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CRITIQUE checklist

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注册时间: 2004-05-29
帖子: 321
来自: China

帖子发表于: 星期二 九月 13, 2005 9:52 pm    发表主题: CRITIQUE checklist 引用并回复

When you examine a poem you could use this checklist to help you to critique and provide feedback (scroll down):

A poem will often give us insight into a person's thoughts. What does this poem tell you about the poet?

What was your interpretation of the poem? What do you believe the poet meant for you to interpret?

Influence, Impact
How did the poem influence you? What impact did it have upon you? Describe from your own perspective remembering that this might not have been what the poet intended.

Comment upon the ideas used. Was the poet original?

How well did the poet or writer illustrate his / her points? If a poet used graphics to enhance his / her poem, how well did this fit? Did the illustration enhance or detract from the poem?

Poetry can be very inspirational. How were you inspired by the work?

How much information was supplied? Was it enough? Was more information needed to make the poem more meaningful?

Ignite, Inflame or incite
This goes again to what kind of emotion was evoked when reading the poem. Sometimes poetry is intended to elicit a response. Sometimes the poet's intention is to incite rather than impact in a positive way.

This is probably one of the most important factors to consider when reading poetry. When you read the words, what images do you see? How powerful and vivid were the mental images? Could the poet have painted a more vivid picture?

Imagination, Innovation
It is important for a poet to use his or her imagination and to be innovative. Use of cliches and hackneyed expressions greatly detract from the poem. Originality is the key. How effective was the poet in this area?

Was the poem in any way reminiscent of the poetry of another? Again this goes to originality. A poet should always strive to express naturally and should avoid copying the style of any other poet. We may be influenced by poets we admire but our work should always be our own. Careful never to plagiarize.

How has the poet used patterns or stress and intonation in the poem? Has this been effecitve?

Has the poet tended to exaggerate or slip into hyperbole? Sometimes this technique is used when writing comical poetry but it is important that the poet is careful not to over-ice the cake.

Check for use of idiomatic expression. Has this worked in the poem? Suggestions?

Intellect, intelligence
Although it doesn't take great intelligence to write good poetry, a lot of thought should go into the writing or rather revision of a first draft. Sometimes when I write creatively, I let my creative mind have free rein but I will invariably go back and put a lot of thought into what my words are saying, how they will be read by others and also into how the technical aspects of the poem work (e.g. rhyme if applicable, meter etc.)

Is the poet being introspective or does the poem cause you to become introspective? Poetry should always lead to reflection and this may lead to enlightenment.

One of the faults of many poets is to leave an idea incomplete or unfinished. This can be effective but it is important that the poet completes his / her work. Could the poet have completed his or her ideas better? Were words missing? etc.

The poet entices a reader with the opening line and leaves an impression with the closing line. Has the poem left you with a positive or lasting impression? The impact of some of the poetry I have read in my life has left an indelible impression upon me.
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