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My Past Is Like an Innocent Child

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注册时间: 2008-06-07
帖子: 53
来自: East_West

帖子发表于: 星期一 六月 23, 2008 12:30 pm    发表主题: My Past Is Like an Innocent Child 引用并回复

My Past Is Like an Innocent Child co-written by ericcoliu

My past is like an innocent child, grasping one corner of my clothes and following my every step. She is a loyal travel companion in my life’s journey. During the day, I’m a wounded nobody in the Promised Land, stabbed with sorrow. She stands by me, weeping with me. In the night, I’m a prominent member of the dream world, as respected as I used to be. She sings to me, clapping for me.

Who says, "let bygones be bygones?"
East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet.

最后进行编辑的是 东西 on 星期四 七月 10, 2008 1:02 pm, 总计第 1 次编辑
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注册时间: 2007-09-15
帖子: 394
来自: Nowhere & Everywhere

帖子发表于: 星期一 六月 23, 2008 8:37 pm    发表主题: Re: My Past Is Like an Innocent Child 引用并回复

东西 写到:
My Past Is Like an Innocent Child

My past is like an innocent child, grasping one corner of my clothes and following every step of mine. She is a loyal travel companion of my life’s journey. During the day, I’m a wounded nobody of the Promised Land, stabbed with sorrow. She stands by me, weeping with me. In the night, I’m a prominent member of the dream world, respected as I used to be. She sings to me, clapping for me.

Who says that let bygones be bygones?

a wounded nobody of the Promised Land or a wounded nobody in the Promised Land?

Two contrasting images perceived from a nostalgic perspective.
I'm Champagne,
Bottled poetry with sparkling joy.
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注册时间: 2007-05-29
帖子: 1393
来自: GTA, Canada

帖子发表于: 星期二 六月 24, 2008 9:59 am    发表主题: Re: My Past Is Like an Innocent Child 引用并回复

Champagne 写到:

Two contrasting images perceived from a nostalgic perspective.

Yes, the nostalgic gaze of an alienated immigrant. Been there and done that. I hope you’ll eventually overcome the barriers to your adjustment to a society you chose to live in.

The Art of Re-membering Things Past

The art of re-membering things past is
That of seeing through a nostalgic eye
Painting in colourful joys of the innocent past
And painting out achromatic sorrows of the unsettling present
Consequently, filling in the rainbow hues over life’s canvas

东西 写到:

She is a loyal travel companion of my life’s journey.

Travel companion or traveling companion?
Time is nothing but a disquiet of the soul
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注册时间: 2007-12-27
帖子: 353
来自: Canada

帖子发表于: 星期二 六月 24, 2008 4:01 pm    发表主题: Re: My Past Is Like an Innocent Child 引用并回复

东西 写到:

Who says that let bygones be bygones?

A good question only if "I’m a prominent member of the dream world, respected as I used to be. She sings to me, clapping for me."

I like the imagery of an innocent child you employed here: "grasping one corner of my clothes and following every step of mine and a loyal traveling companion of my life’s journey."
Don't imitate me;
it's as boring
as the two halves of a melon.
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注册时间: 2008-02-23
帖子: 214

帖子发表于: 星期二 六月 24, 2008 6:49 pm    发表主题: Re: My Past Is Like an Innocent Child 引用并回复

东西 写到:

In the night, I’m a prominent member of the dream world, respected as I used to be. She sings to me, clapping for me.

Or At night?

I like the "innocent child" metaphor for the "bygone" past.
My throat knew thirst before the structure
Of skin and vein around the well
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注册时间: 2008-03-13
帖子: 83

帖子发表于: 星期四 六月 26, 2008 12:07 pm    发表主题: Re: My Past Is Like an Innocent Child 引用并回复

ericcoliu 写到:
Champagne 写到:

Two contrasting images perceived from a nostalgic perspective.

Yes, the nostalgic gaze of an alienated immigrant. Been there and done that. I hope you’ll eventually overcome the barriers to your adjustment to a society you chose to live in.

The Art of Re-membering Things Past

The art of re-membering things past is
That of seeing through a nostalgic eye
Painting in colourful joys of the innocent past
And painting out achromatic sorrows of the unsettling present
Consequently, filling in the rainbow hues over life’s canvas

Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.
This dark
Ceiling without a star
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注册时间: 2008-06-07
帖子: 53
来自: East_West

帖子发表于: 星期四 七月 10, 2008 1:10 pm    发表主题: Re: My Past Is Like an Innocent Child 引用并回复

Thank you all for your helpful reviews and suggestions. I've revised my piece.

Champagne 写到:

a wounded nobody of the Promised Land or a wounded nobody in the Promised Land?

Two contrasting images perceived from a nostalgic perspective.

ericcoliu 写到:

Champagne 写到:

Two contrasting images perceived from a nostalgic perspective.

Yes, the nostalgic gaze of an alienated immigrant. Been there and done that. I hope you’ll eventually overcome the barriers to your adjustment to a society you chose to live in.

The Art of Re-membering Things Past

The art of re-membering things past is
That of seeing through a nostalgic eye

Painting in colourful joys of the innocent past
And painting out achromatic sorrows of the unsettling present
Consequently, filling in the rainbow hues over life’s canvas

The art of re-membering things past is that of seeing through a nostalgic eye. Yes, I agree with both of you.

Havs any of you read Remembrance of Things Past?
East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet.
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注册时间: 2007-12-27
帖子: 353
来自: Canada

帖子发表于: 星期五 七月 11, 2008 7:40 am    发表主题: Re: My Past Is Like an Innocent Child 引用并回复

fanfan 写到:

I like the imagery of an innocent child you employed here: "grasping one corner of my clothes and following every step of mine and a loyal traveling companion of my life’s journey."

I just came across an interesting quote regarding nostalgia and childhood:

People who get nostalgic about childhood were obviously never children.

-- Bill Watterson
Don't imitate me;
it's as boring
as the two halves of a melon.
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注册时间: 2008-06-07
帖子: 53
来自: East_West

帖子发表于: 星期二 七月 29, 2008 12:31 pm    发表主题: 引用并回复

Part of the reason I wrote this piece is a reflection on my current state of life:

The non-I dwells in the I.
East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet.
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