

星期一 四月 16, 2007 10:43 am

URANIUM RESOURCES INC (NASDAQ) – 股票代号URRE,今天继续冲出新高。开市即涨将近百分之四,现已涨幅超过百分之七。目前稍有回落,仍有百分之六点七九。详情可见以下文摘。

Look Carefully at Energy's Uptrend

By Dan Fitzpatrick
RealMoney.com Contributor
4/13/2007 7:50 AM EDT
Click here for more stories by Dan Fitzpatrick

One of my regular readers has been corresponding with me about Uranium Resources for a while. I first covered this bulletin-board uranium stock in February when it was at $5.40. I looked at it again last month when it was at $8.40. Why have I been preoccupied with this stock? Because it has been working on getting listed on the Nasdaq. Well, the listing is finally happening, and as of today, Uranium Resources is legit.
As I see it, two things could happen: The stock will either succumb to profit-taking or be strong due to all the money looking for a home in uranium stocks. As a rule, I do not trade stocks that aren't listed on a major exchange, so I am not long this stock. Now that may change, if the stock continues to move higher.



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