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International Women's Day: Housewife and Career Woman

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注册时间: 2007-12-27
帖子: 353
来自: Canada

帖子发表于: 星期五 三月 07, 2008 10:03 pm    发表主题: International Women's Day: Housewife and Career Woman 引用并回复

Reflections on International Women's Day, 2008

Poem Lyrics of Housewife by Anne Sexton

Some women marry houses.
It's another kind of skin; it has a heart,
a mouth, a liver and bowel movements.
The walls are permanent and pink.
See how she sits on her knees all day,
faithfully washing herself down.
Men enter by force, drawn back like Jonah
into their fleshy mothers.
A woman is her mother.
That's the main thing.

Anne Sexton (1928-1974)

Anne Sexton, well-known for her confessional poetry characterized by preoccupations with childhood guilt, mental illness, motherhood, and female sexuality, was a latecomer to the American literary scene, and underwent a rapid metamorphosis from suburban housewife to major literary figure in the early 1960s. Housewife is her own reflection on the prescribed role of women in a patriarchal society, drawing attention to the oppressive, circumscribed existence of women in middle-class American society. In her groundbreaking book entitled The Feminine Mystique, American feminist, activist and writer Betty Friedan describes the late fifties and early sixties for American women as a "comfortable concentration camp" -- physically luxurious, mentally oppressive and impoverished. Sexton’s Housewife is a personal testimonial of housewifing, which supports Friedan’s claim.

My Literary Response: Confessions of a Career Woman and Housewife

Waking up, helping my children and husband get ready for their day, breakfast, riding TTC to my workplace near downtown Toronto, three hours in the office, lunch and gossips with my co-workers, another five hours of work if lucky with no extra work, riding TTC home, dinner, doing domestic chores and fighting (oh, no; the correct word is negotiating) with children, joining my husband to watch TV, sleep (sorry! I forget one thing here: fulfilling the marital obligation if I still have energy or the desire), and Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday according to the same rhythm (remove office work-related activities from the daily schedule on weekends and holidays).

The abovementioned schedule is faithfully followed most of the time and I set my mind to it, firmly. But what if one day the “why” arises in my mind after I’m tired of this damn routine?
Don't imitate me;
it's as boring
as the two halves of a melon.

最后进行编辑的是 fanfan on 星期五 三月 07, 2008 10:32 pm, 总计第 1 次编辑
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注册时间: 2007-12-27
帖子: 353
来自: Canada

帖子发表于: 星期五 三月 07, 2008 10:31 pm    发表主题: Re: International Women's Day: Housewife and Career Woman 引用并回复

Written in the first-person point of view, Anne Sexton’s Her Kind, like Housewife, is a confessional poem, illustrating three personas: witch, housewife, and martyr, all personified in the theme of a woman being burned at the stake.

Her Kind

I have gone out, a possessed witch,
haunting the black air, braver at night;
dreaming evil, I have done my hitch
over the plain houses, light by light:
lonely thing, twelve-fingered, out of mind.
A woman like that is not a woman, quite.
I have been her kind.

I have found the warm caves in the woods,
filled them with skillets, carvings, shelves,
closets, silks, innumerable goods;
fixed the suppers for the worms and the elves:
whining, rearranging the disaligned.
A woman like that is misunderstood.
I have been her kind.

I have ridden in your cart, driver,
waved my nude arms at villages going by,
learning the last bright routes, survivor
where your flames still bite my thigh
and my ribs crack where your wheels wind.
A woman like that is not ashamed to die.
I have been her kind.
Don't imitate me;
it's as boring
as the two halves of a melon.
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酷我!I made it!
酷我!I made it!

注册时间: 2004-06-05
帖子: 13192
来自: Toronto

帖子发表于: 星期六 三月 08, 2008 11:01 am    发表主题: 引用并回复

thanks for sharing

Freedom is the base need for everyone.

Some choose to be housewife, some to pursue career. They are all reasonable.
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注册时间: 2008-02-23
帖子: 214

帖子发表于: 星期日 三月 09, 2008 12:51 pm    发表主题: Re: International Women's Day: Housewife and Career Woman 引用并回复

fanfan 写到:

Written in the first-person point of view, Anne Sexton’s Her Kind, like Housewife, is a confessional poem, illustrating three personas: witch, housewife, and martyr, all personified in the theme of a woman being burned at the stake.

