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Try on fiction, not sure it yet (Poetry Alive)

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酷我!I made it!
酷我!I made it!

注册时间: 2004-06-05
帖子: 13192
来自: Toronto

帖子发表于: 星期一 四月 21, 2008 9:42 pm    发表主题: Try on fiction, not sure it yet (Poetry Alive) 引用并回复

Life On the Edge – “Poetry Alive” fairytale


Jane: female poet. Chinese, immigrant to Canada, believe she belong to a new land, yet after struggle, doubt
Emike: Scientitst and computer expert in Microsoft, born in Canada, his great-great-grandparents was Chinese. He believed they were Li Po’s offspring and he believed he belongs to China. Eager to learn Chinese culture, and encounter many conflict between culture during his love in Jane
Po Li: An ancient male Poet (through Time machine, revived by Jane)
Alan: detective: (help to invest “Microsoft software” case)
Lisa : Jane’s friend, Emike’s classmate (post the poem Jane wrote for her in facebook. Thus Emike gets interested in Jane)

Story: Jane has super power to return to the old time, but she isn’t aware of that. She had problem of her memory, and she doesn’t know where she belong to. She suffers from her identity. Emike notices her ability and used her to transverse the time space to help him make auto-poet-maker.
Eventually they fall in love. In the end Emike recognize no possibility to invent auto-poet-make, because he understands, not the words make poem, but the great heart, the good mind.
(the whole story I am not sure . . . it may change a lot)

Chapter 1

Microsoft China: staff are getting together, they are celebrating their new software which is claimed to be the best auto-poet-maker. The time is 2020, after Post Modern Era. People are tired of materialism; they wish to return back to a world which appraises nature beauty and poetic uplifting. With these demands, poetry becomes fashion again, Just like Tang Dynaty in China and 欧洲文艺复兴, the whole world calls for great poets. Microsoft predicts the unique business opportunity, the leaders of the company decide to develop the auto-poet-maker software in advance. After five years research and developing, Now on the stage, Bill Gate is showing his most exciting software. Bill cannot help rocking! Meanwhile, poems after poems he recites, and no one ever heard these beautiful poems before. The whole world is shocked; Bill Gate is making poems, in Chinese!

Only one guy smirks behind the scene. He is watching the global show all the time as well, his name is Emike. He whispers: “Soon those are bushes! Just wait, wait to see.”

Emike just quit his job from Microsoft. All of his colleges and friends were surprised by his decision. He was the most bright and promising star in the company. Bill tried his best to persuade him from quitting. But Emike insists on his decision. Every one think Emike is crazy and feel sorry for him because of giving up such wonderful future. But nobody knows that Emike has his biggest ambition and series of plans, he sets them up all. He knows all secrets of the new Microsoft software because it is him who invents it and he knows soon he will take it over.

Two months ago, he set up a new company named “Poetry Alive”. He deliberately left a fatal defect in Microsoft software: it will only allow auto-poet-maker live three months. Emike thinks it is an excellent plan. During the three month, nobody could notice the bug and meanwhile, Microsoft will advertise it in the whole world. According to Emike, by that end of three months, the whole world will laugh at the software and Microsoft. Then it is the perfect time for him to announce his new company and new software. Emike is a careful and smart person. He believes in three months, he could find the solution for the real fatal defect of the software. But now he cannot do it alone. Now he desperately needs a helper.

Chapter 2

When Jane woke up, she found herself lying on the bed, covered by a white bed sheet. Through the dim light, Jane glanced around, the room was tiny. sparsely furnished. It seemed to be a typical hotel room.
“Where am I? Why am I here? What happened? …” Jane stared at the flower-patterned wall paper blankly, no clue except she had a huge headache.
No one else was in the room, there was only silence. Jane hated to be such a fool, not knowing anything about what happened to her; she wished to dig her memory out.... Then she caught sight of her pink purse, lying on the chair, flat as a fish. Jane suddenly remembered that her partner, Lisa had packed a plump envelop into her purse, then zipped it and handed it to her. She threw the blanket out and tried to reach her purse.

