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Poems for my lover

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注册时间: 2007-12-07
帖子: 32
来自: 北京

帖子发表于: 星期日 六月 08, 2008 7:35 am    发表主题: Poems for my lover 引用并回复

Water for an elephant

The knife’s penetrated into fingers

The bullet’s out of bodies

The arrow’s sticking in arms

I lift my legs to run over the desert

Escaping from the only oasis

I was a hunter hunted by the wind

Every breeze touched my heart

Exhausted as a wild wolf

I howled in light of the pale moon

Petals fell over my shoulders

Leaving only scents of despair

They’re black petals in the sun of gold

I turned gloomy under the tomb of leaves

Split by an axe of fate or fortune

Without any difference

Soft mane entangled in the mist

Lucid eyelashes droop among the fog

The lion’s lost in the core of a unlimited plaza

Where no grass grows

No rain falls

The limp elephant strode over the blacktop

Tough and tough

Without a crack to breathe

Whips raised and curses rend

Numb trunk and blunt claws

The hunter and quarry

Lion and elephant

Live peacefully in the circus

The zoo to show our elegance

In the sense of animals

Whereas being enjoyed by other animals

Calling themselves highest

I miss the wink of stars which no man can preserve

The ice-cold dew on the top of gardenia

The aroma of white and gold chrysanthemum

The ever pursuit of a spotted deer

While the elephant meditate on its lost days

Spent on the way to the final stop

Caring on the end of cubs

One after another in the wing of Death’s sickle

I saw water in her gigantic eyes

Gliding over the creasy skin

It’s not tears

But clear water of an elephant

Both of us live in the indifference of spectators

Those eyes full of pitiful and sleazy tears forever

Only in the cage of silence

We can live in peace with the mobs outside

The sorrowful compromise

Where life stands, with the sigh of fortune

The Book Thief

Breathing heavily, I raised my arms

Over the gray book shelf

To cover the book in black cover

About a thief

A book thief

No one’s looking at me

As the day’s nearly over

The sun set

Sounds of silence filled the space

Where I could sense the gazing of God

And decide to bring this book out

Without paying

Satan was sitting in front of the One

Sipping a cup of Cappuccino

“Will he fall?” The holy One murmured

“We shall see.” The snake mixed the cream and chuckled

Slowly, I touched the spine of the book

With my warm fingers

It was cold, but neat

The urge of stealing filled my heart

Leaving no space for rational or

Reasonable thinking

Carefully, I took it down as a weighty stone

Stained by the blood of wizards

The length and width of a black shirt

Is enough for lodging the thin book

Whereas the fever of guilty

Is under pursuit of the so-called conscience

Elegantly, I moved my legs towards the open door

The sunlight was still gleaming

The silence was still roaring

The coldness was still stinging my arms

One step before the threshold

And Satan laughed loud to penetrate my heart

While the One remained mute

And just watch under its big feet

“I bet you’ll lose me another cup of coffee” the snake fleered

“It’ll be my pleasure” the holy sighed

I hesitated over a twinkling

And moved forward to break the crystal shard of faith

Of rectitude, or innocence

There, then, I became a book thief

For stealing a book named The Book Thief

Which I paid for in one minute

After returning to the store

“Who’s the winner?” The puzzled devil asked

“Certainly it wasn’t you.” The One blinked its shining eyes

And made another wink out of wisdom

“Would you prefer another cup of coffee?”

