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A Copy of A Newcomer’s Introduction to Canada (revised)

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注册时间: 2007-05-29
帖子: 1393
来自: GTA, Canada

帖子发表于: 星期四 五月 22, 2008 7:57 am    发表主题: A Copy of A Newcomer’s Introduction to Canada (revised) 引用并回复

Reading, Writing, and Life on the Page

A Copy of A Newcomer’s Introduction to Canada

Welcome to Canada.
Name: Chen-ou Liu (phonic);
Country of Birth: R.O.C.;
(Cross out R.O.C. and fill in Taiwan)
Place of Birth; Date of Birth; S e x;
Simply more technocratic questions
The Immigration Officer needs to pin down my borders;
He is always looking for shortcuts,
More interested in the roadside signposts
Than in the landscapes that have made me;
The line he wants me confined to
Is an analytically recognizable category:
Landed Immigrant. My history is meticulously stamped.
Now, you're legal.
Take a copy of A Newcomer’s Introduction to Canada.


A Newcomer’s Introduction to Canada was written and issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canada to give new immigrants helpful information for planning ahead, but it is not a detailed guide. For more information, they will be given another book called Welcome to Canada: What You Should Know. It contains specific information on all the practical aspects of living in Canada.
Time is nothing but a disquiet of the soul

最后进行编辑的是 ericcoliu on 星期三 十二月 03, 2008 5:57 pm, 总计第 4 次编辑
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注册时间: 2007-05-29
帖子: 1393
来自: GTA, Canada

帖子发表于: 星期四 五月 22, 2008 8:17 am    发表主题: 引用并回复

What follows is a companion piece to A Copy of A Newcomer’s Introduction to Canada:

Where Are You from?

In my daily encounters with "Canadians", the question "Where are you from?" is constantly raised and it challenges my sense of identification with Taiwan, Cultural China, the USA and Canada.

On an empowered day, I would describe myself as a permanent resident and naturalized citizen of Canada with multiple migratory and ancestral reference points in Cultural China, Taiwan, and the United States.

On a disempowered day, I am an immigrant from Taiwan not recognized by the UN, constantly questioned by my fellow compatriots about my Taiwanese-ness and unequivocally viewed by “Canadians” as a Chinese, a member of a “visible minority” group, wandering from one place to another in the quest of a soul-space to name as Home.
Time is nothing but a disquiet of the soul
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注册时间: 2008-02-23
帖子: 214

帖子发表于: 星期四 五月 22, 2008 1:22 pm    发表主题: Re: A Copy of A Newcomer’s Introduction to Canada 引用并回复

ericcoliu 写到:

A Copy of A Newcomer’s Introduction to Canada

Welcome to Canada.


Now, you're legally a landed immigrant.
Take a copy of A Newcomer’s Introduction to Canada.


A Newcomer’s Introduction to Canada was written and issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canada to give new immigrants helpful information for planning ahead, but it is not a detailed guide. For more detailed information, they will be given another book called Welcome to Canada: What You Should Know. It contains specific information on all the practical aspects of living in Canada.

A politically poignant poem regarding one's journey of immigration.

A poetic rendering of a subversive reading of the immigration policy enforced by the Canadian government in general and Citizenship and Immigration Canada in particular.
My throat knew thirst before the structure
Of skin and vein around the well
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注册时间: 2007-05-29
帖子: 1393
来自: GTA, Canada

帖子发表于: 星期四 五月 22, 2008 3:27 pm    发表主题: Re: A Copy of A Newcomer’s Introduction to Canada 引用并回复

dundas 写到:

A poetic rendering of a subversive reading of the immigration policy enforced by the Canadian government in general and Citizenship and Immigration Canada in particular.

You have a sharp eye for the whims and dictates of poetic impulses revealed in my poem.
Time is nothing but a disquiet of the soul
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注册时间: 2008-03-24
帖子: 114
来自: Canada

帖子发表于: 星期五 五月 23, 2008 12:54 pm    发表主题: Re: A Copy of A Newcomer’s Introduction to Canada 引用并回复

ericcoliu 写到:

A Copy of A Newcomer’s Introduction to Canada

Name: Chen-ou Liu (phonic);
Country of Birth: R.O.C.;
(Cross out R.O.C. and fill in Taiwan)

dundas 写到:

A politically poignant poem regarding one's journey of immigration.

