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Reading Poetry In Cambridge

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帖子发表于: 星期六 四月 17, 2010 10:08 pm    发表主题: Reading Poetry In Cambridge 引用并回复

It was my first time to visit Cambridge. After 45 minutes driving, I arrived at the City Hall. The Cambridge Art Center was next to it. It got a little dark since it was near 7:00pm. But the city was still beautiful and the sunset cast a nice view on several European style towers. I regretted not come a little bit early to take a tour of the city and take some pictures. I managed to take two pictures and rushed to the reading building.

I was surprised to find there were around 100 people waiting there.
There was a jazz band in the left corner. There was refreshment on the other side. People wore evening attire and looked very sophisticated. The host greeted me and asked my name. Since I was one of the winners, she gave me the little book which included our poems.
The whole event was organized very well. It had three sessions. First, introduce judge for children poetry category, then ten winners from this group read their poems. I was amazed by one kid who wrote so well, here I wanted to share her poem:

The shores –by Nicole Ewe
As you and me lie by
The sea we look in each
Other’s eyes. I think of
How we were meant to be
And I wish that you could
See that the shores we
Lay on aren’t just some
Other place. This is where
We fell in Love and we will
Never ever leave.

There were also many others I liked. The host said after each read in public, we were invited to go upstairs to the studio to record our poems. A week later, they would all be on the library website.

The second group was Youth. The third was Adult. Each group, there was different judges, they had great and short speeches. I was stunned to know that each group had received more than 200 poems, some even from India and USA. The host joked that they were considering sponsoring them flying here.

Among each group, we had ten minutes break and we could eat and drink and chat. I found several old friends there and one was the judge for Children group, others were poets.
I record some of the reading and would like to email to them.
After the event, the judge for Adult Poetry, Veronica Ross told me that I was very talent and she loved my poems very much. She asked me to submit more poems and keep contact. I said I would like to.
Sometimes poetry did the magic for me, I always thought I would write on and on.

I would like to suggest Mississauga to do the same next year!

Anna Yin

<Nightlights> <Seven Nights with the Chinese Zodiac> ...
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