Jason's story
星期一 五月 01, 2006 11:06 pm
[ 心情: Amused ]
5 years old Jason asked me: "Mom, when I was in your tommy, Where did I pee"
"Inside my tummy..."
"But how, I am a boy...You are not."
"Hmm... I didn't want to stay there, it stinked..."
My hubby tried to teach Jason chinese chess.
He learnt so quickly, even he didn't know the chinese characters, he managed to recognize them.
First they started with the simple game. Facing all the kinds down on the board, then turn over one by one. Comparing two kinds nearby, the stronger kind can beat down the weak one. The smallest has the power to knock down the king.
Jason found his way to succeed. He arranged all the kinds according to this rule and memorized the advantaged kind.
Then he wanted to go first and flip the strongest one for him...then smiled at you and waited for you to turn over another one.
So this game he is pretty well and championer.