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Tribute to Ray Souster /new RAYMOND SOUSTER AWARD

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Site Admin

注册时间: 2004-05-02
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帖子发表于: 星期二 十月 04, 2011 6:54 am    发表主题: Tribute to Ray Souster /new RAYMOND SOUSTER AWARD 引用并回复

Tribute to Ray Souster Nov. 22 @ Runnymede Public Library/plans firming up/new RAYMOND SOUSTER AWARD
Hi Everyone,
Plans are going well for the evening tribute to Raymond Souster at Runnymede Branch of Toronto Public Library (TPL). Terry Barker has confirmed the date and time with Branch Head Helen Flint:
Tuesday, Nov. 22.

We have booked the library from 6 to 8 pm, and the tribute will take place from 6:30 to 7:30 pm.

The tribute will be in the upstairs meeting room, which seats about 60. This is intended to be a casual event, and we are hoping for a 'comfortably sized' attendance.

The tribute fits in well with Runnymede's ongoing author reading series, the "Eh List".
Runnymede Branch is also Ray's local library, and it is the site of some of the founding meetings of the League of Canadian poets, so it is a most appropriate venue for many reasons.

Things are still in the developmental stages, but following is the initial anticipated schedule:

Poet Allan Briesmaster will MC the Tribute. Allan is the Toronto rep for the League of Canadian Poets. To honour Ray, Allan and David Day have promoted the new Raymond Souster Award, which will be given to the League member with the best annual poetry collection (to be ratified at the League's annual meeting next June).

Allan will intro author/poetry historian Terry Barker, who will present a brief overview of Ray's life and seminal contributions to Canadian poetry.

Poet Anna Yin will give a multi-media presentation.

Several writers, in various genres, have agreed to present reminiscences on Ray and his influence on and support of their writing. Greg Gatenby will speak on how Ray's founding of TO's first reading series inspired him to found the Harbourfront Reading Series. Toronto Star columnist and author Joe Fiorito will tell of meeting Ray, and Ray's encouragement, when Joe first came to Toronto. Poet Norma West Linder and several others will also give tributes.

If you are, or know of, someone who should be invited to give one of these brief presentations (about 5+ minutes), please contact Terry Barker at 416-491-8676 or contact me by email (Chris Faiers: [email protected]).

Ray Souster is 90, and blind, and we are hoping he will be able to attend and recite from his recent collection BIG SMOKE BLUES to conclude the evening. Come prepared to buy a copy : )


Anna Yin is arranging publicity photos of Ray and his book for TPL. The evening will be promoted by TPL in the Runnymede Branch flyer and on TPL's website.

Several participants, including Anna and Allan, are members of the League of Canadian poets, and they will coordinate publicity thru the League's newsletter and other resources.

We are starting to beat the drums ssssooffffffffffttttllllllly. The event is almost 2 months away, and we want a nice-sized audience, but we don't want to overwhelm Ray, the library, or ourselves. Everyone involved is very busy with other projects and jobs, except me, and I'm isolated out here in the Marmora hinterland.


The tribute is happening because a number of Toronto poets and friends have been visiting Ray: among them Terry Barker, James Deahl, Donna Dunlop (need her email address pls), Allan & Holly Briesmaster, Kent Bowman and Mick Burrs. It was Terry's suggestion to feature Ray's life and work at this summer's symposium at the Purdy Country LitFest (PurdyFest). Terry and Anna enjoyed giving their well prepared presentations, but it seemed a pity that Ray himself wasn't present.


Suggestions are most welcome, and please direct them to Terry or myself.

from Chris

Anna Yin

<Nightlights> <Seven Nights with the Chinese Zodiac> ...
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Site Admin

注册时间: 2004-05-02
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帖子发表于: 星期二 十一月 08, 2011 10:05 am    发表主题: 引用并回复

We will have many guest speakers.

We will have Mr. Colombo too.

Anna Yin

<Nightlights> <Seven Nights with the Chinese Zodiac> ...
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Site Admin

注册时间: 2004-05-02
帖子: 7141

帖子发表于: 星期一 十一月 14, 2011 8:03 am    发表主题: 引用并回复


Anna Yin

<Nightlights> <Seven Nights with the Chinese Zodiac> ...
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Site Admin

注册时间: 2004-05-02
帖子: 7141

帖子发表于: 星期一 十一月 14, 2011 8:04 am    发表主题: 引用并回复

At Ray's event, we will meet Ray and Colombo.... Their poems were in the following film made by National Film Board.

