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申万仓[FAFAFA] 申万仓作品集 五品知州 (再努力一把就是四品大员了!)
注册时间: 2004-10-03 帖子: 246
发表于: 星期三 十一月 10, 2004 6:21 am 发表主题: |
我给你的邮件未发出,就这里告知:同意你邮件的意见。谢谢你的盛情! |
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朱新魁[FFFFFF] 朱新魁作品集 三品按察使 (天,你是斑竹吧?)
注册时间: 2004-10-18 帖子: 995 来自: 郑州市
发表于: 星期四 十一月 11, 2004 4:30 pm 发表主题: |
原来是窗外的大海 _________________ 朱新魁 |
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timmid[timmmid] timmid作品集 五品知州 (再努力一把就是四品大员了!)
注册时间: 2004-09-11 帖子: 241
发表于: 星期四 十一月 11, 2004 11:31 pm 发表主题: |
马原曾经把写作分为为人民写作和作为人写作。我以为,为人民写作的话,所受外界的影响更多一些,倒不一定是自己与环境无隙的融合,或是自己的由衷之言(比如有的专家学者的这样那样理论,可能连他们自己都不相信啦)。作为人写作的话,则是强调个人的切身感受 ,更强调个性,强调个人在当下语境中的所思所想。有老外曾说过如下论断。我在一篇论文中有所应用。供各位参考
Language as a mode of being
Humans are context-bound, that is, they constantly attune to our context. This can be better felt if we turn our attention back to everyday experience, which we often ignore. Dewey sited some such experiences:
The sights that hold the crowd- the fire engine rushing by---the men perched high in the air on girders, throwing and catching red-hot bolts. The sources of art in human experience will be learned by him who sees how the tense grace of the ball player infects the onlooking crowd. (1934:5)
In each of these experiences, they can not remain a detached observer. Rather, they are appropriated by an event integrated with it. As described by Dewey, this experience
Comes form nature and man interacting with each other. In this interaction, human energy gathers, is released dammed up, frustrated and victorious. There are rhythmic beats of want and fulfillment, pulses of doing and being withheld from doing. (1934:16)
Our interaction with the context is mediated by language because in this language-encrusted world, there is always language constantly between the world and us. Our interaction with the context, in this sense, is language experience. Language experience involves inscribing sounds, shaping structures, interacting with people, remembering and evoking prior text, and referring to the world. Successful writing requires, accordingly, the harmonization of constraints from the following sources:
Successfully making sounds (or inscribing them).
Successfully building structures
Successfully evoking prior text (or scripts)
Successfully interacting with other people
Successfully referring to a world
Accordingly, a particular language is attuned to context in at least five different ways, depending on the mode of context: medium, interpersonal use, lingual structure, evoked prior text, and the extralingual world it presupposes.
Context here, as implied by the above elaboration, refers to a situational context couched in a cultural one, that is, a full context where language can be a form of life. A form of life is “a pattern of meaningful behavior in so far as this is constituted by a group” (qtd. in Gorlee, 1994: 99), which is different
on the one hand, from behavior which does not have such meaning as, for example, physical or biological happenings, and, on the other hand, from totally individual behavior which, while it may be “meaningful” in some sense, is not an established group meaning. Shopping, for example, is something which people do in some societies and which is shared by them as a meaningful activity. (ibid., 99)
Language is the result of the socialization process, and therefore is culturally determined. It represents a cultural unit which is the meaning to which the code makes the system of sign-vehicles correspond.
[C]ulture continuously translates signs into signs, and definitions into definitions, words into icons, icons into ostensive signs, ostensive signs into new definitions, new definitions into propositional functions, prepositional functions into exemplifying sentences, and so on; in this way it proposes to its members an uninterrupted chain of cultural units composing other cultural units, and thus translating and explaining them. (ibid., 100) _________________ 无话可说 |
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timmid[timmmid] timmid作品集 五品知州 (再努力一把就是四品大员了!)
注册时间: 2004-09-11 帖子: 241
发表于: 星期四 十一月 11, 2004 11:40 pm 发表主题: |
有的小说家,象余华,方方等曾提出小说家的功力就在于把真的东西写假,而不是象过去那样尽量把假的东西写真。非常奇怪的是我常常会经历,在自己的写诗中或是读诗中,类似的东西。我们仿佛是在用种种玄奥把真的东西变得过于修饰,难道这便是诗人的功力所在?既然是写意,那么直诉胸臆吗?但是语言,如我们深信的那样,就是一门曲折的艺术。我们总是在语言中,曲折的与我们当下的语境相遇,如隔靴搔痒。出路何在呢? _________________ 无话可说 |
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肖今[King] 肖今作品集 一品翰林院大学士 (酷我!I made it!)
注册时间: 2004-06-16 帖子: 5783 来自: Free sky
发表于: 星期五 十一月 12, 2004 4:30 am 发表主题: |
……快闪:) _________________ ░░破茧成蝶 眼泪,从此不咸░░
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艺芳[风来疏竹] 艺芳作品集 二品总督总管 (回首人生,前途在望)
注册时间: 2004-07-27 帖子: 2966
发表于: 星期五 十一月 12, 2004 6:27 am 发表主题: |
鸣斑,怎么最近看不到你的新作了?忙了吗?问好! _________________ 风来意在疏竹,雁过了无痕迹! |
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晓鸣[自己的敌人] 晓鸣作品集 Site Admin
注册时间: 2004-05-05 帖子: 9474 来自: 加拿大多伦多
发表于: 星期五 十一月 12, 2004 6:34 am 发表主题: |
家里这几天从中国来了一位好友.正忙呢. |
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