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slammin' with Milt!!!! (AcornFest​)

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注册时间: 2004-05-02
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帖子发表于: 星期六 六月 02, 2012 2:27 pm    发表主题: slammin' with Milt!!!! (AcornFest​) 引用并回复

Hi Jim & All Acornites,
Yeah, I knew the Raven King would come thru with a bright idea! SLAMMIN' WITH MILT! Love it!

When I was in TO for the hobnob at Grossman's Tavern for Milt's selected last month, I dragged by The Black Swan poetry event the next nite for David Day's reading. There were a lot of interactive events - sort of mini slams - T-shirt winners & all - altho as you say, Jim, really everyone in the audience was a winner that nite. The evening had the feel of People's Poetry - those of us lucky enuff to have heard Milt in his heyday recognized the vibe!!!

And having a SLAMMIN' WITH MILT around the ZRG campfire exonerates me or anyone else from the onerous task of judging a poetry contest - the audience decides! not some self-appointed arbiter. The more I htink about it (well, this first beer is going down well!) the better your idea sounds ; )

peace & poetry power!
slammin' and slummin' cricket ... and Chase ... wrffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff! (man, dogs been doing this shit forever - pack power)

hey guys...

It says a lot about Purdyfest if I am the 'conscience' and 'logicaian'.... (how immoral and stupid is that???)

Given that my poem "I Whisper Love" is one of my best received and known works the idea of a contest sound like it could be fun.

Now things at PF tend to be informal, and yes if it happens it should be no work for you Chris, but most organic things at PF have arrived from independent initiative, so if people want to attach a contest as part of the event, as long as it is fun and not commercial, I think it is a good idea.

One idea that came to mind is a Milton Acorn Poetry Slam as one of the Zen River events. It seems to me Acorn's style of poetry invented Slam poetry... only 20 years before there were any poetry Slam events. Generally from what I have seen Slam tends to be embracing the concepts of People's Poetry in someways better than formal alternative publishing. Slam at its best is not about winning but about including the audience as feed back participants.

So there you go as an idea... A Milton Acorn around the Zen River campfire People's Poetry Slam!!!

a few rambles from the Raven's Nest

Anna Yin

<Nightlights> <Seven Nights with the Chinese Zodiac> ...
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