
Story about “The Farewell Symphony”

星期二 三月 20, 2007 3:55 pm

The Farewell Symphony
---inspired by Haydn 's story and the same title

" 告别交响曲"




鸟声渐弱, 树枝稀疏,









淹没, 淹没


The Farewell Symphony
---inspired by Haydn 's story and the same title

The autumn sky is blue and clear,
Out in wild fields reeds stretch.
Birdcalls fade in thin branches,
Rivers silently gather fallen leaves.

Shadows grow tall er;
Hills mute in their shattered hues.
Winds spiral in deep valleys,
whose home , candles still beckon?

Soon snow will blank et everything below;
wild geese glance back and take off.
Their raucous echoes fall,
then drown and drown
pale in ebbs.

这首诗歌是我根据奥地利作曲家海顿的同名曲" " 告别交响曲"


海顿作这首乐曲时有个真实的故事. 当时海顿以及其他乐团友随王子每个夏季到夏宫演奏, 但他们的家属不能一起同去, 秋天王子回来时, 他们才能与家人团聚. 所以当某一个秋天到来, 王子还不想离去, 乐队团友着急回家, 所以请团长海顿想办法.

喜欢幽默的海顿写了这曲" 告别交响曲", 演奏过程 通过音乐节奏的变化和器乐的一个个离场, 来提醒王子, 是时候回去了…

我听了这个故事和乐曲, 想到自然的一些变化, 秋退冬来, 叶落鸟飞等肃穆景象… 以此来比拟和反映自然界的" 告别交响曲"

The Farewell Symphony was composed base on a true story by Franz Joseph Haydn.
Every year, when the weather turned nice, Prince Esterhazy -- Franz Joseph Haydn's employer -- moved his entire household to his summer palace. When it turned cold again, everyone moved back to the main palace in the city. But one fall, it stayed warm for a very long time, and the prince didn't budge. Since the musicians were considered as servants, they were not allowed to bring their family. So after a long summer, the musicians in his orchestra missed their family and wanted to go home, they begged their director Haydn to find a way. Haydn found a musical way to tell the prince it was time to go: the Farewell Symphony.

the Farewell Symphony started with a group of instruments playing, its first three movements were very normal, in a smooth harmony…Then it began the last movement, and followed a pause, then completely changed mood. All a sudden, two horn musicians stood up and blow out the candles and left the stage. Then more windwood musicians left, pretty soon the other bass left. Then the double base left…so did the cello, which made the orchestra pretty purty.
By the time three more instruments took off, the stage was almost empty… and the music goes soft and soft, quiet and quiet…
Luckily the Prince liked the amusement and knew the implying. The next day they all headed for home.
I wrote the poem The Farewell Symphony after I heard the story and the music. But I write the farewell symphony from natural scenes. It starts autumn. It is a season for leaves, birds to retreat and leave.
Since it is fall, the blue sky is clear and high. But the good day cannot last long, soon leaves fall and the colors of mountains change. River goes quiet and reeds stand tall. Valleys mute in long shadow and winds mingle.
But snow will bring hibernation soon and it is time for wild geese to leave. The lovely scene will become pale and pale.
This is music from nature. Farewell is always challenge after a wonderful and charming summer.



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