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On The Train

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注册时间: 2006-11-06
帖子: 42

帖子发表于: 星期五 二月 02, 2007 12:23 pm    发表主题: On The Train 引用并回复

Many people think that travel was going to a famous scenic spot, where you can take photos of places of interest, have fun with your companies and enjoy yourself. But for me, the most important part of travel is not the destination but the journey to the destination, in which I can meet different people, come across strange things and learn a lot from them.

Especially traveling on the train, where I can see the landscape passing in front of the window. But some theatrical interludes may happen during the journey, from which I can benefit a lot. Take my journey to Beijing on the train for example.

One: Our train was stopped

I was going to Beijing on the train. A contrary to expectations, our train was stopped by the severe flood inundating a large area when the river burst its banks. As a result, our train stayed in there quietly and we stayed on the train impatiently.

One day past. Due to boredom people on the train began to chat and play cards. In my carriage sat a girl my age and a young muscleman who was so strong that I was a little afraid of him. Yet later it was proven that he, named Lin, was a good man who had a kind heart and a humorous sense in his strong body, which gave a good impression on me and the other girl, Mei. We always talked something as boundless as the sea and sky in the carriage, during which our relationship was getting better and better.

Two: I met some hooligans

In the morning when I walker across another carriage to fetch something, some one called me and I looked back, to find that several young faces heaping smarmy smile, which made me want to turn my head away in disgust---I knew who they were, they were those hooligans who flirted with young girls and cheated them. But out of politeness I managed to squeeze a smile reluctantly, which encourage them. They came towards me and said: “Hi, beauty, would you want to have a dinner with us tonight? We will wait for you at the restaurant of the train, OK?”

As usual I would reject them firmly and walk away without thinking, but due to boredom I heard a voice gushing from my heart: “Why not accept their require and see what interesting thing will happen?” So I nodded my head and gave them a sweet but fake smile which made them burst with joy and danced for excitement. While walking away I thought: “How puerile and silly they are!”

Three: Friends supported me

When I told Lin and Mei about it, they persuaded me not to go, especial Mei, who was a gentle and soft girl with a little timidity. She was worried that I was a single girl and it would be dangerous to dine with hooligans. But I persisted in going. At last, Lin suggested that we should go there together, with himself, who patted his robust chest firmly like a hero. Mei agreed immediately.

Four: We met them

When the flood was roaring outside the train, we three went to the restaurant of the train, in which those hooligans had booked a table waiting for me. Seeing us three especially big man Lin they were startled but something like a well-trained mask came down over their faces and they smiled: “Ah, you come!”

I sneered in my heart complacently and thought: “They think I am a silly girl!” But to all outward appearance I smiled back and said: “Of course I come since it is you who invited me. Here are my friends Lin and Mei.”

Five: We kept drinking

And we sat down, me at the left of Lin and Mei at the right. Lin seldom talked and even smiled, according to what he said later, to keep a solemn image that could terrify them. Those silly hooligans began to persuade me to drink, and I drank since they were so enthusiastic to pour me glass of wine one after another. I was confident of my capacity for liquor and I thought when they were drunk I was still sober. They thought I was easy to cheat but in fact I knew what they expected. So I drank and drank and they poured wine into my glass one and after. One of them whose face turned pink like a peach and whose eyes was near closed seemed to be a little drunk, raving: “Why don’t you, drunk?” I pretended not to hear and asked on purpose: “What are you talking about?” And others shook their head nervously and said: “Nothing.”

At first both Lin and Mei had their dinner quietly and sometime talked about dessert. But later Lin couldn’t resist temptation made by one of the hooligans, who tried several times to persuade him to drink and poured wine into his glass. He began to drink, one after another when they poured successively. I thought he was such a strong man that he was not easy to be drunk and drank. One of hooligans, who held another bottle of wine, praised me bitterly: “Beauty can drink so much. It is not simple. Let us see who will be drunk, OK?” And he kept pouring.

