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注册时间: 2005-10-13
帖子: 4150

帖子发表于: 星期日 三月 23, 2014 11:30 am    发表主题: 女作家朱晓玲中篇小说《生活如烟》中英文对照连载(一) 引用并回复
















Life Is Like Fog

Author: Zhu Xiaoling (China) Translator: Xiaoman (Canada)

MinEr was hit by a truck loaded with watermelons.
Only after the accident she found out that her husband had betrayed her.
But the strange thing was that, when MinEr began to realize her husband's
adultery, she was not angry at all, staying quiet. Such an attitude was
completely contrary to her usual personality.

It was drizzling on the day when the accident happened. The accident occurred at the intersection by Letter-T Bridge. It was
at rush hour when it happened. The back wheel of the bike MinEr was riding was run over and bent out of shape. If MinEr didn't react quickly,
if she didn't subconsciously throw herself and her bike hard to the roadside,
she might have been run over like a piece of meat-loaf.

According to MinEr's recollection later on, she was pedaling her bike as
well as thinking of something else. She was thinking why her husband who had been on his business trip lost contact with her. She was mad as she thought of it, and she was sort of worried about her husband. It had been almost twenty years since they got married, but every time when her husband was on his business trip, he kept sending her messages. It was rare to not hear from him for such a long period of time. In the past, even when he went to do his job in remote regions where telecommunication was not developed, her husband would still manage to send her messages every three or four days.

But it seemed so strange this time. It had been over two months now, and
she hadn't heard anything from him. The construction site wasn't far from
their home town, and traffic was light, plus the telecommunication has been
developed well these days. Those who went there to work with her husband
had been returning home for a rest occasionally, in twos and threes. But her husband Guoqing, as if treating her as an enemy or something, hadn't sent her any messages.

With a heavy heart MinEr was mixed into the flow of vehicles and people.
She pedaled her bike desperately in order to not to be late for work. Being
late at work for one time might mean that she would work for nothing for
the day. MinEr, of course, didn't want to lose her pay. However, managing
to avoid the pay being deducted didn't indicate that she wanted to become
an advanced worker or a role model in the company. After all, her life depended on her paycheck, therefore, she cared about her job very much even though it gave her low salary and high intensity.

Living a poor life and suffering from financial difficulties made MinEr
feel so stressed out and desperate. Every month she needed at least one
thousand yen to cover her son's high school education expenses, and to give the support payments to her husband's parents who lived in the countryside. But the problem was that even putting her husband 's income and hers together, there would be only seven hundred yen. Moreover, the amount of their income was not very stable. It had been two months now that her husband hadn't brought a penny home, and so all expenditure depended on her pay only, which was three hundred yen. As so her son studying at special high school which took fifty yen away every week. In fact her son was frugal enough, and managed for the fifty yen to last for a week. MinEr was clear about that, and she deeply felt ashamed in front of her son because of that. However, living in such a tightly budged situation MinEr hated herself for having no ability to overcome their difficulties.

Misfortunes never come singly --life sometimes is very cruel for the poor,
giving no sympathy. While MinEr could not find a way to relieve herself
from being so anxious, having heard nothing from her husband and receiving no money from him for several months, she heard a pleased though worrisome rumor passing around--to further deepen the "Housing System Reform".

The term "Housing System Reform" was so hot across the country back in the beginning of 1990s, and after a few years of cooling down it had become a popular topic once again. In the tenement yard where MinEr lived, the "Housing System Reform" was understood as a reality like this: in the future, the rich would live in good-quality and spacious houses, but the poor would live in bad houses or even no houses at all. Households in this tenement yard never said pedantic fresh noun like "Housing System Reform" and "Enterprise Reform". They interpreted the social transformation and new things that happened continuously through the transformation in their own unique way.

All the residents in the tenement yard that MinEr lived in were working
class. When they brought up topics such as housing system reform, they
became so outraged and frustrated. Some said, "We don't even have enough to eat, how can we afford to buy a house?" Some said, "We don't even get paid by work, where can we get money to buy a house?" And others said, "Even just an apartment will cost us tens of thousands of yen, we will never get that much money even selling my wife and children." Everybody tried to get a word in so as to vent their resentment and frustration.

MinEr never read newspapers and seldom watched TV. (Her 12-inch black and
white TV was still sitting there even now.) She firmly believed that all the things being said on newspapers were lies, and untrustworthy. So in her spare time she'd rather join women in the yard to gossip and that was how she learned the information about houses that could be sold to individuals now.

Hearing that news MinEr became so down-hearted. Someone roughly did the calculation for her family: although the area of her apartment was not big, which approximately was forty-five square meters or so, and which looked pretty old and seemed to be built in the beginning of 1980s, she still had to pay fifteen thousand yen to buy it. Although such an amount was not too big, still, to MinEr's family, that was too much money she would never have thought that she could make that much in her whole life.

MinEr was really worried about that the amount of money which always preoccupied her mind. As a result, the accident happened to her the next day after she heard the news. After the accident, her co-workers felt aggrieved for her, saying that the perpetrator should pay for all costs incurred. All at once
the ward was in an uproar. But MinEr said, "We shouldn't lay all blame on
the driver. It was not all his fault. I was absentminded and didn't pay enough
attention to the traffic. Or it wouldn't ... " "All right, all right, you sound like you are even anxious to apologize to the driver and compensate his loss." Monitor Chen who just arrived at the hospital interrupted MinEr, saying that MinEr shouldn't have been so kind to the driver and would get no thanks for doing such . "Soft-hearted people like you will always get a beating in life." Monitor Chen added. It seemed that she was really confused by MinEr's decision for not asking for compensation.

To MinEr's strange attitude, although her co-workers didn't understand,
they could not do anything with it. Everyone said that they did not want to poke the bear. Some said that MinEr was a bit too kind-hearted, but of course some said that she was acting so weird.

MinEr didn't think that is was right for people to talk about her. She knew that everybody was concerned about her. They were outraged because they had sympathy for her. But MinEr had her own principles. She said that it was not easy to survive in China, especially harder for those who live below thepoverty line. It was meaningless to fight against each other over trivial matters. But her co-workers and Monitor Chen said, "He almost killed you, yet you said it's a trivial matter. In your eyes, what would you consider a serious matter?" MinEr said, "The driver looked so poor. He said he was out of a job now and that truck didn't belong to him. He was driving for somebody else that day. At last MinEr said that she was laid off as well, and she had lived through the bitter experience as an unemployed worker.


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