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Being Young And Being Old

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注册时间: 2006-11-06
帖子: 42

帖子发表于: 星期二 一月 30, 2007 3:57 am    发表主题: Being Young And Being Old 引用并回复

Life is a journey, in which you depart where you were born, leave for an ideal place in hope of meeting different people and seeing the wonderful world, strive for something that is worth persisting, succeed and fail, at last, you are tired and you come back where you were born, living a peaceful life. During this period, you change from a young person to an old one.
Many people compare youth to spring, full of live and energy, with flowers spreading over the earth and birds singing among trees. Youth is as splendid as spring, blazing with color, gestating hope and imagination. When one is young, they want to go to a remote place without explanation. It is passion of youth that captivates them and makes them can’t help seeking after the thing, thing that attracts them in the distance. So, young people leave home for a stranger place, where they make their living and go through thick and thin, with the dream that they can live a better life.
Naturally, age is compared to autumn, in which leaves fall down melancholy and flowers wither in the cool wind. But there is a beauty in autumn, and that is maturity resulting from blooms in spring and growth in summer with its fruit and joy of harvest. Age is like this. When a person becomes old, though wrinkles unfold on their faces and white hair appears in the dark one, there is still beauty in them. They have an unregretful youth during which they live their life in persistence of thing worth their seeking for. Despite times of failures are more than those of successes, despite they can’t get what they pay, it is still a beautiful song recording their whole life. Now they are satisfied with life because they have gotten a good harvest.
It seems that lots of people are afraid of being old and try every way to keep young. It doomed to lose in this battle because time is a most impartial thing in the world. You have to spend your whole life seeking for the thing as years roll on. I think if you have no regret in life, there is no need worrying youth leaves and age comes. Being old means you have undergone many things, including smiles and tears. And you are not the young person that knew nothing about this wonderful world---you have grown up, bittersweet.
In addition, being old stands for a long life, which mean that you have an entire life.
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