A poetic rendering of the language of identity politics played out in the stage of Diaspora Literature.

By the way, what do you exactly mean by "Cultural China?"
If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in reading it at all.
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注册时间: 2007-05-29
帖子: 1393
来自: GTA, Canada

帖子发表于: 星期五 五月 23, 2008 7:30 pm    发表主题: Re: A Copy of A Newcomer’s Introduction to Canada 引用并回复

robarts 写到:

A poetic rendering of the language of identity politics played out in the stage of Diaspora Literature.

By the way, what do you exactly mean by "Cultural China?"

Yes, it's part of my intention.

Where Is My Home?

Where is my home?
It is Taipei, Republic of China, aka Taiwan
Where I was born and raised and complained about
Or County of Mount Dragon, Hunan, People’s Republic of China
Where my father came from and I never set foot
Or Beijing, People’s Republic of China
Where I had been indoctrinated about the center of my fatherland
Or Ajax, Ontario, Canada
Where I now live and have a piece of property
Or Toronto, Canada
Where I meet and exchange ideas with people across the globe
Where then is my Home?
My Home is within me

As for Cultural China, the concenpt of “Cultural China" is conceived and well-articulated in his now-famous essay titled Cultural China: The Periphery as the Center, in which he develops the concept of cultural space instead.

“In his essay, Cultural China: The Periphery as the Center, Tu Wei-ming categorises international discourse on China into three symbolic universes. The first consists of mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore. The second consists of Chinese communities in the rest of the world. The third consists of overseas Chinese men and women (as scholars, teachers, journalists, industrialists, traders, entrepreneurs and writers) who try to understand China intellectually and bring their conceptions of China to their own linguistic communities.12 Tu argues that the perceptions of the ‘third symbolic universe’ have greatly impinged on Chinese self-understanding. Living in the Western world, these Chinese intellectuals are fully aware of how the non-Chinese perceive China, the Chinese and Chinese culture; their self-perceptions are unavoidably affected by the West. In the last four decades, ‘the international discourse on cultural China has unquestionably been shaped more by the third symbolic universe than by the first two combined’.” -- Shen Yuan-fang
Time is nothing but a disquiet of the soul
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注册时间: 2008-02-25
帖子: 304

帖子发表于: 星期日 五月 25, 2008 12:30 pm    发表主题: Re: A Copy of A Newcomer’s Introduction to Canada 引用并回复

ericcoliu 写到:

A Copy of A Newcomer’s Introduction to Canada

Simply more technocratic questions
The Immigration Officer needs to pin down my borders;
The line he wants me confined to
Is analytically recognizable category:
Landed Immigrant.


For more detailed information, they will be given another book called Welcome to Canada: What You Should Know. It contains specific information on all the practical aspects of living in Canada.

The title of the book should be changed to Welcome to Multicultural Canada: What You and I Should Know.

Historically speaking, Canada has been a country of immigrants. As Margaret Atwood once beautifully wrote, "We all are immigrants."
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注册时间: 2007-05-29
帖子: 1393
来自: GTA, Canada

帖子发表于: 星期二 五月 27, 2008 10:30 am    发表主题: Re: A Copy of A Newcomer’s Introduction to Canada 引用并回复

christine 写到:

The title of the book should be changed to Welcome to Multicultural Canada: What You and I Should Know.

Historically speaking, Canada has been a country of immigrants. As Margaret Atwood once beautifully wrote, "We all are immigrants."

Yes, well-said.

"We are all immigrants to this place even if we were born here: the country is too big for anyone to inhabit completely, and in parts unknown to us we move in fear, exiles and invaders." So Margaret Atwood has written of the Canadian sensibility.
Time is nothing but a disquiet of the soul
阅览成员资料 (Profile) 发送私人留言 (PM)


注册时间: 2007-05-29
帖子: 1393
来自: GTA, Canada

帖子发表于: 星期四 六月 05, 2008 6:14 am    发表主题: 引用并回复

I've revised my piece.
Time is nothing but a disquiet of the soul
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