星期四 五月 08, 2008 9:34 am
一直都很忙. 最近朋友一个剧本中需要一家华人移民家庭,希望我和儿子上镜. 我带儿子去试听了,开始答应了,回来仔细查自己时间表,发现我们都太忙,所以推辞了. 我想有时什么事都想做,反而做不好,所以我想集中精力做一两件事. 这样也好,心情舒畅轻松一些.
前些天,开会眼睛都有点架不住. 好在我们队友都很好,大家都很理解.
前两天朋友和我谈起,其实那些疑心病很重的人是自己害自己. 正好我也读了这一段, 同感, 拿出来分享一下.
Buddha said, those who harm themselves through their thoughts, words or actions are indeed their own worst enemies. They only bring themselves suffering. We usually think our suffering is caused by others. But out of our forgetfulness, anger or jealousy, we say or do things that create suffering for ourselves and others.