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The face to China's earthquake: the list of charity respons

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注册时间: 2007-02-14
帖子: 615

帖子发表于: 星期日 五月 18, 2008 9:10 am    发表主题: The face to China's earthquake: the list of charity respons 引用并回复

The face to China's earthquake: the list of charity responsibility of enterprises and institutions



Contributions to the list of Sichuan Province in China earthquake

Government / institutions around the masses

Hong Kong SAR Government contributions to Hong Kong with the Hong Kong dollar 300 million donated over 170 million yuan of disaster relief
Macao SAR government contributions to 100 million yuan in Zhejiang Province to receive contributions to 70.309 million yuan
Taiwan's "Executive Yuan" donate 2 billion U.S. contributions to the people of Shanghai Super 37 million yuan
Zhongguancun Haidian Yuan contributions Super 24 million people in Beijing 27.69 million yuan donation
Guangdong provincial government contributions to various sectors of Macao's 22 million donations of more than 34 million patacas
Heilongjiang province donated 15 million yuan in Dalian all contributions of various sectors 28330000
1400 contributions to the Central Committee of Zhuhai, all contributions million over 10 million
Beijing municipal government contributions to various sectors of Tianjin 13 million yuan more than 1200 contributions
12 million yuan in Guangzhou, Shanghai contributions to the public on the 1st fund-raising 14.08 million yuan
National women's contributions to 11.7 million yuan
Contribute 10 million yuan in Liaoning Province

Charitable organizations overseas donations

The China Red Cross Society of ultra-raising of 120 million U.S. Ambassador to China 500,000 U.S. dollars donation
Li Ka Shing Foundation, 30 million yuan contributions to the first batch of relief supplies arrived in the Russian Chengdu
Friends of the Foundation contributions entrepreneurs into the United Kingdom and 9.6 million yuan disaster relief assistance of the Government of Italy
Shanxi Red Cross fund-raising 6 million yuan Malaysia resuming the Disaster Relief Fund
Zhejiang Red Cross fund-raising 2.62 million yuan United Nations Children's Fund donated 2 million Hong Kong dollars
Taiwan Red Cross fund-raising 300,000 U.S. dollars contributions to the International Olympic Committee 1 million U.S. dollars
Ningxia Red Cross fund-raising 100,000 yuan Oxfam Hong Kong will contribute 12 million Hong Kong dollars
Hunan International Red Cross fund-raising 100,000 yuan Buddha will donate 10 million yuan NT
Guangxi Red Cross fund-raising 100,000 yuan Japanese over 5,200 10,000 yen
Taiwan's Tzu Chi funds raised 42,000 blankets donated by overseas Chinese businessmen of 92 million yuan

The sports sector entrepreneurs

National Sports Associations and other 5000000 Lee Shau Kee and his son donated 17 million yuan donation
Yao Li Ka-shing contributions 500,000 yuan donation of 10 million
Liu Xiang apprenticeship donated 500,000 yuan of donations of 10 million Liu Yonghao
Tian Liang, leaves a Xifu UNIFEM contributions donated 100,000 yuan Yang Yan 10 million orphans earthquake relief
Jiu Li Yongbo contributions 100,000 yuan, chairman of Cheung Yan Lung Paper contributions 8000000
Yi Jianlian contributions 100,000 yuan Shide Group Chairman Xu Mingyang contributions 5000000
Wang Zhizhi contributions donated 100,000 yuan Palm Springs Zeng Wei 3000000
National gymnastics team contributions to 100 million Geely chairman Zealous Supporter contributions 1200000
National table tennis team contributions 980,000 yuan Jiang Chen of Chinese businessmen and patriotic contributions to 1 million yuan
China's badminton team contributions 100,000 yuan odd tiger Zhou Hongyi 1 million donation

Other personal technology / electronic / Internet

Wang Yung-ching single Tencent donated 100 million yuan accumulated contributions 5 million yuan
Mr. Shao Yifu contributions to 100 million Hong Kong dollar Foxconn Group of 60 million yuan donation
Zhengda Xie Guomin, chairman of China donated 10 million yuan Samsung donated 30 million yuan
Ma Ying-jeou contributions 200,000 U.S. contributions to 15 million yuan China Mobile
The 11th Panchen contributions donated 100,000 yuan Maipu Group of 15 million yuan
New Oriental Xu Xiaoping contributions 1 million donation of 10 million Haier Group
Stanley Ho donated 10 million Hong Kong dollars Lenovo Group of 10 million yuan donation
Mobile users contribute more than 2,100 million Gree Electric contributions to 8.5 million
Soong donate 1 million Taiwan dollars Changhong Group contributions 6.52 million yuan
Japanese Kabuki masters donated 55,000 yuan Hisense Group 6 million donation