Left or Right 1

The boy turned left and run with all his efforts

The girl turned right and walked leisurely

With anxiety he ran to meet her

With carelessness she walked to watch the leaves falling

He run and run without looking back

Though he knew he couldn’t see her face now

But he believed that the fast he ran

The earlier he could meet the girl

At the other half of the earth

The girl didn’t notice the figure fading away

She sang a song and picked the flowers

Smell the flavor and laughed

The boy’s desire to the world

Comes from a girl

The desire to run and fight

To compete and prove

He ran and ran

Until the last drop of water

Vaporized from his hair

Under the torching sun

Until the last stream of warmth

Disappeared from his skin

Through the everlasting winds

He stopped and eventually saw the vague figure

That is facing at him

Singing and dancing slowly

“I ran around the world to see your face.” he sighed, and coughed hastily

“Me too!” the she laughed and neaten her white hair

Then, he continued his running towards the left

While she continued her wandering towards the right

After they had passed each other

They stopped suddenly and then looked back

Then, they smiled together

And noticed that both of them are old

“You’re still beautiful” he looked the furrow on her face

“You’re still handsome” she touched hold his rawboned body

And with hands together

They decided to stop and live in this place


Left meet Right at last

Left or Right 2

Face to face they stood

Word to word they exchanged

Tear to tear they shed

Bye to bye they said

One turn to the left

The other right

One step away in distance

One step away in heart

They still hold each other's hands

Though leading different directions

They won't let go

Let go

Though future turns its palm

And set it between them

Future without me

Should be easy without much caring

Future without me

Should be comfortable without much depression

They murmured to each other

Trying to console each other

Though neither of them loosed their hands

Their eyes turned scarlet

Trying to hold tears from pouring down

Though neither ever turned their heads back

You'll find a boy with more fortune and more romance than me

The boy laughed

You'll find a girl with more beauty and more care ness than me

The girl smiled

Then silence overcame the pretended happiness

Then fulfilled the sky and earth

Leaving no space for breathing

The Rose Door

The sky is weeping

Echoing the anger of Zeus’s thunder

Darkness licked up the hillside

Leaving no space for the waver of roses

An old gardener collected the petals

Buried them in a tomb

Where lay laughter and tears

Canniness and caprice

Hope and despair

Love and die

The tomb formed a door

Leading the way towards destiny

Of all roses

Where a door closed

Another opened

With the name of roses

Ghosts wandered through doors

Holding the memories of their spirits

There, each inch of their love was engraved

On the door of roses

Showing their prologue

And the epilogue of lives

To find the climax

Just push the door open

Behind was all that you’re searching

Name it as you like

Just think it no more

The Silence

In the debate among gods

I remain silent

Words hung over like clouds

Overcome the eyesight

I could only hear the noise

The god became angry

I was woken up in the dream

Shaking off the pursuit

That scarlet gaze

Freeze my heart

So the silence befell

Ruined the world

On the peak of Olympus

I chose to fall

There’s no hope now

Only the jump

Could break the tumult

Replacing it for an eyewink of

Hush of bright eyes and clear ears

I stopped simulation

Using dumbness to be the bayonet

Fighting against the uproar

But the loneliness was so serene

That I couldn’t bear any longer

Only to strike the little tambourine

Sing a little song of love

I embrace noise but

Was killed by madness

The tear shed by olive branch

Was my inscription

Life could be ended easily

When instant and forever

Have nothing different

The feeling was disappearing

The world was a sandglass

We the sands

The noise of the sands’ flowing

Was hidden in the sandglass

Silently and lightly

I was tearing

With entrails scattered in the desert

For the eagles to taste

The world composed of rational thinking

Was strangled by the same thing

The Sky Is Crying

The earth is falling

Engulfing the creatures

Created by itself

The sky is crying

Weeping for the bleeding

Of the scarlet earth

Through the gray mist

I can see the tear-stained eyes

Shining, shining

Through the distortion of faces

I can feel the pain of hearts

Beating, beating

Through the glittering TV screen

I can touch the blood of others

Boiling, boiling

Embracing each other, we get warmth

Leaning upon each other, we can heal hurts

The painful crying has broken the silence of indifference

The firm faith has brought the voice of survivals

Hand in hand, we stand facing the wrath of Gaia

Heart to heart, we share the belief of living through the disaster

Through the gap of wastelands

Shines the sunny sky

It has stopped crying and begun smiling

To you, to me, and all of us

We’re not a family of the same kin

But we’re a family of the same blood

The blood of China

After all the clouds and winds

There’ll be a day full of sunlight

When the sky will cry no more

And begin smiling with confidenceJ

Virtual Life

There’re no bards in this area

When all the stars veiled themselves

Above the void roof of the room

And all the rivers hide themselves

Under the asphaltic ground

There’re no poems in this era

When all the big fishes spring

Out of the poisoned lakes

And all cacti withered away

In the deserted oasis of deserts

There’re no angels in this world

When all the gods became naked

In face of the god-like mechanism

When all the messengers became one-winged

Against the day-dreamers holding keyboards and mice

Between the earth and world

Heidegger digs up the meaning of the shoes

Around the four-dimensional mind

Gods left us alone in the ultimate dusk

Prometheus stood on the castle in the air

Preparing to jump

He dreamed of flying into the holy realm

To steal the fire from Olympus

And light it for the mortals

Had he known anything about the aerosphere

Or the man-made eternal Olympic fire?

