星子[ANNA] 星子作品集 酷我!I made it!
注册时间: 2004-06-05 帖子: 13192 来自: Toronto
发表于: 星期五 七月 14, 2006 10:35 pm 发表主题: I am the mother |
"Where is your mom?
Who put the children to bed?"
"It is me
who put others to bed. “
Don't blink your eyes
or shake your head.
Too true to be sad.
My age? 8 or 10,
I forget.
Who cares?
No food.
No shoes.
No kiss and hug,
no story time--
no light and future.
When darkness comes,
we flee to bed,
to fill our dreams
and they never come true.
In fact, our mom
lies there to die
soon or later…
with AIDS…
Same stories are all over here,
we breathe them in floating smog.
We are the orphans already,
no more mourning for others--
since I am the mother.
I heard the story of Africa. A lot of AIDS family soon to be only children to be left... _________________