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和平岛[我还没有昵称] 和平岛作品集 一品翰林院大学士 (酷我!I made it!)
注册时间: 2004-05-16 帖子: 5614 来自: Victoria
发表于: 星期日 十月 30, 2005 8:02 pm 发表主题: 《北美枫》运行准则 |
Guidelines of the Journal of North American Maple
A leading bilingual literary journal in North America
A Brief Introduction
The North American Maple is a leading bilingual literary journal in both the languages of Chinese and English, published by a non-profit organization, the Chinese Literature Society of North America. The journal is developed from the beimeifeng website: http://www.coviews.com/.
Chinese Literature Society of North America
The Chinese Literature Society of North America is a non-profit organization registered in BC, Canada.
The purposes of the society are:
To manage the publication of the literary journal of “North American Maple”.
To promote the culture exchange between Canada and China in the respect of literature.
To build a literature bridge between the English and the Chinese poetry around the world.
The society is dedicated to developing the journal and promoting its cultural value. Its directors and members are volunteer workers for the journal. The board of directors will be reelected every two years. The president of the society, with the help from other directors of the society, will appoint editors and invite advisers for the journal.
Some guidelines include:
making good use of resources.
transparency of administration.
transparency of financing.
flexibilities of management tactics.
Annual fee is $50 for a director, $20 for a member. The fee will be 100 RMB for a Mainland director, and 50 RMB for a Mainland member. Members have the privileges of publishing works over non members.
The main sources of financing come from membership fees, personal donations, multi-culture grants from the governments, sponsorships and/or donations of corporations, advertisement fees, and minor translation charges.
Journal of North American Maple
Currently, the journal is published semi-annually. It has 80 pages each issue, A4 format.
The types of literary work the journal will publish include western literature, modern poetry, traditional Chinese poetry, review, short fiction, and prose, with the main focus being modern poetry.
We are devoted to publishing the most distinguished bilingual literary journal in Canada and in North America. The first issue is planned to be released in both Canada and China in February 2006.
The major features of the journal are:
It is registered in Canada. Each issue will be sent to national libraries, libraries of major universities and research centers in Canada, USA, and Mainland China. We provide a whole new platform for researchers of English and Chinese literatures, especially in poetry.
It is going to translate contemporary English poems into Chinese, through the authorization of copyright holders. It provides a showcase opportunity for English poets to be well connected with the Chinese population. Meanwhile, it provides an excellent channel for sinologists in North America to present their latest research achievements.
It is dedicated to recommending the latest high-quality Chinese poems to the English world. Our journal has bilingual poets. And to ensure a high-quality standard, we are going to keep close relationships with poets, sinologists and pan-humanists in North America.
We are going to invite well-known critics of poetry to write reviews on the current developments of the modern poetry.
It will maintain a bilaterally beneficial relationship with artists of North America.
Our editors are volunteer workers. We will respect and assert the spirits of freedom and independence of literature. We will promote the idealism of literature and personal developments, and will also enhance the exchange between Chinese, Canadian and English poets.
The North American Maple does not normally print work and/or translations previously published. Poems and other literary work are submitted through the beimeifeng website, and are selected by our moderators, based mainly on the literary merit and quality. Please use a valid email address for registration, to facilitate an effective communication. Selected works will be published in consistence with the tradition of international academic journals: no remuneration and also no fees charged on authors. Once published, authors in Mainland China will be sent a free copy of the current issue.
Executive editor will take turn, by the directors of the Chinese Literature Society of North America.
International Advisory Board
Well-known poets, writers, sinologists, and critics are invited to join the International Advisory Board of the journal of North American Maple. They automatically become advisers for the Chinese Literature Society of North America, upon the acceptance of the advisorship of the journal. Advisers are encouraged to keep an active role in the quality and publication of the journal.
Principal responsibilities of an adviser include:
Recommending works of contemporary Chinese and English poets, and help to obtain copyright of translation and publication without a charge.
Giving inquiry, suggestions, and recommendation on the quality and direction of the journal. The editorial board appreciates every advice and suggestion from our adviser, and will carefully study and review every case and feedback its decision on time.