What is the thieves’ destined torture?

The peck of an eagle

Or the disappearance of the holy fire?

When the only fire was formed in the torch

Poems vanished and poets died

When the nature was buried in our hands

Gods were exiled and dusk befell

In the last glimpse of the peak

I saw the lonely thief squatting

On the peak of purgatory

By his side sit Dante and Haizi

Each of them held their one-wing

Singing the last verse of immortal

To the destined mortals

Can you hear them?

Romeo and Juliet

When love was stolen from our daily routines

To be a so-called holy word

With the highest conception of the world

There’s nothing to be cared about

Facing the lost of all our memories

When death was robbed from our numb bodies

To be a beautiful or horrible word

With the lowest conception of the mortals

There’s nothing to be cared about

Facing the lost of all our lives

When Juliet lay on the ice-cold floor

Romeo came forth with the hope of survival

Where Romeo sank into the chilly sea water

Juliet woke up with the desire of love

Was it destiny which separates the teenagers,

Or just the forever conflict between love and death?

Or just lend me the favor to call all these some kind of art

Where all the impossible things were mustered

Only to allure the tears of us all?

There’s no need to tell love from death

Right from wrong

The whole world was a great furnace

The flames always immingled with the dregs

Or vice versa

Was love the ever flames which had no end

Until all our bodies and minds were smashed

Into masses of dregs with the name of death

I could feel the ever-increasing temperature

Of the great furnace

Where thousands of buildings were gulp

Where thousands of people were buried forever

Where thousands of achievements were taken back by the landlord

Of all living creatures

But was it love?

Was it the great holy brilliant word we called thousands of times?

I guess not

Not at all

Where Romeo and Juliet fell

I saw the tragedy of love shown on the stage of hating

Where the victims were rescued

I saw the tragedy of death shown on the stage of shaking

The furnace were boiling forever on the surface

In the name of love

While it always resumed calmness in the bottom

In the name of death

I saw the message on the cell-phone screen of the dead mother:

Saying: Always remember that I love you, my dear baby.

I saw the corpse of the teacher under whom four children survived

I saw the soldier who dropped on his knees

And cried to get a chance to come back

To save another one from death

There lie heaven and hell

Giving and Taking

Love of others and death of themselves

There lie Romeo and Juliet

Their similar smiling faces

Their similar pale faces

The forever two topics of poems

Were repeated times and again

Several times, Again and again

In the ever-seething flames of the furnace

The great resting volcano Vesuvius

There Romeo and Juliet met each other

Under a long table in a tumbled church

Surrounded by the roasting magma like hellfire

They murmured and laughed

With no words

Being heard

Monologue of Vagina

I heard of crying

From the little girl under the Great Swan


The God of Olympia

The guilty endures for thousands of years

With no judgment from any gods

For they were belongings of the wrath of thunder

I heard of weeping

From the little girl in the Great War


The City of Tory

The fire lights up the whole Aegean Sea

With no regret from any mortals

For they were worshipers of the desire of lust

I heard of sighing

From the little girl in the Great Judgment


The Sentence of Witch

The anger swept the cruel mobs of France

With no mercy from any soldiers

For they were no longer followers of the Joan of Arc

I heard of silence

From the little girls in the first-night show


The monologue of Vagina

The silence spread among the auditorium composed of boys and girls

With no violence or hurt from any students

For they were not slaves of Gods or Passion or Popes

I heard of laugh

From the little girl in my heart


The girl of her own style

The laughter fulfilled the space and the time

With beliefs of equality and life itself from her heart

For she’s the one which cannot be defined by anyone else but herself

These poems’ for the girl in my heart, I sent them one per week.
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酷我!I made it!
酷我!I made it!

