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Notes of Ten Day

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注册时间: 2006-10-08
帖子: 572
来自: 中国香港

帖子发表于: 星期四 八月 14, 2008 9:15 am    发表主题: Notes of Ten Day 引用并回复

Notes of Ten Day
Last 10 day of July, 2007
29th July, Zhu Qingsheng, Tong Yujie and I went to visit the Hibiscus Park together. Hibiscus Park located in Qujiang Xi’an, on the southeast of Wild Goose Pagoda, used to be the private garden of the emperor of Tang Dynasty. Now a new pond about 1,333.32 square km was dug in the park, around which are archaizing buildings. But in my opinion, all the buildings are superfluous elements besides of the water in the pond, trees and bushes around, tea-house and toilets on the roadsides. I thought it was a right example that I can take my students here to discuss about the failure of Garden Design next year.
The cross-line of the Garden and sky was cut by the high buildings of city, just like the immaculate jade destroyed by rude mob. If it was impossible to destroy the high buildings, the only way to offer the travelers good sight when they wanted to have a far look is to dig a deep channel for walking around the pond.
When we were talking about the view on the waysides, we found more deficiency. The bad scenery would never bring wonderful comment. In this case, Zhu Qingsheng suggested visiting Fan Zhou Museum in Zhongnan Mountain instead of here.
Zhongnan Mountain’s entrance is in Taiyi Town. We arrived there after 30 minutes of driving. What does Taiyi mean? Taiyi means origin of the universe. Zhongnan Mountain rose sheer from the level ground of Taiyi Town, top of which was covered by cloud all the time. The poet Wang Wei said: “Taiyi is close to Chang’An, capital of Tang Dynasty. All the mountains here are tight with the ocean by rivers.” As the Ancient Geomantic Omen considered, there were three dragon veins in China called “Three Main Dragon Veins”. The North Vein started from Kunlun Mountain, passed the Helan Mountain and Yan Mountain to the Ocean. The South Vein run to the ocean through mountains in the south and the Middle Vein run to the ocean through Zhongnan Mountain. This is what Wang Wei meant in his poem.
There was an abandon concrete factory located in the place about 2 km away from the entrance of Zhongnan Mountain, where two mountain springs crossover. <Arts> Magazine published in Jiangshu Province once planned to construct an “artists’ country” here. About 100 meters away from the concrete factory, a perilous peak stand upright there accompanied with a waterfall. Somebody has pointed out that the scenery here is the origin of painting “Traveling amid Mountains and Streams”. When we arrived there, we get off the car and went into the empty factory to have a clear view. Here is also the place where Fan Kuan led his hermit life.
After climbing over the “18 Lacet Road”, we reached Cuihua Mountain. Fan Zhou Museum was located here in the middle of the rocks. Apex of Taiyi Mountain was divided into two parts in an earthquake about 2000 years ago, one of which still stand upright until today, one of which became random riprap. Fan Zhou paid for millions of RMB Yuan to build the National Geological Park and “Fan Zhou Chinese Museum” and started his hermit life here 16 years ago. Fan Zhou once told me, somebody thought Fan Zhou was name of a place. I replied, people that were not good at geography will thought Fan Zhou maybe the eighth continent (Zhou means continent in Chinese).
Fan Zhou Museum is adjacent to Taiyi Apex from the north and faced the Old Dragon Pool. It’s a good place in the Chinese traditional geomantic omen concept. Zhu Qingsheng considered the Fan Zhou Museum as “the First Museum in the World”.
Fan Zhou looks 10 years young than his age because of his good habit in life, he used to work at sunrise and had rest at sunset. He looks much nicer than the other artists who lived in the metropolis. I told Fan Zhou and Zhu Qingsheng, we could hold a get-together for artists next year. All of our friends who are interested in this could have an easy time here for several days. Have a rest is so important that if your life has no pause, you maybe end it ahead of time.
It was raining before we climbed the mountain. I told them if it became rainstorm we needed to stop our plan to keep from danger of mountain landslide. But as we arrived at the entrance of mountain, the rain stopped, even more, the sun shined when we arrived at Fan Zhou Museum. Fan Zhou said this is sign of auspicious.
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