Supervising on the quality of translated work.
Keeping an active relationship with the editor in-charge and other members of the Editorial Board, by means of email, letters, phone calls, and faxes.
There are two types of advisers: permanent and contractual. Contracts will either be renewed or stopped based on the willingness and effectiveness of the cooperation between the two parties, after a careful consultation with each other.
Upon to now, the International Advisory Board consists of
Xie Mian: Professor of Peking University, Critic of Poetry.
Luo fu: Taiwan Poet, now in Canada.
Jia Pingwa: Famous writer, Chairman of Literature League in Xi’an, Vice President of Writers’ Association of Shanxi Province, Lives in Xi’an.
Lorna Crozier: Poet, chair of the Department of Writing, University of Victoria, Governor General's Award receiver for poetry. Term: 2005-2006.
Qiao Damo:Poet. Term: 2005-2007.
William Marr (Fei Ma): Poet. Term: 2005-2007.
Stephen Owen: Professor of Harvard University, famous sinologist. Term: 2005-2007.
Every board member will receive a free copy of each issue of the journal.
We hope these advisers will effectively guide our editors and enhance their editing skills, and help make the North American Maple a serious and valuable journal, leading in the field of bilingual literature and Chinese poetry around the world.
Beimeifeng Website
The beimeifeng website, http://www.coviews.com/, was founded in May 2004. It is one of the largest literary website in North America. Currently, it has more than one thousand registered users from around the world: Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand, and various European countries. Its Average Traffic Rank is 115,573, certified by Alexa.
It will have an English BBS very soon, and we will invite more English poets to join our team.
英汉双语文学杂志《北美枫》(The Maple Review) 是由非赢利机构“北美华人文学社”主办的纯文学刊物。依托于酷我-北美枫网站http://www.coviews.com/。
Chinese Literature Society of North America
北美华人文学社的一切活动,都是为了《北美枫》期刊。决不浪费一分钱。操作透明化, 财务透明化。管理要充分体现灵活性。理事年费: $50, 一般会员$20。中国的理事100元人民币, 一般会员50。在《北美枫》发表过作品的作者,具备入会的条件。会员有发表作品的优先权。
Journal of North American Maple
International Advisory Board
• 为杂志推荐值得译介的当代汉语、英语诗人,并协助我们获得最好是无偿的翻译授权。
• 顾问对杂志的发展方向有质询、建言和推荐权;编辑委员会感谢每一位特邀顾问的每一项意见和建议,将认真地研究和回复。
• 顾问对译文的质量有监督权。
• 杂志鼓励特邀顾问以一切方便的方式,如电子邮件、书信、电话、传真等,与编辑委员会及主编保持联系,交流意见和建议。
• 谢冕:北京大学教授,诗歌批评家。
• 贾平凹:著名作家。
• 洛夫:台湾诗人。
• Lorna Crozier:加拿大著名诗人,最高诗歌奖总督奖获得者,维多利亚大学教授。年限:2005-2006。
• 樵达摩:年轻诗人。年限:2005-2007。
• 非马:诗人。年限:2005-2007。
• Stephen Owen:中文名宇文所安。哈佛大学教授,著名汉学家。年限:2005-2007。
beimeifeng Website:http://www.coviews.com/
酷我-北美枫网站创建于June 30, 2004,是北美最大的专业文学网站之一,现有一千多位来自世界各地的注册用户:中国大陆、台湾、香港、加拿大、美国、澳大利亚、新西兰、及欧洲各国。平均流量排名:115,573。
最后进行编辑的是 和平岛 on 星期四 十二月 01, 2005 2:26 am, 总计第 10 次编辑 |
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肖今[King] 肖今作品集 一品翰林院大学士 (酷我!I made it!)