注册时间: 2004-06-05
帖子: 13192
来自: Toronto

帖子发表于: 星期日 六月 08, 2008 9:36 am    发表主题: 引用并回复

Love is always enchanting.

I heard of crying

From the little girl under the Great Swan

-----heard of ----I guess you could think of other words to replace...
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注册时间: 2007-12-07
帖子: 32
来自: 北京

帖子发表于: 星期日 六月 08, 2008 2:27 pm    发表主题: 引用并回复

星子 写到:
Love is always enchanting.

I heard of crying

From the little girl under the Great Swan

-----heard of ----I guess you could think of other words to replace...

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注册时间: 2007-05-29
帖子: 1393
来自: GTA, Canada

帖子发表于: 星期日 六月 08, 2008 8:00 pm    发表主题: Re: Poems for my lover 引用并回复

hongyun198 写到:

Monologue of Vagina

I heard of crying

From the little girl under the Great Swan


The God of Olympia

The guilty endures for thousands of years

With no judgment from any gods

For they were belongings of the wrath of thunder

I heard of weeping

From the little girl in the Great War


The City of Tory

The fire lights up the whole Aegean Sea

With no regret from any mortals

For they were worshipers of the desire of lust

I heard of sighing

From the little girl in the Great Judgment


The Sentence of Witch

The anger swept the cruel mobs of France

With no mercy from any soldiers

For they were no longer followers of the Joan of Arc

I heard of silence

From the little girls in the first-night show


The monologue of Vagina

The silence spread among the auditorium composed of boys and girls
With no violence or hurt from any students

For they were not slaves of Gods or Passion or Popes

I heard of laugh

From the little girl in my heart


The girl of her own style

The laughter fulfilled the space and the time

With beliefs of equality and life itself from her heart

For she’s the one which cannot be defined by anyone else but herself

These poems’ for the girl in my heart, I sent them one per week.

Now, this poem stays in my heart.

A poetic rendering of some of the key themes revealed in Vagina Monologue by Eve Ensler , the key organizer of a world wide movement, V-Day (V stands not only for vagina, but for victory against a global epidemic of violence against women), to stop violence against women.

By the way, the audience or auditorium composed of boys or girls?

I think you could say the auditorium is composed of orchestra, balcony seating, the stage, and an orchestra pit.
Time is nothing but a disquiet of the soul
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注册时间: 2007-12-07
帖子: 32
来自: 北京

帖子发表于: 星期一 六月 09, 2008 3:00 am    发表主题: Re: Poems for my lover 引用并回复

ericcoliu 写到:
hongyun198 写到:

Monologue of Vagina

I heard of crying

From the little girl under the Great Swan


The God of Olympia

The guilty endures for thousands of years

With no judgment from any gods

For they were belongings of the wrath of thunder

I heard of weeping

From the little girl in the Great War


The City of Tory

The fire lights up the whole Aegean Sea

With no regret from any mortals

For they were worshipers of the desire of lust

I heard of sighing

From the little girl in the Great Judgment


The Sentence of Witch

The anger swept the cruel mobs of France

With no mercy from any soldiers

For they were no longer followers of the Joan of Arc

I heard of silence

From the little girls in the first-night show


The monologue of Vagina

The silence spread among the auditorium composed of boys and girls
With no violence or hurt from any students

For they were not slaves of Gods or Passion or Popes

I heard of laugh

From the little girl in my heart


The girl of her own style

The laughter fulfilled the space and the time

With beliefs of equality and life itself from her heart

For she’s the one which cannot be defined by anyone else but herself

These poems’ for the girl in my heart, I sent them one per week.

Now, this poem stays in my heart.

A poetic rendering of some of the key themes revealed in Vagina Monologue by Eve Ensler , the key organizer of a world wide movement, V-Day (V stands not only for vagina, but for victory against a global epidemic of violence against women), to stop violence against women.

By the way, the audience or auditorium composed of boys or girls?

I think you could say the auditorium is composed of orchestra, balcony seating, the stage, and an orchestra pit.

It's my Bad English, I guess, hehe.
Thank you.
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