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注册时间: 2004-06-29
帖子: 4398
来自: 多伦多

帖子发表于: 星期四 九月 01, 2005 10:53 pm    发表主题: 大卫树请进,请你帮忙作一篇前言 引用并回复






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注册时间: 2004-06-29
帖子: 4398
来自: 多伦多

帖子发表于: 星期四 九月 01, 2005 10:57 pm    发表主题: 引用并回复

Via Fax: (416) 397-0825

From: David Chan, President

August 30, 2005

Dear Customer Support Department
To host a historic picture exhibition “For Peace, Learn the History”, Celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the End of WWII in Asia, I would like to ask for your help to book the rotunda (only) at the North York Civic Center and if it is unavailable, then at the Scarborough Civic Center or Metropolitan Hall or other available Civic Center of Great Toronto area from September 9 to 18, 2005 for whole ten days from 10 am to 5 pm.
The Velcro compatible panels (fifteen pieces) with light will be needed.
Canadian Veterans and representatives from Asian Communities will be participated the opening ceremony on September 9, 2005 started at 10am and the exhibition will be opening with free of charge for the public during the period.
The microphone will be needed on September 9, 2005 from 10am to 12noon.
Thank you
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注册时间: 2004-06-29
帖子: 4398
来自: 多伦多

帖子发表于: 星期四 九月 01, 2005 11:02 pm    发表主题: 附件2 引用并回复

Photo exhibition explanation:

1, On September 18, 1931, Japanese troops in Northeastern China provocatively destroyed a section of the “South Manchuria Railway” and framed a case against Chinese army, under the pretext of which Japanese army launched “ Manchurian incident”(September 18th incident). On September 19, Japanese troops occupied Beidaying, Shengyang, Yingkou and other cities. This photo shows Japanese troops attacking the Chinese army on a building in Shengyang.

2, Japanese troops cruelly suppressed and killed Chinese soldiers and civilians who resisting their aggression in North China. This photo shows Japanese soldier cruelly beheading a Chinese Resistant in Northeast China.

3, The Japanese Emperor personally ordered to form the extremely cruel Biological Warfare program carried out by Japanese 731st Unit. It was based in the Pingfang area of Harbin City, Heilongjiang province in 1935. The inhuman test on living people killed over 3,000 Chinese, Korean and Alien POW and it brought deep hurt to Chinese people even until 2005 -- 60 years after the War.
The photo (1) shows above is the remains of the bacterium warfare factories, below is the the war criminal Ishii Shiro, the head of 731st Unit and his so called “Ishii bombs”. The photo (2) shows Japanese 731st Unit sterilizing a Chinese child in order to further perform their living human experience. The photo (3) shows Japanese “scientist” performing anatomy on alive people without even anesthesia. The most shocking issue is the left Japanese biological warfare in China still victimizing Chinese up to the year of 2005. The photo (4) shows in 2005, the victims of Japanese biological warfare interviewed by a group of Canadian school teachers who went to China to study the Japanese war crimes.

4, Facing the brutal Japanese invader with advanced guns, air plane fighters and warships, Chinese people united together to fight against the invasion with most prime weapon: knives and .rifles. This photo shows on December 16, 1936, people from all walks of life staged a mass rally to support the cooperation agreement between Kuomintang party and communist party in against the Japanese invasion.

5, Japanese invaders launched continuous “mopping-up” campaign and the brutal, inhuman and destructive war in China. This photo shows Japanese troops killed more than 1,000 villigers in Panjiayu villige located in Eastern Hebei province and burnt over one thousand houses on January 25, 1941. It is remembered as Panjiayu Massacre.

6, At the night of July 7, 1937, Japanese troops attacked the Chinese garrison at Lugou Bridge in the Southwest suburb of Beiping (now Beijing), created the shocking “July 7th Incident” and launched its long-harboured further design of aggression against China. Chinese soldiers were forced to defend their beloved homeland. The photo (1) shows Chinese army defending the invader. The photo (2) shows Japanese invader occupied the Bridge.

7, After the outbreak of the war in resistance Japan in July 1937. The Japanese Invaders launched attacks on North, Central and South China. Chinese government organized many battlefield resistance to the Japanese invasion. This Photo shows the 29th Army in Wanping County, the suburbs of Beiping set out to fight against the invaders right after the “July 7th Incidant” of 1937.