注册时间: 2004-06-16 帖子: 5783 来自: Free sky
发表于: 星期日 十月 30, 2005 11:07 pm 发表主题: |
向你敬礼! _________________ ░░破茧成蝶 眼泪,从此不咸░░
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高岸[我还没有昵称] 高岸作品集 二品总督总管 (回首人生,前途在望)
注册时间: 2004-06-29 帖子: 4398 来自: 多伦多
发表于: 星期日 十月 30, 2005 11:19 pm 发表主题: |
<北美枫>杂志的创立,将北美枫网站推向了一个崭新的阶段,对加拿大华语诗歌和文学起了较大的推动作用,对中外文化交流也必将产生积极的影响。 |
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水稻[水稻] 水稻作品集 三品按察使 (天,你是斑竹吧?)
注册时间: 2004-09-25 帖子: 501 来自: 中国武汉
发表于: 星期一 十月 31, 2005 1:23 am 发表主题: |
敬礼! |
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晨雨无声[晨雨] 晨雨无声作品集 三品按察使 (天,你是斑竹吧?)
注册时间: 2005-10-24 帖子: 506 来自: 内蒙古呼伦贝尔市伊敏河
发表于: 星期一 十月 31, 2005 7:45 am 发表主题: |
哇,气势庞大,实力雄厚啊! _________________ 一只会写字的猫! |
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上帝的拇指[拇指] 上帝的拇指作品集 三品按察使 (天,你是斑竹吧?)
注册时间: 2005-10-09 帖子: 899
发表于: 星期一 十月 31, 2005 7:45 pm 发表主题: |
很好的决策。问好 _________________ 那熟悉光明的人,把自己隐藏在黑暗里 |
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赵福治[赵福治] 赵福治作品集 三品按察使 (天,你是斑竹吧?)
注册时间: 2005-10-09 帖子: 838 来自: 中国河南
发表于: 星期一 十月 31, 2005 7:50 pm 发表主题: |
为了诗歌,让我们努力! _________________ 季节的花开在枝头,我走在第五季的路上…… |
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秋叶[我还没有昵称] 秋叶作品集 二品总督 (刚入二品,小心做人)
注册时间: 2004-05-20 帖子: 1633
发表于: 星期二 十一月 01, 2005 1:30 am 发表主题: |
蓝图远大,千里之行,始于足下,前路荆途,任重道远。 |
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坊山居士[打工佬] 坊山居士作品集 七品按察司 (我开始管这里的事儿了)
注册时间: 2005-10-14 帖子: 78 来自: 山西
发表于: 星期二 十一月 01, 2005 5:23 am 发表主题: |
我在泥污的沼泽中发现了一块净土,虔诚地埋下一粒种子…… _________________ 一山一水远尘埃,一户一窗临壑开。一剑一琴闻鸡舞,一觞一韵邀月来。 |
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和平岛[我还没有昵称] 和平岛作品集 一品翰林院大学士 (酷我!I made it!)
注册时间: 2004-05-16 帖子: 5614 来自: Victoria
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維子[維子] 維子作品集 九品县令 (一不小心,做了官儿了。)
注册时间: 2005-10-22 帖子: 33
发表于: 星期五 十一月 04, 2005 10:45 pm 发表主题: |
一個遙遠異鄉的淨土《北美楓》 _________________ 來自大洋彼岸,夢境的昇華便成了詩。。。 |
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湖中吟风[吟风] 湖中吟风作品集 九品县令 (一不小心,做了官儿了。)
注册时间: 2005-10-21 帖子: 25 来自: 中国浙江省台州
发表于: 星期四 十一月 10, 2005 6:21 pm 发表主题: |
看见枫叶在遥远的北美红红的飘了! _________________ 而我是水乡
靠不了岸的魂魄 |
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剑熔[我还没有昵称] 剑熔作品集 三品按察使 (天,你是斑竹吧?)
注册时间: 2004-06-21 帖子: 542 来自: 中国陕西铜川
发表于: 星期一 十一月 14, 2005 7:27 am 发表主题: 支持! |
大家辛苦了! _________________ 李建荣 |
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申万仓[FFFFFF] 申万仓作品集 五品知州 (再努力一把就是四品大员了!)
注册时间: 2004-10-03 帖子: 246
发表于: 星期六 十一月 26, 2005 10:06 am 发表主题: |
老哥劳苦功高!问好?握手。 |
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