Six: I went to toilet

One and a half hour later I went to toilet and when I faced myself in the mirror I suddenly felt tired. So I decided to go back my carriage and left them alone. I didn’t need to worry Mei accompanied by strong man Lin. I was proud to dally with them when they thought they could benefit from me. And I slept.

Seven: Mei came back too

I didn’t know how long I had been slept when someone knocked the door. I opened it and found Mei standing outside with an apprehensive countenance. Little by little I remembered our dinner.

“Why did you come back without a word?” Mei complained. I felt sorry about my leaving and apologized to her. I asked what had happened after I left them. Mei said in a little funny tone: “They thought you just went to toilet and would come back soon so they kept waiting and drinking. During this period they tried to flirt with me but Lin sat beside me so they couldn’t do it boldly. So Lin was targeted and persuaded to drink a lot of wine. I left under the pretext of going to toilet too. And I left.

“Lin was still there drinking with them. Should we go there to fetch him? It is not good to leave him alone. After all, we go there together.” Mei suggested.

“Are you crazed?” I asked. “Now maybe they are very angry and wanted to kill us. As you said, Lin have drunk a lot of wine maybe he has been drunk. How can two weak girls go to the beast lair to fetch a drunken man?”

Mei thought it was right so we went back to carriage to sleep.

Eight: Lin ran immediately when he remembered

Next day, when the first light of sunshine penetrated the window shining us, we waked up in a good mood. Suddenly we were aware that Lin was absent and we got into panic as soon as we realized he hadn’t come back. Worst of all, a bad thought shot through our mind like a meteor---he may be killed by those hooligans in revenge. That was a terrible thing! We quivered with fear.

Suddenly someone knocked at the door. We screamed fearing that hooligans came to kill us. Hearing we screamed, the door was broken. Exceeding our expectation, it was Lin, still alive, in high spirit, and a little wrath, clenching his fist, shouting: “What is wrong, girls?”

We stopped and gazed at him cheerfully. “Oh you come back!” We ran toward him happily and hugged him. “You are alive!”

He was confused. So I explained our fear to him and he laughed loudly. “You are not friend enough! Left without a word. At first I thought you just went to toilet and would come back, so did they. But later as time passed by I knew that you wouldn’t come back. But those stupid were still expecting your return. When they tried to make me drink as much as possible they murmured---they were a little drunk---“Why don’t those two beauties come back? Maybe they are making up in the toilet.” And we kept drinking and drunk.

“It was this warm sunshine waked me up. They are still sleeping like several pigs. I ran immediately I remembered, leaving them to pay for the bill---it is not cheap.” Saying this he grinned ear to ear, as if sharing a secret joke. So we laughed too.

“I am sorry to leave you alone.” I said.

He stopped grinning and shouted a little angrily: “You girls are so badly! Take me there to protect you and then leave me alone!”

“Keep silent.” I said. “Do you think we could go back? Maybe you have been drunk and if we came back to fetch you, they might not let us go! After all, you are a man and we are girls!”

He nodded his head and said: “You are right.”

Nine: Nice to meet you

The flood began to retreat and our train started to go. We just hoped this journey finished as soon as possible in order not to meet those hooligans again. Maybe they knew that I was not as simple as they thought. We hadn’t seen them the rest of our journey and from then on we never met again.

At last, we hugged each other and said goodbye. From then on I hadn’t met Lin and Mei, with whom I ever had a good time on my journey. When I appreciated the beautiful landscape and places of interest in Beijing I always remember them, thinking if they were there how happy I would be!

I benefit a lot from this journey to Beijing, the most important one of which is that girls traveling alone must protect themselves carefully and cautiously, never go out with strangers especially men. And second one is that cherish those genuine friends who help you when you are in dangerous or need help during the journey. I dear not think that I dined with them without Lin and Mei…
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酷我!I made it!
酷我!I made it!

注册时间: 2004-06-05
帖子: 13192
来自: Toronto

帖子发表于: 星期六 二月 03, 2007 2:54 pm    发表主题: 引用并回复

very interesting
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