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书还没印刷,review 先写了

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注册时间: 2004-05-02
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帖子发表于: 星期四 八月 05, 2010 12:50 pm    发表主题: 书还没印刷,review 先写了 引用并回复

其实出版商是想让写 introduction 的, Terry 是属于喜欢引经据典写成学术类的,,,,所以出版商打回,明说写Anna的Personal passion and Journey, soul quest?.... 出版商认为这才是卖点。



(不过,我更好奇等着读他写的pensonal 的介绍。。。因为他很难写这一类的。。。。完全不是他的风格)


以下是Terry Barker写的。

Review of Anna Yin, “Wings Towards Sunlight”(forthcoming)

In writing of the evolution of language in his classic Poetic Diction (1928), Owen Barfield noted that “to the poet or critic, a language which has reached “the stage of development “in which word order is fixed and so essential to the expression of meaning that a slight change may actually reverse the sense” will present “the appearance of crystallization.” Barfield further remarked that “of known languages, Chinese is the farthest developed in this direction.” James J.Y. Liu, in his The Art of Chinese Poetry(1962) suggests that “the Chinese mentality” itself “ is inclined to concentrate on the essence rather than the appearance, and is therefore ‘essentialist’” with regard to the immediate experience, but, paradoxically, “in its attitude towards life as a whole, it is more ‘existentialist’, a structure of consciousness productive of short, concrete, and rather eclectic poems.
Wings Towards Sunlight , this first full collection of poems by the gifted emerging Chinese-Canadian poet, Anna Yin, has not only the above qualities, but has also blended this highly imagistic style with freshly-conceived similes and metaphors.
As a plant grows from its roots, tradition plays an important role in her poetic vision and its influence is reflected throughout the book. However, as a careful reading of this poetry will reveal, Anna Yin, who has lived in Canada for a decade, has developed the ability in her writing to bridge the Chinese and Western sensibilities, an achievement which has not often occurred either in China, where traditional and Western-style poetic “schools” have been in competition since late Manchu times, or in Europe and North America, where “oriental” themes and prosody have been copied since the Romantics.
Wings Towards Sunlight is a sequence of two movements of the consciousness, named by Yin as “There Must Be Something” and “We Grow Faces” which describe the poet’s discovery of meaning, joy and loss with regard to human love and the natural world, through her oriental consciousness and poetic dialogue with Western poetry, and with two rather different American women poets in particular, Emily Dickinson and Sylvia Plath. Indeed, the epigraph for Yin’s collection is a line from Dickinson, “The soul should always stand ajar, ready to welcome the ecstatic experience.” Yin writes about common natural things that stimulate her ecstatic experience, as in her opening poem “Rain”:

You don’t pray for rain in mountains,
it comes and goes as if to home…

This poem ends with a surprise sublime meditational experience.

In “A White Moon Looms”:

The tree grows dark ears
listening to winds’ intense voice,
throughout restless nights.

Rain falls on your lips,
dry thirst resists.

I only utter this word.

She vividly evokes a feeling both exotic and erotic through her distinctive voice. This well represents the mixture of Eastern and Western cultures and styles where imagistic implication and direct expression both come together.

Through observing daily life and a seemingly-unimportant scene, Yin brings our feelings and senses to the fore by her engaged mind and sensitivity. For example, in her poem “ The Flowers in My Vase”, she writes:

Tonight, I gaze at them,
inhaling their silence.

Thus, those unknown flowers become alive through this touching sad expression.

And the poem “Raspberries” (On our bed / we lie like flatfish’ Outside, stars grow old...) also demonstrates these qualities and powerfully reveal the loneliness of Humans and Nature.
There are also many other poems wherein dreams, desires, shadows, moonlight and memories are expresses as both interior and exterior, where moments and experiences describe the openness to the transcendent in the ordinary affairs of life, a quality that the philosopher Eric Voegelin (in his The Form of the American Mind) finds in American Puritan mysticism and Common Sense philosophy at their best.

In this book, Yin leads the reader to meditate on personal relationships and universal feelings by means of her unique structure of words and images. Although her writing sometimes approaches the self-absorption and Surrealism of much contemporary Western poetry, it never falls fully into these modes of expression, Anna Yin clearly rejecting Plath’s self-destructive solipsism. In her poem, “the Wall”, she writes:
A grey wall now, clawed and bloody.
We mount the mirrors,
side by side, fixed with glue.
The light spins.
We grow faces.

Yin is passionate for answers and solutions to the puzzle of love and life. She refuses to surrender to the difficulty of reality. A balance of consciousness is achieved, but dreaminess is not denied. This is, I believe, because of Yin’s genuine blend of Chinese “mystical naturalism” and the rather stark cultural reality she has experienced as an immigrant to Canada, (she is a working high-tech professional, rather than a literary academic, or member of the “opinion-forming classes”). Here she has found a spiritual home among the followers of the “People’s Poetry” tradition (in 2005, she received the Ted Plantos Memorial Award for People’s Poetry).

Wings Towards Sunlight leads the reader from the mundane ordinary life to the realms of the exquisiteness of nature and the spiritual world, a place with a promise of clarity without abandoning ordinary experience for a “Second Reality”, as Eric Voegelin calls the ideological dream-world. Yin describes this experience of the psyche at the conclusion of the first half of the book:

It is the sowing season
Your finger points to the distant mountains-
Terrace farms spiral
Like ladders to heaven.
/ Beyond Our Knowing

Wings Towards Sunlight demonstrates that, despite the dehumanizing technocracy in which the whole world now lives, the Romantic imagination is still “alive and well”.

Anna Yin

<Nightlights> <Seven Nights with the Chinese Zodiac> ...
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注册时间: 2005-10-13
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帖子发表于: 星期四 八月 12, 2010 3:44 pm    发表主题: 引用并回复



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注册时间: 2004-05-02
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帖子发表于: 星期四 八月 12, 2010 10:18 pm    发表主题: 引用并回复

Very Happy Thanks...


Anna Yin

<Nightlights> <Seven Nights with the Chinese Zodiac> ...
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注册时间: 2004-05-02
帖子: 7141

帖子发表于: 星期一 九月 13, 2010 4:00 pm    发表主题: 引用并回复

Bunny 很高兴地答应写。前天电话告诉我,读了我的诗集,她愿意推荐John.B.Lee来 写,因为她觉得我的诗集很不错,值得象Johb.B.Lee 这样的桂冠诗人来写才好。


Anna’s poems encapsulate her roots, her philosophies on life and love, and her experiences as an immigrant in a foreign country. The beauty and sensitivity of her poems allow the reader to emerge with wisdom. Anna captures the flavour of her cultural background and transplants it with grace and superlative dignity in this tender and intimate collection of poems.
I.B. Iskov, Founder, The Ontario Poetry Society

Anna Yin

<Nightlights> <Seven Nights with the Chinese Zodiac> ...
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