Financial / insurance / securities business / clothing / services

Bank of China 23 million yuan Belle contributions to the international contributions of 20 million yuan Total
China Construction Bank contribute 20 million yuan Anta contributions to 10 million yuan
China Everbright Holdings Group Senma contributions donated 17.65 million yuan worth of millions of clothing
China Life Insurance contributions to the United States and 16 million yuan of the Group of 7 million yuan donation
The Agricultural Bank of contributions to 15 million yuan Metersbonwe contributions to 6 million yuan
CITIC Securities contributions to 14.1 million yuan Southern Power Grid Company donated 5.19 million yuan
Industrial and Commercial Bank of contributions to 12 million yuan Suning Group 5 million donation
Bank of Communications contribute 12 million yuan Jin Pa men's contributions to 3 million yuan
Minsheng Bank contributions of 10 million new contributions to the Orient Group 3 million yuan
China Merchants Bank 8 million yuan of donations large contributions to 1 million yuan education

Real estate / construction food / medicine

OCT Group contributions to 11 million yuan in Shanghai Fosun Group of 10 million yuan donation
China Fanhai Group contributions Mengniu Group donated 10 million yuan worth 5.2 million yuan milk
Sichuan Blu-ray group contributions of 10 million donated 5 million yuan in Guizhou Maotai
Shimao Group contributions to 10 million Wahaha total of 5 million yuan donation money and materials
Shui On Land contributions 10000000 Hayao Group 5 million donation money and materials
Longhu property of the donor group of more than 6 million yuan in Shanxi Asia-medicine 4 million yuan of donations
Longhu Real Estate contributions Super 3 million yuan issued sharp donated medical equipment worth 3.5 million yuan
R & F Properties contributions donated 3 million yuan Haoli Lai 5 million yuan
Bi Guiyuan contributions to 3 million yuan Renhe Group donated medicines worth 3 million yuan
Vanke Group contributions 2200000 Huiyuan juice donated 2 million yuan

Automotive / Manufacturing

Hyundai Kia Group contributions to 12.6 million yuan
BYD contributions of 10 million cars
Geely carrying distribution providers contributions 10000000
SAIC contribute 10 million yuan
FAW and Toyota contributions to 10 million yuan
Volkswagen contributions to 6 million yuan
Shanghai GM contributions to 3 million yuan
Brilliance donation worth 2.8 million yuan rescue vehicles
FAW-Volkswagen contributions to 2 million yuan
Lifan cars contributions 2 million yuan

Transportation / energy / Integrated

Inner Mongolia Yitai Group donated 20 million yuan
Contribute 15 million yuan Three Gorges Project Corporation
CNAC Group and Air China 11 million yuan donation
China Southern Airlines contribute 10 million yuan
COSCO Group contributions to 10 million yuan
Of survival for 10 million yuan in donations
CNOOC's contributions to 10 million yuan
10 million yuan in donations oil
Sinopec contribute 10 million yuan
Jiu Long Paper contributions to 10 million yuan

Foreign invested enterprises

Indonesian Sinar Mas Group contributions to 20 million yuan
Sanofi - the million people in 15 million yuan donation
Canon Group of 11 million yuan donation
South Korean SK Group contributions to 10 million yuan
Hitachi donors 8000000 supplies 1 million cash
Coca-Cola Super 5 million donation money and materials
Mary Kay Company donated 3 million yuan
Dell's contributions to 2.1 million yuan
Siemens contributions to 2 million yuan
Amway contributions to 2 million yuan


政府/机构 各地群众

·香港特区政府捐款3亿港元 ·香港各界捐赈灾款1.7亿多元
·澳门特区政府捐款1亿人民币 ·浙江省接收捐款7030.9万元
·台湾“行政院”捐20亿新台币 ·上海市市民捐款超3700万元
·中关村海淀园捐款超2400万 ·北京市市民捐款2769万元
·广东省政府捐款2200万 ·澳门各界捐款逾3400万澳门元
·黑龙江省各界捐1500万元 ·大连各界捐款物2833万
·团中央捐款1400余万元 ·珠海各界捐款过1000万
·北京市政府捐款1300万元 ·天津各界捐款1200余
·上海市捐款1200万元 ·广州市民1日筹款1408万元