8, Chinese civilians in all of big cities launched mass rallies called to resist Japanese invasion after outbreak of the “July 7th Incident” in 1937. The photo (1) shows Boy Scout calling to boycott Japanese goods. The photo (2) shows people in Wuhan City on the middle reach of Yangtze River calling on people to unite in fight against the Japanese Invaders.

9, In August 13, 1937. Japanese announced to conquer China in three months, but facing the strong resistance of Chinese, the well armed and prepared Japanese navy, air force plus ground force even failed to get Shanghai in three months. The photo (1, 2) shows Chinese army resisting Japanese invaders inside a bastion during the Japanese attacking Shanghai. The photo (3) shows a baby covered in blood wails in the ruins of the South Railway station in Shanghai. This picture aroused great shock and concern worldwide.

10, After occupied Shanxi, the well known coal production province in China, Japanese troops exploited the coal resources predatorily. According to the policy of “exchange human life for coal”, countless Chinese were forced to work in coalmine regardless their death. Over 155,000 Chinese slave-workers were starved and killed, then buried into pits. The photo (1) shows Chinese slave-workers were forced to work without even basic safety protection in the Datong coalmine. The photo (2) shows one of the “tens thousands body pits” in Datong.(见:山西煤矿万人坑资料)

11, The Japanese aggressors brutally ruled its occupied areas of China and frequently launched mopping-up operations with its policy of “burn all, kill and loot all” in those areas. But besides of regular Chinese army, the irregular guerrillas in those areas continue to launch counterattacks to smash the enemy’s mopping-up operation one after another with the support of local people. The photo (1) shows militiamen destroying an enemy’s stronghold in Xushui County, Hebei province. The photo (2) shows the headquarter office of Northeast Anti-Japanese Invasion 4th Alien.

12, On December 13, 1937, after occupied Nanjing, the Capital of China before the war, Japanese troops launched a six week appalling bloody massacre to the people. 300,000 innocent people were slaughtered. The photo (1) shows Japanese troops burying living Chinese people in Nanjing. The photo (2) shows the killed bodies were just thrown into Yangtze River to cover the crimes.

13, In December, 1937, Tokyo Nichiinichi (now named Mainichi Shinbun) reported a beheading competition between two Japanese officers. The proudly winner chopped off 106 heads over the loser’s 105 in Nanjing. In August, 2005, the killers’ offspring launched a lawsuit in Tokyo to deny the crime.

14, From February, 1938 to August, 1943, to destroy the willing of Chinese resistance,
Japanese launched 218 times Air Reid campaign on Chongqin, the war time Chinese capital in Southwestern China. It killed 11,889 lives, injured 14,100 innocent civilians, and destroyed 17,808 houses and 30 schools. But Chinese never even thought about to surrender. This photo shows the victims’ body after the bombing.

15, To support the anti-Japanese invasion, people in Xinjiang province, Northwest China raised money to buy airplane fighters for the national army. This photo shows the scene of the naming ceremony for the contributed fighters.

16, Oversea Chinese sent donation to support their motherland defending Japanese invasion. This photo shows Mr. Tan Kah Kee (middle), a well-known patriotic Oversea Chinese from Southeast Asia and his delegation were welcome and presented flags.

17, During the war of resistance against Japanese invasion, a group of aviators volunteers from United States – “Flying Tigers” led by Claire Lee Chennault worked with Chinese and made great efforts to assist Chinese Air Force. “Flying Tigers” contributed a great deal for resistance over Japanese aggression. The photo (1) shows the members of “Flying Tigers”.
The photo (2) shows “Flying Tigers” standing in the front of a shot down Japanese airplane.

18, In 1938, to offer his service to assist Chinese in their fight against the Japanese aggression, Dr. Henry Norman Bethune from Canada went to China. Dr. Bethune contributed his life for Chinese liberation and died of blood poisoning in November 1939.
This well-known photo shows Dr. Bethune performing an operation on a wounded soldier.

19, The China theater of the War was a very important part of the struggle against World Fascism. According to Japanese statistics, more than 1.33 million Japanese troops were killed and wounded in China. A total of 1.28 million Japanese soldiers were captured after it defeat. This photo shows Japanese invaders surrender to Chinese army.

20, After the outbreak of Pacific War in November 1941, the China battlefield Supreme Commander was set up to coordinate with alien in fighting with Japanese invaders in January 1942. In March 1942, an expeditionary army formed of Chinese forces went to fight with the Alien against Japanese troops in Burma. This photo shows the Chinese expeditionary force fight against Japanese invaders at Myilkyina in Burma.

