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the LCP news for Nov

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注册时间: 2004-05-02
帖子: 7141

帖子发表于: 星期四 十一月 03, 2011 6:21 pm    发表主题: the LCP news for Nov 引用并回复

RAYMOND SOUSTER TRIBUTE IN TORONTO NOVEMBER 22On Tuesday, November 22nd, Raymond Souster, one of the League of Canadian Poets’ founders, will be honoured at the Runnymede Branch of the Toronto Public Library, 2178 Bloor Street West, 6:30 to 7:30. Doors open at 6:00. The League’s Toronto Rep. Allan Briesmaster will host. Author/poetry historian Terry Barker will present a brief overview of Ray’s life and seminal contributions to Canadian poetry, Greg Gatenby will speak on how Ray’s founding of Toronto’s first reading series inspired him to found the Harbourfront Reading Series, and Star columnist and author Joe Fiorito will tell of meeting Ray, and Ray’s encouragement when Joe first came to Toronto. There will also be a short multimedia presentation by Anna Yin. It is hoped that Ray will be well enough to make a very rare public appearance and recite a recent poem or two. For further information, see or phone 416-393-7697. This event is particularly timely, in that the new Award for League Members which was unanimously approved at the last AGM is to be named the Raymond Souster Award. The naming has since been endorsed by the National Council, and Ray gave his permission. League members and their friends are cordially invited to attend this event. Be sure to arrive before 6:30.

Anna Yin

<Nightlights> <Seven Nights with the Chinese Zodiac> ...
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Site Admin

注册时间: 2004-05-02
帖子: 7141

帖子发表于: 星期日 十二月 11, 2011 4:36 pm    发表主题: 引用并回复

from Sue.... (save it from now)

1. Raymond Souster honoured
2. New reps: Atlantic and Alberta
3. Thirsts is out!
4. National Poet Laureate
5. Access benefits: $ you might not know about
6. PK Page Trust Fund Readings leap ahead
7. LCP at Small Press Book Fair
8. Bill C-11 (copyright)
9. Parliamentary Budgets
10. Layton's 100th (Poetry Quebec)
11. Survey 2011

1. At the June 2011 AGM, members approved a new book prize for all LCP members. National Council has agreed to name this prize after the outstanding and enormously influential and loved poet Raymond Souster. Raymond is in his ninth decade, and living in Toronto. Allan Briesmaster has organized a small reception to honour him tonight (22 November). The reception has been kept small in order to spare the poet undue strain. We are planning a larger public celebration of the award and of Raymond Souster at the gathering in June in Saskatoon.

2. NEW REPS: We are sorry indeed to say goodbye to Julia McCarthy, who was our Council representative for the Atlantic provinces, but who is unable to continue serving. Thank you, Julia, for the fine job you've done for us. Our warm thanks also to Ariel Gordon, who has served now for two terms as our Alberta rep, and on the important Strategic Planning committee; her schedule now prevents from continuing to serve. Though we will miss them both, we are delighted to welcome Leslie Vryenhoek as our new Atlantic rep ( and Dymphny Dronyk as our new Alberta rep ( Leslie and Dymphny are terrific additions to National Council. Thank you for joining us!

3. THIRSTS: In announcing that Ottawa member Pearl Pirie won the draw for a free membership following our recent survey, I said her book Thirsts would be out soon. In fact, it came out in September 2011, and is being very well received. Take a look.

4. NATIONAL POET LAUREATE: Thank you for responding so quickly to my call for names and a committee to choose a candidate for the national Poet Laureate position from the League. We have an excellent committee, and as soon as a name has been approved by National Council will let you know. NOTE: individual submissions are treated on an equal basis by the selection committee for the PL -- so do go ahead and send in your own favourites. The more submissions, the more clear it is that Canadians value this post.

The process to choose the next PL has not yet started for this term. It's organized by the Library of Parliament -- we have sent them an inquiry from the League; other groups are doing this too. More inquiries would be helpful, from groups or individuals. Please send to [email protected]. See


We are now well over the $10,000 goal for our first deposit, and the trust fund will give us our first League income to support poets and poetry across Canada in April 2012. We've had great readings so far in Victoria, BC, hosted by Dennis Reid, in Matiland, NS, by me (Susan McMaster), in London, ON, held by Penn Kemp and Gloria Mulhaney, in Fredericton, by Kathy Mac, and in Toronto by Mark Battenberg.

Just about to launch is a large reading in Mississauga on December 4 (, hosted by Anna Yin with feature reader and member Richard Greene, plus Elana Wolff, Laura Lush, Honey Novick, Allan Briesmaster, Cheryl Xavier, Zohr Zoberi, Maria Marchelletta, Josie Andrews, and Ann Elizabeth Carson.

