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Notice to Contributors WORLD POETRY YEARBOOK(English Versio�

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注册时间: 2008-05-08
帖子: 129

帖子发表于: 星期六 四月 25, 2009 9:06 pm    发表主题: Notice to Contributors WORLD POETRY YEARBOOK(English Versio� 引用并回复

Notice to Contributors WORLD POETRY YEARBOOK (English Version)

In order to promote the exchange, research, translation and development of the world poetry, The International Poetry Translation and Research Centre (IPTRC), after nearly a year of careful planning, decided to compile and publish WORLD POETRY ALMANAC since 2009, which is published one volume a year, so we solicit contributions from any poet or poetry critic with influence, achievement and capability all over the world. The detailed information is as flows:
(1) WORLD POETRY YEARBOOK is published in the same style of 32K and 320 pages, deluxe binding, its front cover is colorfully printed with copper plate paper (250g) and its inside page is printed with copper plate paper (80g). Each volume will collect the poems of 140—150 poets from 60—80 countries, and the important review article or information about poetry as well as; the price of each copy is: US$ 50.00 or EUR 40.00.
(2) Date of contributions: all contributions must be sent from January 1 to November 30 each year, and it will publish at the end of February the next year.
(3) After the publication, each poet or poetry critic whose works has been recorded in will get one copy sent by post all free of charge, part of the copies will be presented to the UN Library, UNESCO, Nobel Prize Committee, NDL of the important countries, libraries of famous universities, major literary newspapers or periodicals and outstanding literary research specialists all over the world.
(4) Any poet or poetry critic with influence, achievement and capability in poetry writing or poetry criticism, in any country, any language, of any nation, any religion and age, is welcome to send your works to us.
(5) Please send two or three of your famous poems (not exceed 60 lines), a short resume of your art experience and achievement (not exceed 250 words) and one or two black-and-white photograph or color photographs, the important review article (not exceed 2,500 words) and information about poetry (not exceed 400 words) and your address, post code, Tel. and e-mail. All must be written in English. No contribution will be accepted if it is inadequate
(6) Due to the magnitude of the project and the limitation of time and manpower, all contributions must be sent via e-mill to [email protected] or [email protected]. Or Check it out:
(7) Address:
Editing committee of WORLD POETRY YEARBOOK

P.O. Box 031, Guanyinqiao, Jiangbei District
Chongqing City, P. R. CHINA
P. C. 400020

The International Poetry Translation and Research Centre
April 18, 2009


为了推动世界诗歌的交流和发展,促进世界诗歌的翻译与研究,国际诗歌翻译研究中心(IPTRC)经过近一年时间的精心策划,决定自2009年始, 编辑、出版英文版《世界诗歌年鉴》(WORLD POETRY YEARBOOK),每年一卷。现面向世界各国有影响、有成就和实力的诗人、评论家公开征稿,具体事宜如下:
一、英文版《世界诗歌年鉴》为大32K,10个印张(320页),软精装, 封面纸张为250g铜版卡,内页纸张为80g铜版纸,每卷将收录60—80个国家的140—150位重要诗人的英文诗作、小传和照片,以及该年度重要的诗歌评论、诗歌消息等,唯质是举。每册定价:美金50元,欧元40元;
六、由于工程浩大,时间和人力有限,所有来稿,请一律提供电子文本,E-mail: [email protected], [email protected];或登录:
七、通讯地址:400020 中国重庆市江北区观音桥邮局031信箱

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