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Comments for Chinese Parents' parenting

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注册时间: 2004-05-02
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帖子发表于: 星期日 十一月 27, 2011 3:47 pm    发表主题: Comments for Chinese Parents' parenting 引用并回复

Read the article and give me comments and response. Using O.R.E.P.

O: Opinion

R: Reasoning

E: Explanation

P: Proof

---This is Jason's homework. He was asked to write his comments. And I was asked to write mine. So here it is.

I don’t agree with Amy on a lot of things. I heard the story about her before; I couldn’t believe some parents are like this. I agree that generally, Chinese parents are strict. But things change. Especially for us who immigrated to Canada. We are more blended to western culture and open to different parenting skills and thoughts. For example, we try to encourage Jason to participate all kind of social activates and sports. While he was very young, 5 years-old, we let him join many public events.
We believe that except academic, one should have a good social skills and creative mind. So Jason grows from a shy child to a friendly boy. We believe each child is different. So we are open to let him try and find out what the strength and interest he has.
That paid off. After his initial trying: swimming, skating, painting, music and chess, we ask him to think except for fun, he should find his potential.
I agree with Amy about that when they are good at something, they will have fun. We are strict with him to not giving up. Practice is not fun for any child. So we need to be strict and push a lot. Jason now is very good at basketball, table tennis, music and math. I truly believe the strict from parents paid off.
I don’t like Amy’s insulting her daughters. I don’t think it is a good parenting skill. I believe in positive parenting approaches. Love, trust and respect should be established between kids and parents. A being loved child is more happy. I think I want my child not only success, but also happy. I think Amy misses a very important part of life.

Anna Yin

<Nightlights> <Seven Nights with the Chinese Zodiac> ...
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