In the plump envelop, there are folded pages. Jane unfolded them, the first page only have three lines, Jane recognized them, her own poem: (a haiku)

Unwrapping a dream,
beauty inside reveals truth:
change never ceases.

Jane immediately turns to next page, more poems with signature of “Emike”.
Jane never heard of Emike, no mention his poems. With curiosity, Jane read them one by one, all in once, she loves them, so powerful and delicate, so concise and profound. She wonder what does Emike look like. On the last page, yet, no poem, only a name ID with a name “Dream Room” link. Jane never heard of that, and the ID is weird too. “live to dream” . Jane was fantisitc by the mystery, she decides to go online and find it out.

Chapter (3)

Jane registered her as “Apple” and carefully not leave any real identify, she log on “Dream Room”.
Live to Dream was online, in green color. Jane knew it meant he was free to chat. Surprisingly, there were only two IDs, one, Jane’s.
“Hi, Jane”, immediately, Live to Dream approached,
“Who are you? How do you know I am Jane?” Jane was a little bit shocked.
“I also know you are a poet. I know why you are here too. “ Live to Dream sent one smile face.
“So why do you give me the letter? Are your friend of Lisa?” Jane questioned.
“In fact, I am your friend too. “Live to Dream still smiled.
“No. I don’t know you. Who are you?” Jane insisted.
Live to Dream sent a kiss along, “Remember your poem: Beyond my Knowing?”

He pasted the whole poem:

You ask if I know you--
by now, I still remember
the old river, stones:
flapped like birds,
reeds covered whispers.

Your hands cupped mine
as a sprouting lily
among the white reed bed.
Curtain-like drizzle dangled
and stars bloomed till dawn.

Now and later,
I stand by my shadow;
listen to their falling --
in quiescence.

As time takes me,
an echo repeats --
reminiscence is fruitless.

Too sad, it seems you really believe: reminiscence is fruitless. And forget all.”
Jane paused for a while, then asked it again:” Who are you?”

“The one who believes fate. You need to find it out by yourself. By the way, do you still believe There Must Be Something? “
He continued:

There must be something
beneath the snow,
when quiescence dominates mountains,
squirrels clutch pinecones,
and I watch you from a distance.”

Live to Dream sent a sad face this time.

“I am confused, really. I need to take back and think the whole blizzard thing.” Jane shook her head as if the other person could see her. For now, she had a very strange even attaching feeling towards Live to Dream. She felt he was familiar and sensed she may meet him somewhere.

“Sure. Any time. Here, you will find me.” A smile face appeared again.

Jane didn’t reply and quickly log off. She was puzzled at what happened and what would happen. But she was sure there is a long way to go from now on.


Jane grew up in Hunan, where people possessed great courage, bold frankness and self sacrifice. In her hometown, the local culture contained stories about mythical creatures and legends of famous heroes. The most renowned person was QuYuan, a great ancient poet who threw himself into Miluo River because he was unwilling to compromise his principles of living with dignity to serve his country. His tragedy moved everyone around the countryside. People set May 5 as his Memorial Day. For more than 2000 years, people paid their respect to him. Each year around that special day, people host raced dragon boats to remember him, threw food into river to protect him away from hungry fish. Jane remembers her whole family would be busy to collect the leaves of wormwood and made ZongZi (A kind of rice cake wrapped by leaves). But unfortunately, his great writing was long forgotten. But not for Jane, who was passionate with poetry. Jane loves China so much and admires all the great ancient poets. She believes her own country is a marvelous ancient land with a grand poetic heritage, yet in the depth of her heart, she felt she was called by another land, an enormous and wild land which was Canada. She felt sad and found it extremely difficult to make her choice.
The night when she landed in Canada as an immigrant, she wrote a poignant poem for her parting country and her beloved poet: QuYuan



That night, for the first time, she dreamt of a man with a long white gown and a shiny sword, floating on the broad Pacific Ocean. He called her name, she tried to see his face, but only mist before her and the man disappeared.

