6 wish lists
星期五 十二月 22, 2006 2:06 pm
I read Christmas story to Jason last night. He asked me," why I didn't get any gifts from Santa?"
I replied," You didn't make your wish list"
Then he said to me, " I will write 6 wish lists to him this year."
"Why?" "Because I am 6 years old. I missed all my previous gifts."
"Ok, you make your list, then we will wait and see if Santa will bring to you."
Here is his wish lists.
1. Lego toy
2. Truck
3. truck trailor
4. seeds
5. a book
6. gift card
So tonight I will prepare for his lists and hide them,
wait the time come to hang near the fireplace.
Lucky Jason, he believe in Santa.
I heard some stories from our friends... her daughter now 12 years old and cried when was told Santa was not real. and her gifts came from parents...
Sometimes truth hurts.
So I will try to keep the secret for Jason as long as I could. I want to see his face light up and to watch he tugs all his toys to sleep.
Merry Christmas!