慈善组织 海外捐赠

·中国红十字会募集款物超1.2亿 ·美国驻华大使捐款50万美元
·李嘉诚基金会捐款3000万元 ·俄罗斯首批救援物资运抵成都
·友成企业家基金会捐款960万元 ·英国和意大利政府救灾援助
·山西红十字会募款600万元 ·马来西亚重启赈灾基金
·浙江红十字会募款262万元 ·联合国儿童基金会捐200万港币
·台湾红十字会募款30万美元 ·国际奥委会捐款100万美元
·宁夏红十字会募款10万元 ·香港乐施会捐款1200万港币
·湖南红十字会募款10万元 ·国际佛光会捐出一千万元台币
·广西红十字会募款10万元 ·日本各界5200多万日元
·台湾慈济基金募集42000条毛毯 ·海外华商捐赠款物9200万元

体育界 企业家

·全国体育总会等捐500万 ·李兆基父子捐款1700万元
·姚明捐款50万元 ·李嘉诚捐款1000万元
·刘翔师徒合捐50万元 ·刘永好捐款1000万元
·田亮、叶一茜夫妇捐款10万元 ·杨惠妍捐1000万救助地震孤儿
·李永波捐款10万元 ·玖龙纸业董事长张茵捐款800万
·易建联捐款10万元 ·实德集团董事长徐明捐款500万
·王治郅捐款10万元 ·棕榈泉曾伟捐300万
·国家体操队捐款上百万元 ·吉利董事长李书福捐款120万
·国家乒乓球队捐款98万元 ·爱国华商陈江和捐款100万元
·中国羽毛球队捐款10万元 ·奇虎周鸿祎捐款100万元

其他个人 科技/电子/互联网

·王永庆单笔捐赠1亿元人民币 ·腾讯累计捐款500万元
·邵逸夫先生捐款1亿港元 ·富士康集团捐款6000万元
·正大董事长谢国民捐1000万元 ·中国三星捐3000万元
·马英九捐款20万新台币 ·中国移动捐款1500万元
·十一世班禅捐款10万元 ·迈普集团捐赠1500万元
·新东方徐小平捐款100万元 ·海尔集团捐款1000万元
·何鸿燊捐1000万港币 ·联想集团捐款1000万元
·移动用户捐款2100多万元 ·格力电器捐款850万元
·宋楚瑜捐100万台币 ·长虹集团捐款652万元
·日本歌舞伎大师捐5.5万元 ·海信集团捐款600万元

金融/保险/证券 商业/服装/服务

·中国银行捐款2300万元 ·百丽国际捐款物共计2000万元
·中国建设银行捐款2000万元 ·安踏捐款1000万元
·中国光大集团捐款1765万元 ·森马集团捐赠价值千万衣物
·中国人寿捐款1600万元 ·国美集团捐款700万元
·农业银行捐款1500万元 ·美特斯邦威捐款600万元
·中信证券捐款1410万元 ·南方电网公司捐款519万元
·工商银行捐款1200万元 ·苏宁集团捐款500万元
·交通银行捐款1200万元 ·劲霸男装捐款300万元
·民生银行捐款1000万元 ·新东方集团捐款300万元
·招商银行捐款800万元 ·学大教育捐款100万元

房地产/建筑 食品/医药

·华侨城集团捐款1100万元 ·上海复星集团捐款1000万元
·中国泛海集团捐款1000万元 ·蒙牛集团捐赠价值520万元牛奶
·四川蓝光集团捐款1000万元 ·贵州茅台捐献500万元
·世茂集团捐款1000万 ·娃哈哈捐款捐物共500万元
·瑞安房地产捐款1000万 ·哈药集团捐款捐物500万元
·龙湖集团捐助财物逾600万元 ·山西亚宝药业捐款物400万元
·龙湖地产捐款超300万元 ·锐珂医疗捐赠价值350万元器械
·富力地产捐款300万元 ·好利来捐500万元
·碧桂园捐款300万元 ·仁和集团捐赠价值300万元药品
·万科集团捐款220万 ·汇源果汁捐赠200万元






诗歌可能是一种唯一生活在世间的生命与精神密切交流的暗夜中的幽灵,它是存在活生生的生命的文学体裁,它的眼睛能看到你我的灵魂,并游走在你我精神、魂魄、肉体的四周。 真正的真善美是敢于裸露的,放眼苍穹看去星空,那才是真爱、真善、真美。——南柯舟
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