21, Ignored the Alien’s statement of Potsdam proclamation even the warning first atomic bomb, Japanese leader insisted to carry out its war and “fight to last drop of blood” with its left over 4 million troops. To avoid further tragedy, Alien was forced to repeatly use Atomic bomb to stop the war. It forced Japan to change its mind and announce its unconditional surrender on August 14, 1945. The Japanese representative signed the surrender notes on September 2, 1945.
This photo shows the Emperor of Japan announcing to its parliament to accept the Potsdam proclamation to surrender unconditionally on August 15, 1945.

22, On September 9, 1945, the signing ceremony of the instrument of surrender in China Theater was held in the auditorium of the Central Military Academy in Nanjing. Japanese government formally announced its unconditional surrender to China.

23, People from all over world hail their victory in August 1945. The photo (1) shows people in China’s Taiwan hail the victory over Japanese invasion and celebrate the end of Japanese occupation of the 50 year. During the tragedy 50 years of Japanese occupation, over 650,000 aboriginal Taiwanese lost their lives in resistance of the Japanese occupation. During the war, over 50,000 Taiwanese went back to China’s mainland to fight against Japanese invasion. The photo (2) shows people in Shanghai gushing into the street to celebrate the victory. The photo (3) shows oversea people celebrating the victory.

24, On August 15, 2001, specialists and scholars from China, South Korean and Japan
Were participated the “International Forum on Japanese Textbook Issue and the Historic Truth of Nanjing Massacre”. The members of delegations gathering with survived victims to commemorate the victory over Japanese aggression and mourning for 300,000 victims in Nanjing Massacre.
For the world peace, Let us never forget the human tragedy of Second World War.

Notes: Other pictures of Filipino and Korean communities will be added soon
Reference :反法西斯戰爭勝利六十周年 -- 中國是“勝利”國家嗎?撰文 何銘思 2005/08/31 週三
“起來,不願做奴隸的人們,把我們的血肉築成我們新的長城 …… ”這是我們國歌的第一句歌詞,可是在曾是殖民地香港長大的新一代,對歌中“不願做奴隸”的吶喊,體會可能並不深刻。電視台播放國歌,其實不僅是單純的愛國主義教育,同時也包含了很豐富的人文思想內容。
經歷百多年的劫難,中國才在改革開放的過程中逐漸發展壯大;使人憂慮的就是那些社會風氣、貪污腐敗、道德淪落,不知會不會再將我們的國家推向一個看不到底的深淵,並侵蝕著中國的國力?“起來,不願做奴隸的人們,把我們的血肉築成我們新的長城 ……”,不正是在喚起我們自強不息,奮發向上,去洗脫那種被人唾視、被人出賣的屈辱歷史嗎?
二战日军山西坑杀15万人 (博讯2005年1月12日)
中国学者最新研究发现,侵华日军当年在山西大同利用「万人坑」残害了中国劳工达 15万多人。此外日军还通过「炼人炉」、「骨河□」等,活埋及培植疟疾等手段杀害华工。
据新华社报道,大同煤矿「万人坑」二战历史研究会秘书长李进文,通过走访数百名幸存劳工和大量死难者亲属,以及查阅东北三省 8个档案馆 40多万字的日敌档案,终于完成了一部 15万字的研究手稿。在这部名为《凝火山怨 -- 揭开日寇制造大同炭矿万人坑黑幕》的手稿中,作者运用大量史料和图片,阐述了大同「万人坑」形成并不是偶然的战争行为结果,而是一场由日军高层蓄谋策划残害中国人的重大历史阴谋。根据当年日本人自述材料推算,大同「万人坑」遇难劳工数目由已往 6万人上升为 15.5万人。李进文最新研究发现,第二次世界大战期间,日本为掠夺中国煤炭资源增加战争给养,把大量饿死、病死和因伤死去的中国劳工扔进废弃的矿井坑口,甚至将生病或受伤的中国劳工活活扔进坑内。【明报】 (博讯
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注册时间: 2004-08-28
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来自: 北京

帖子发表于: 星期五 九月 02, 2005 11:22 pm    发表主题: 引用并回复

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注册时间: 2004-06-29
帖子: 4398
来自: 多伦多

帖子发表于: 星期六 九月 03, 2005 9:51 am    发表主题: 引用并回复

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帖子发表于: 星期六 九月 03, 2005 12:25 pm    发表主题: 引用并回复

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帖子发表于: 星期三 九月 07, 2005 1:37 am    发表主题: 引用并回复

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