The night after, Jane always had the same dream.

Chapter 5

Then Jane remembers something bothered her for long time, even she seemed having forgotten them all.
But they really were just hidden unconsciously, now they float above.

When it happened, Jane was only 6 years old, in Grade One. Jane didn't notice most of the time that Jane was alone on the playground until one day all of my other girl classmates circled me inside and stomped their feet. Jane stared at them and stunned by their look that apparently full of hateful and cold feeling. Why they hated me? Jane was sure that Jane had done nothing wrong. Jane just played alone. Jane was puzzled. But Jane ignored them and continued to play. Soon the bell rang and all of them ran back to the class room, Jane waited for a few minutes, and then Jane followed.
After school, as usual Jane walked home. On the way, Jane found there were some followers, first a few, sneakily, and then many gathered, stamped their feet loudly. It reminded me of a movie about Cultural Revolution. The Red Guards gathered and followed their target along the street, with stamping their feet and calling the victim names to insult.
That thought scared me. Jane wondered why she was their target. She really did nothing. She was mainly in my own little world, playing and staying alone. Luckily they did not do any physical harm to me. But from that day on, there were always a group of girls followed me and stomped behind me and called me names. Jane could not remember what they called. Over the decades, Jane seldom thinks about that. Until today Jane read some books about psychology. The experts claim that many people tend to forget their unhappy experience and pretend it never happened, thus they may get less hurt.
True, Jane remember little about my childhood, especially things about that. Sometimes, Jane think they were merely her dreams, since they were so blurred and Jane never could remember who were among them, except me. Till now Jane guess she must survived a lot of dreams.




Chapter 6

It was Lisa who brought Jane back to write. After immigrant, Jane was very eager to learn new skills to survive in the new land. She hardly had time to read literary and write too. But the learning process seemed a little disappointed. After three years, she found her English still was the huge barrier lied before her. Other colleges got promotion one by one, she still lingered in the same position. Without fluent English, she felt herself a trapped bird. Lacking confidence, Jane even held back to her own cell, a small apartment. Many times she asked herself why she came to Canada. Why she gave up many good opportunities in China? The voice which called her before to explore a new world eventually disappeared. She doubted her instincts.

Then Lisa invited Jane to join her in Toast Master Club. Lisa was born in Toronto.
She works at the same company with Jane. They are both java programmers.
Lisa didn’t like coding; she thought it would eat away her energy. But if she wanted to change her career, she really needed to build her courage of public speaking. “Toast Master Club” is the solution, she told Jane. “Come with me, you can be a guest by watching the whole process.”

The visit to Toast Master Club really opened Jane’s eyes. She heard many sad and touching stories by various speakers, some just like her, with English second language, but they all seemed uplifted and tenaciously pursue their dreams.

Jane remembered her dream; they remind her of her passion too. Writing. But this time, she wanted to write in English. There may be no reader, but she knew how much she just want to write. Her door was opened by God’s Eye,

I see the pupil of your eye
and myself embraced within.
Blind days have past
your light has shed through the opened ocular.
Under your might,
I gain new sight.

Jane began writing and writing. She slowly got the confidence to show her work to others. Friends of her praised her talent and suggested that she joined the poet group. Why not? After so long silence, Jane felt the inner voice calling again.
Go, go to find where you belong. Jane became a new person, just like reborn.
Lisa witnessed it that Jane’s slow transition, a new confident and passionate, , soft and humble self. Jane was aware of the change and happy about her new world, she felt:
Upon the crowning hill,
stars gleam
and moonlight bathes
a little self

-----continue... you are welcome to add more or write it on... (each chapter will need more detail... right now, merely a skeleton)
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