Her Kind

I have gone out, a possessed witch,

A possessed witch?

There is a sense of "otherness" or "estrangement" expressed in her poems.
My throat knew thirst before the structure
Of skin and vein around the well
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注册时间: 2008-02-25
帖子: 304

帖子发表于: 星期日 三月 09, 2008 1:57 pm    发表主题: 引用并回复

星子 写到:

Freedom is the base need for everyone.

Some choose to be housewife, some to pursue career. They are all reasonable.

To some extent It's true; however, every individual exercise of one's freedom of choice is constrained by the society in which one lives. Our society, a patrichal society, gives more opportunities to men than to women. That's one of the main reasons we as readers get this strong sense of "otherness" in reading her poems.
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注册时间: 2007-05-29
帖子: 1393
来自: GTA, Canada

帖子发表于: 星期日 三月 09, 2008 4:50 pm    发表主题: 引用并回复

It seems to me that this poem is written for The Desperate Housewives fans.

christine 写到:

To some extent It's true; however, every individual exercise of one's freedom of choice is constrained by the society in which one lives. Our society, a patriarchal society, gives more opportunities to men than to women. That's one of the main reasons we as readers get this strong sense of "otherness" in reading her poems.

Yes, well said.

The title of an article, which appeared in The Toronto Satr today (March 9), is "Women march on for equality"

"After 100 years of rallies, rights battle remains relevant and necessary, Toronto organizer says"
Time is nothing but a disquiet of the soul
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酷我!I made it!
酷我!I made it!

注册时间: 2004-06-05
帖子: 13192
来自: Toronto

帖子发表于: 星期日 三月 09, 2008 9:58 pm    发表主题: 引用并回复

True. Many people think it is easy to be house wife. But the ones who are house wife struggle to be strong since it is too easy to lose dignity.
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注册时间: 2008-02-23
帖子: 214

帖子发表于: 星期一 三月 10, 2008 12:50 pm    发表主题: Re: International Women's Day: Housewife and Career Woman 引用并回复

fanfan 写到:

Poem Lyrics of Housewife by Anne Sexton

Some women marry houses.
It's another kind of skin; it has a heart,
a mouth, a liver and bowel movements.
The walls are permanent and pink.
See how she sits on her knees all day,
faithfully washing herself down.

But in twenty-five years she'll be silver,
In fifty, gold.
A living doll, everywhere you look.
It can sew, it can cook,
It can talk, talk, talk.

-- Sylvia Plath, Applicant
My throat knew thirst before the structure
Of skin and vein around the well
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注册时间: 2008-02-13
帖子: 28

帖子发表于: 星期二 三月 11, 2008 7:08 pm    发表主题: Re: International Women's Day: Housewife and Career Woman 引用并回复

fanfan 写到:

Men enter by force, drawn back like Jonah
into their fleshy mothers.

What does this phrase mean?
I am a butterfly drunk with life.
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注册时间: 2007-12-27
帖子: 353
来自: Canada

帖子发表于: 星期三 三月 12, 2008 10:31 am    发表主题: Re: International Women's Day: Housewife and Career Woman 引用并回复

redshoe 写到:
fanfan 写到:

Men enter by force, drawn back like Jonah
into their fleshy mothers.

What does this phrase mean?

It's an allusion to the Book of Jonah in which Jonah, a prophet, was swallowed by a great fish and disgorged unharmed three days later.

Read into the context of the 1960s in America, Sexton tries to show the control men have in sexual relationships with women.
Don't imitate me;
it's as boring
as the two halves of a melon.
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注册时间: 2007-12-27
帖子: 353
来自: Canada

帖子发表于: 星期日 三月 08, 2009 8:30 am    发表主题: 引用并回复

Read Anne Sexton’s literary bio and poems at

Watch rare film clips of Anne Sexton reciting some poetry, including Her Kind, and excerpts from home movies.
Don't imitate me;
it's as boring
as the two halves of a melon.
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注册时间: 2008-02-25
帖子: 304

帖子发表于: 星期日 三月 08, 2009 1:12 pm    发表主题: 引用并回复

Thank you so much for re-posting two of her poems, which speak volume to me.

As the Editor of PoetryFundation suggests, "much of Anne Sexton's poetry is autobiographical and concentrates on her deeply personal feelings, especially anguish. In particular, many of her poems record her battles with mental illness."
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