Still to come are readings in St. John's, Nfld, hosted by Mary Dalton and Leslie Vroyenhoek, in Ottawa, by Terry Ann Carter, in Toronto, by John Oughton and Allan Briesmaster, on Gabriola Island by Janet Vickers with readers Sandy Shreve and Heidi Greco, on Prince Edward Island by Dianne Morrow, and in Owen Sound by Dawna Proudman. If you are nearby, and want to help out, please contact these organizers. (If I've forgotten anyone, please let me know.)

As well, Dave Margoshes in Saskatoon has offered to donate a reading though not to organize: is there a Saskatooner who could give him a venue?

The PK Page Trust Fund began as a modest project -- a gleam in the eye of Dennis Reid -- and League members have thrown themselves behind it and made it into a large and growing resource base for the future of the League. Congratulations!

6. ACCESS BENEFITS: Our Access rep, Kelly Ann Reiss, has been working with Margaret McGuffin from Access to summarize the effect of some recent changes that positively affect affiliates (you and me), and also to remind us of provisions already in place that are under-applied. Do read this: I thought I had everything covered, but discovered $ I didn`t know I could claim. I have taken the liberty of bolding some items that were news to me. Margaret is eager to discuss any and all items with members ([email protected]).

ACCESS COPYRIGHT MADE EASY—SIX THINGS ALL WRITERS SHOULD KNOW 1. Access Copyright distributes two types of royalties: Title specific and non-title specific.
2. Title-specific royalties are paid out using data collected from organizations that have Access Copyright licences. Title-specific royalties related to trade books are shared equally between authors and publishers even if your publisher contract says something different.

In the case of textbooks and academic journals, 100 per cent can go to the publisher only if the creator has assigned copyright to the publisher and the publisher has notified Access Copyright. Otherwise Access Copyright will pay the writer 50 per cent.

On title-specific works, freelance journalists who write for magazines and newspapers receive 100 per cent of all royalties. Staff writers of magazines and newspapers receive zero per cent. (
3. Fifty per cent of all the non-title specific royalties are paid out annually through Payback to writers and visual artists. Additionally, since 2010, Payback has been topped up with a 15 per cent allocation from all available royalties before these other royalties are distributed.
4. If your work is out of print, let Access Copyright know, and 100 per cent of title-specific payments will then go to you.

5. Quebec authors whose works are mainly published outside of the province of Quebec can join Access Copyright. However, if most of your works are published by a Quebec publisher, you should join Copibec (
6. If a writer has works outside the 20-year window, you will only receive the base payment for Payback. However, you will be paid for works published outside the 20-year window, if the work is copied and reported by a licencee,
Note: Payback is calculated in two steps:
Step one—40 per cent of the Payback pool is distributed on an equal basis to all eligible affiliates.
Step two—60 per cent is distributed as a supplementary payment that will vary depending on what you published, how much you published and when you published.
Many of us attend events like the Ottawa Small Press Book Fair organized by rob mclennan, where I rented a table recently. Knowing I would be there anyway, I sent out a call to Ottawa and area League members to drop off their books for sale. A couple did so; sales were modest but there was lots of conviviality, new friends, and League connections made, and as well we supported an excellent local event. If you are doing something similar -- a book sale, an opening, whatever -- consider asking other League members to join you, and consider donating a small portion of any net take, e.g., 10% ($4 for me this time). We all gain.

8. BILL C-11: The new copyright bill, which is an almost exact copy of the previous one, is going to pass. In spite of widespread sympathy for our concerns among MPs, including Conservative ones; we cannot stop it. However, we have been working with many other arts groups including TWUC and PWAC to see what we can do to mitigate the effect of the bill. More to come.

9. PARLIAMENTARY BUDGETS: The new budgets from the Harper government do not appear to have anything much new for us. Some already assigned $ have been re-announced. We, along with all our sister and brother organizations, will be looking for ways to work with what we have been offered, and to expand it where possible.

10. LAYTON'S 100TH: Poetry Quebec is celebrating Irving Layton's centenary with its spring issue and a major event on March 11, 2012. For more info, or to contribute to the issue, contact info@poetry-quebec.

11. SURVEY 2011: My next Prez Notes will cover one of the sets of extensive commentaries that came in as part of the recent Member Survey. We have already begun making some changes following the survey, such as smoothing access and navigation on the website. We will keep actively responding to your opinions, questions and suggestions.
Thanks, all! Talk to you soon.

Anna Yin

<Nightlights> <Seven Nights with the Chinese Zodiac> ...
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