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A Colorful World In Darkness

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注册时间: 2006-11-06
帖子: 42

帖子发表于: 星期二 一月 30, 2007 3:59 am    发表主题: A Colorful World In Darkness 引用并回复

Now I have come to Guangzhou one year, during which I have met many kinds of people, from the rich to the poor, some in the latest fashion and some in the rags, girls driving shiny cars and men begging along the flourishing roads with their disabilities…But who impress me deeply are those blind entertainers wandering along the bustling roads living by playing their musical instruments for the passer-by.
The first musical entertainers who caught my attention were four blind men, in middle age, wearing old clothes with patches on the elbows. When I passed that busy road at fast pace, suddenly some melodious music flowed in the turbid air like a butterfly flapping its gentle wing. I stopped as if some magic power pinned me down. I looked into the direction where it came from, and what I saw was four men, sitting beside the road, passer passing like flowing water, and the magic music came from the strange instruments they held. I wondered at that wonderful music, so melodious, so euphonious and so magic. I couldn’t find a word to describe what music I heard, I had never heard such music before, not music from piano, from guitar, from flute or any kind of famous instruments known to the world.
And what surprised me most was that these four men were all blind, closing their eyes tightly and abnormally. At that time a feeling of sympathy, admiration and comprehension gushed from my heart, which made me lost myself. And all kinds of noise and hubbub made by crowd and cars seemed to disappear, leaving the magic music hovering around the sky.
At last I paid them for their wonderful music, and most of all, for their spirit of independence. I was not an almsgiver who gave them money in charity, instead I was an audience paying for their wonderful music. I seldom gave money to those beggar who asked me money or who sat there waiting for somebody gave them money, partly because I was in need of money to go to university and partly because most of them pretended being pitiable. But these four men impressed me with something I could not tell until I met another blind entertainer.
That day when I hurried to the bus station, I heard another more melodious music, lingering over the sky of this clamorous metropolitan. That music was so incompatible with this noisy city that it seemed from a remote world, lyric, clear, gentle, pure, like a dewdrop fell to a pool of clear water and that drop sound reverberated in that quiet place.
I stood there, intoxicating with that music. And I found them, a blind man accompanied by his daughter my age. I was very surprised that the very instrument, with which he produced such splendid music, was as simple as a round log, with a string of musical instrument gliding along the log performing that marvelous music, which seemed floating from a distant place long long ago. In this rush hour, in the noise of cars and bus mixing with clatter from crowd, such music became more spiritual, as if above the world, from the universe.
I wondered how such a simple log could perform so miraculous music. I came toward them and paid them for their music. When the girl took the money---it was just two yuan---she smiled sweetly and gratefully, saying: “Good person will be safe for life.”
I smiled back and asked politely: “Could you tell me why such simple log can perform so beautiful music?”
She walked holding her father’s hand and said: “That is because this log has accompanied him for nearly thirty years. In these years they have become good friends and their spirits have merged together.”
It was incredible to hear a girl like her saying such profound thing. I looked at his instrument which as she said was old but flickering due to its long history and much experience. According to what she told me, a disease deprived her father of vision and from then on he lived in a dark world. At first he was depressed by the sudden change in his life when he was just thirty. There was a period he lost heart in life. But later somebody---also a blind man, an old man who was born blind---gave him such musical instrument from which he found himself and a new world, a colorful world in his darkness.
I thought life was not easy for him since he lived in a dark world without anything. I didn’t know how he came out from that desperate world in the power of music, but I could image that he immersed himself in the melodious music world, went out of the shadow that covered his heart, took it up to perform music spurting from his heart and faced life calmly and unhurriedly.
German composer Ludwig van Beethoven said: “Music is moonlight in the gloomy night of life.” To that blind entertainer, as I thought, music was his sunshine that colored his dark world. To me, that music still hovering around my ears washed away the dust of everyday life from my soul, leaving a new myself to face the new world.
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酷我!I made it!
酷我!I made it!

注册时间: 2004-06-05
帖子: 13192
来自: Toronto

帖子发表于: 星期二 一月 30, 2007 2:33 pm    发表主题: 引用并回复

Thanks for sharing.

I think your English is very good.

Though I feel the writing style a little too formal.

When I write my speech in English, the same...

We can feel how vivid and flexible in others' writing through books or newspaper.
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