Anna Yin

<Nightlights> <Seven Nights with the Chinese Zodiac> ...
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Site Admin

注册时间: 2004-05-02
帖子: 7141

帖子发表于: 星期一 十一月 14, 2011 8:28 am    发表主题: 引用并回复

很巧的是今年二月Terry 建议我做一个Ray的poetry presentation 在AL PurdyFest,我答应了。但告诉Terry 如果我们回中国,就把presentation 录好备份给他。
还好,因为儿子参加全加拿大乒乓球赛正好在七月中,所以不方便回中国。 但我们以往每年的宿营计划也没有订。所以当儿子比赛完,很开心地拿到全国11岁组第三。我说那我们一起去Al PurdyFest, 参加活动并宿营如何?(感谢Chris 邀请我们全家可以一起去会新朋友,诗友,并免费宿营)
Visiting ZenRiver Gardens 确实是一次奇特的经历,我儿子很开心。说明年还去。我也写了一组诗歌纪念,这次经历也用在了我十月和十月个做的三次 Poetry Alive event 上。
我从来没有想过以后会在Toronto 做,并将见到Ray以及其他几位。


Anna Yin

<Nightlights> <Seven Nights with the Chinese Zodiac> ...
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Site Admin

注册时间: 2004-05-02
帖子: 7141

帖子发表于: 星期六 十一月 26, 2011 9:24 pm    发表主题: 引用并回复

from ZenRiver Gardens:

Poetry Tribe* Honours Elder: Raymond Souster

Last winter professor/philosopher/author Terry Barker began lobbying me to feature the life and work of seminal Canadian poet Raymond Souster at our annual August Purdy Country LitFest (PurdyFest) gathering. Terry explained Souster's key roles in creating a modern Canadian poetry, and the major roles he played in founding the League of Canadian poets and in reinvigorating public Canadian poetry readings.

Of course I was quickly won over, but Terry persisted in advocating for Ray. I learned Terry was visiting Ray on a regular basis in his nursing home, as were poets James Deahl, Kent Bowman, Donna Dunlop, Mick Burrs and probably others. And at 90 years old, Ray was publishing another collection, BIG SMOKE BLUES.

And so Terry and poet Anna Yin gave presentations on Ray at this summer's Symposium at PurdyFest #5. Anna's powerpoint display was a nice counterpoint to Terry's academic overview of Ray's work and historical importance to the CanLit scene. But it seemed a pity that only 13 Purdyfesters, gathered in the rural Ontario Marmora Public Library meeting room, had the opportunity to share in their enthusiastic knowledge.

I suggested they should repeat their performance in Toronto, while Ray is still alive, and where Ray lives. Thus was created the idea for last night's heartfelt tribute to Ray at the Runnymede Public Library in west end Toronto. Unfortunately Ray was unwell, on antibiotics, and unable to attend. But an intimate gathering of 60 filled the pleasant meeting room on the library's upper floor to hear tributes from poets Ray has influenced.

Helen flint, the new Runnymede Head Librarian, warmly welcomed us, and introduced poet Allan Briesmaster, who hosted the tribute. She noted Runnymede Library has been Ray's lifelong branch of Toronto Public Library, and that preliminary meetings of the League of Canadian Poets were held nearby.

I didn't take notes, being eager to listen without distraction, so this is a subjective report on the evening, rather than a journalistic one. Apologies for names omitted or misspelled. Toronto Star columnist Joe Fiorito was one of the speakers, and I suspect Joe will write a more professional report on events. Joe also gave one of the most striking tributes. He told of arriving in TO from Fort William, an eager and naive young poet, eager to meet established poets. After much hesitation, Joe found Ray's number in the phone book, and finally screwed up his courage to call. Ray's wife answered, and upon learning Joe is a 'good Italian boy', she encouraged a reluctant Ray to meet the neophyte poet. Ray took Joe to lunch, and complimented him on his poetry. Joe's advice to young poets having lunch with their idols, 'Don't order soup - it's obvious your hand is shaking with each spoonful'.

John Robert Colombo told another favourite tale. Although the creator of public poetry readings in Canada, Ray left much to be desired as the host and emcee. 'He was a bit stiff, as if still in the bank teller's cage where he worked. And he was very shy'. JRC listed the poets in one of Ray's rosters, each one now famous. 'Ray admired maritime poet Alden Nowlan (as do I), and brought Nowlan to TO for a reading, at some considerable expense. After the audience had settled, Ray stepped forward to shyly announce that unfortunately the feature poet hadn't arrived. A hand went forward from the back of the room, and an even shyer voice managed to speak up, Yes, I'm here!'

Each presenter gave a brief and heartfelt tribute to Ray. Greg Gatenby, founder of Harbourfront's world class International authors series, told of how Ray inspired him to found the series. Poets Mick Burrs, James Deahl, Kent Bowman and Norma West Linder gave emotional tributes which caused small gasps in the audience.

Novelist Hugh Cook drove from Hamilton to reminisce about writing his master's thesis on Ray's work, and how surprised he was that Anna Yin had somehow discovered this lost treasure in university library archives.

Ray's close friend Donna Dunlop closed the evening with another sign of Ray's generosity and love and support of poetry and the poetry tribe. She drew tickets from a coffee cup, each of the 5 winners receiving a collection of 5 of Ray's signed poetry collections.

* I believe it was poet James Deahl who told me that Toronto People's poet Ted Plantos referred to the poets he knew as a "tribe".

Anna Yin

<Nightlights> <Seven Nights with the Chinese Zodiac> ...
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