizing immigrant excellence — the Top 25 Canadian Immigrant awards. Allowed me to meet corporations and talk to them about the value of hiring immigrants. Allowed me to speak with the highest level of politicians to try to make life just a bit easier for every single one of you. On the way, I received recognition, awards and accolades, all because of you.

But there is perhaps one thing that weighs on my mind as I leave the magazine that I designed and glued together — and that is there are still many immigrants out there who are not succeeding. Immigrants who are working in jobs below their expertise. Immigrants who have given up and that hurts me. Immigrants who have stopped believing in themselves. And that is why my work is not done yet.

So let me rewind to the birth of the magazine. Some of you may have heard it before, but here it is for the last time from me on this page.

It all started with a 3 a.m. dream on March 25, 2003. I dreamed about a magazine for immigrants. I then sat at my computer and wrote out what my dream for this magazine would be. I was excited and couldn’t go back to sleep. That day, at work I spoke to some colleagues and they, too, found it a great idea. From then on, every free moment was spent on scouring the internet on everything to do with Canadian immigration.

The magazine was officially launched in Vancouver on April 28, 2004, with a gathering of friends and well wishers. With a small circulation of 7,000 copies, we received scores of letters from immigrants, educators and stakeholders alike. I also received our first offer to be bought out!

The magazine grew by leaps and bounds adding advertisers and circulation in its first three years. We also added a scholarship to help immigrants called the Lilian To Scholarship. As a new magazine owned by a relatively new immigrant, it was difficult to manage the growing need for additional finance and, in December 2006, it was acquired by the Toronto Star.
Shortly after, we launched a Toronto edition. The magazine has evolved physically as well. From a tabloid newsprint in the first year to the glossy one you now hold, it has been a great journey.

The magazine could not have happened without a great team and others whom I wish to thank. First of all my wife, Sabrina, who believed in me when many thought the magazine would never fly. My editor, Margaret Jetelina, who has been the editor from the first issue and with whom I have spent many hours arguing content! My business adviser at the YMCA, Debbie Catherwood, who has been a mentor, friend and guide all rolled into one. Praveen Varshney, my mentor, who always had time to give me his advice even though he was busy himself. Steve Mayall, for giving me a boost up when I needed it most.

After today, I will spend more time with my speaking career and other consultancy work. Hopefully, I will also complete my second book.

As I leave I know I pass on the baton to an extremely capable team and have confidence that the legacy I have created will continue to grow in the years to come. Those of you who wish to follow me may do so from my website, my Facebook account and Twitter.

I may have left the magazine, but you can be sure I won’t leave my life passion of helping immigrants.
Goodbye for now.

Anna Yin

<Nightlights> <Seven Nights with the Chinese Zodiac> ...
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