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注册时间: 2006-11-06
帖子: 42

帖子发表于: 星期一 十一月 13, 2006 9:12 am    发表主题: Waiting 引用并回复


Every body is waiting, waiting for a better life, waiting for a bright future, or waiting for something that can’t be waited for. Though so many things can’t be waited for , we still wait.
Maybe that is because we all have a hope in our life in which there are sweet and bitterness, flowers and thorns. Or maybe we have a belief that God won't drive us to the end of the rope.
Some one may say: “Do not just wait, do it right now!” It is reasonable to strive after something that you are longing for, but it doesn’t always succeed in the reality. Since there are things that you can get after pursuit, there are also things that are out of your control. For example, love.
It is not always true that you can harvest what you plowed in love. The boy standing in the rain for a whole night in the hope of seizing the heart of his beloved girl may get a cold at last, coming back in vain with a broke heart, while the girl falls in love with another boy singing and dancing with a guitar under her window. No matter how much you love the one who doesn't have a deep feeling to you, what you can do is continue to strive, give up, or, just wait.
Boys wait for the beautiful girls who are the princesses of their hearts, with nice faces and good shapes. But those beauties only appear on TV or in the magazines. Girls wait for princes or frogs that will turn out to be princesat at last. But those who love them and cherish them from beginning to end are those common men without money, without handsome faces. In a word, he is not the one who could live up to your expectation when you were dreaming of the perfect man.
Those things we are waiting for and that we succeed in obtaining at last may be not as perfect as we thought. In the process of waiting we beautify that thing unconsciously, as a result, we disappoint at what we gain.
It is said that the most terrible thing is that in your middle or old age, you meet the one you loved deeply when you were young. The one, who used to be in his prime, now crowded by his children, walk in the street, with a bald head, a red fatty face and a barrel-like waist. And woman, whom you fell in love with at life’s full of flowering, has turned out to be a fading flower, no longer gaily-colored. what will you feel at that scene?The ever prince now turns out to be a frod, which goes against your thought and crumbles your dream into pieces. The same with the princess. So do not wait for the chance to come across the first lover, but we can't deceive ourselves, and the God.
We can tell others that we don't care this we don't care that, in the matter of fact, we do. Even we can persuade ourselves but God knows. God knows everything which is deep in our heart. He come along with us hand in hand.
Once I practiced divination. It is said that I am in a period of waiting, waiting for something that is far away, waiting for somebody who is coming. Maybe it is right, now I am waiting, but I don’t know what exactly I am waiting for. Life now is peaceful, but I am not as happy as before. Sometimes I despair of life which seems to be dark, without any hope. I have been trying, I have been striving, and I fail. Perhaps I have lost heart after hit by the reality while dreaming a bright future. Now I am in the time of curing myself quietly like a cat which licks its wound during which I am waiting, waiting for something that is remote but beautiful, waiting for somebody who is coming, or who has disappeared in my life already.

I still remember this summer during which he gave me a promise that he would come to see me in the university when he was free. He told me that he understood a lot of things and had grown up- he was no longer a frivolous child. So I wait. I refuse boys around me just because I am waiting for him, my first lover who roots deeply in my heart. Since I love him it has been five years during which I am waiting for his growing up, waiting for his understanding. Now perhaps it’s time.
We haven't seen each other for one year, during which I go to another city and meet many people from the world. I thought I can forget him in my new life. It is said that the most effective way to forget the lover is to fall in love with another. So I come to this strange city in the hope of meeting the right one who can take the place of him. But after one year's life, I finally find that nobody can replace him who has rooted deeply in my heart and spirit.
He is lively, handsome and childish. In the five years during which I met him, fell in love with him and waited for his growing up he has had three girlfriend. Though I were sad and discourged, yet I know in my heart that he doesn't love those girls truly. Only when he has grown up completely will he know to cherish a girl carefully. It is silly for me to wait for such a person who may cherish other girl instead of me, but I can't cheat myself and the God.
But who knows whether he will come or not? It was me who said to him that I wanted to go to university with him, it is me who love him deeply and stealthily, and it is me who is willing to wait for him, someone maybe I can’t wait for.
How many five-year are there in the river of life? God knowsI have been waiting for him a long time. But he is not the whole world of my life which should be colorful and wonderful. Time is the best medicine in the world to cure the lovestickness. As time goes by I was busy with many things. My article was published in the newspaper, which encounged me and light up my heart. I know that though I wait for him, I should do something else to make my life meaningful.
Waiting. And keep it as a secret while I am pursuing other things.
If he reappears in my life, maybe it has already been in winter.
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酷我!I made it!
酷我!I made it!

注册时间: 2004-06-05
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来自: Toronto

帖子发表于: 星期一 十一月 13, 2006 1:26 pm    发表主题: 引用并回复

it reminded me of
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注册时间: 2006-10-25
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来自: Singapore

帖子发表于: 星期三 十一月 22, 2006 1:34 pm    发表主题: 引用并回复

A prose filled with remorse ...

Thanks for sharing
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