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Cinderella And Frog Prince

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注册时间: 2006-11-06
帖子: 42

帖子发表于: 星期五 十一月 10, 2006 9:48 am    发表主题: Cinderella And Frog Prince 引用并回复

Cinderella And Frog Prince

I still remember the first fairy tale I read in my life is the Cinderella in which a common girl, beautiful and kind, treated badly by her step-mother and envied by her two step-sisters, meets the prince of her life and become the princess of the country. I was deeply moved by the story and it was at that time that a secret rooted in my pure heart.
I think girls all have a dream that they are the Cinderellas who one day will get rid of the so-called common or miserable life. Though they are not as pitiful as the Cinderella in the tale, they think they are tiny because so many things can't live up to their expectations. One thousand girls have one thousand and one dreams of Cinderella.
Time flies by quickly and I grow up with the dream of meeting the prince of my life. Not until I was fifteen did I met him and loved him at the first sight He was the prince in many girls’ hearts who loved him crazily due to his handsome face , lively character and warm heart. Like other girls, I loved him deeply and secretly.
We went to the same middle school where we studied for the goal to enter university. I always dreamed of entering the same university with him hand in hand. At that time I dared not love him openly, which might cause a bad influence on our studies. I was good at my study while he was not. In fact he was a clever boy, but he didn't spent any time in studying, which made me feel anxious. I didn't hope my prince would turn out to be a frog, dreaming his life away, never really achieving anything. But what could I do?
It was when I was seventeen that my uncle said he would help me to go abroad freely to work if I wanted. In my hometown, girls at my age mainly went to work in some countries such as Mexico, Costa Rica and Venezuela in order to support their family, with the hope of seeking a better life and finding a right man who was rich to marry. I hesitated.
I am a girl who wants to travel many places, meet many people and experience many things. Most of my relatives went abroad and had a better life. I knew this world was vast and wonderful, full of different people and interesting things. I shouldn't be limited by the horizon beyond which there was another wonderful world, but I preferred to study rather work due part to my good performance at school, but mainly to him.
Those girls who went abroad were jobless because they didn't work hard at school and find a good job while I had chances to go to university and get a good job. And I had met my prince in my life, there was no need to go abroad to find my prince. But was he really a prince?
In the matter of fact, he was a frog instead of a prince. He only had a good looking. He played all the time, dated his girlfriend--he had changed three girlfriends since I met him and didn't think about the future. He was not the prince I appreciated who was mature, considerate and ambitious. He was only a frog!
In the tale of the frog prince, the princess threw the frog heavily to the wall, which put an end to the horrible spell that had been cast over the frog by a wicked witch, helping him to become prince, prince who he really was. Maybe I was the princess who assisted my frog to become prince. At last I decided to study instead of going abroad. And I determined to expressed my love to him and tell him what my dream was.
I wrote a letter to him, in which I told him my dream of entering university with him hand in hand and hoped him to study hard from then on. As a matter of fact, he was fond of me in his heart secretly. But I was not that kind of girls who regarded love as games so he kept a distance from me. That was why I couldn't be his girlfriend.
We kept silent to the letter and acted as normal as usual though I was embarrassed and shamefaced. He responded to me by working hard. But that didn't last for a long time, he changed back into a frog.
I couldn't change a frog which was a frog in nature into a prince. For him, I gave up a chance to see the world, which made me keen to reach far corners of the earth. Finally I chose a university where there were many foreign students who come from all around the world, in the hope of becoming Cinderella, meeting the real prince who was rich and could take me to the outside world.
And he failed in the exam, which led him go to study again, hoping to enter a better university. If he had understood earlier, if he had took my advise, he wouldn't have wasted a year more.
In the university I became spoiled, I admitted. I had been as pure as the driven snow before, but God knew that vanity had taken the place of simplicity when I met so many different people. With the dream of Cinderella, in the hope of finding my prince who could give me what I wanted, I lost my way.
I waited for that Russian boy, hoping he would notice me. I dated that Japanese student, although I didn't like his smoking. I did a lot of things which come to grief.
One thousand girls have one thousand and one dreams of Cinderella, but there is only one prince. I am not lucky enough to be the only one Cinderella. It is just like him, my first lover, is not an inborn prince.
I had gone too far, too far to come back. Sometimes I introspected and found that I had betrayed myself. God knew what I had done. He instructed me that truelove couldn't be sullied by vanity.
Yes, God was right. I didn't love those boys heartily. It was just vanity and desire that misled me as to the emotion that I loved them.
Now I am not a girl holding a dream of Cinderella. After one year's degeneration I understood a lot of things, including the fact that I still love him deeply even though he is just a frog---in fact, if you love the frog heart and soul, he is no longer a frog, he is the prince. So does him, my first lover. After he entered a better university he told me that he understood many things and he was no longer a child. He gave me a promise that he would come to see me if he was free. So I waited. I have been waiting for him for five years, waiting for his understanding, waiting for his growing up, and waiting for his change from a frog to a prince.
When he comes, he is no longer a frog, and I am not a Cinderella any more.
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