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Look for High Schools Ranking in Toronto and York Region

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注册时间: 2006-06-12
帖子: 2
来自: Wuhan

帖子发表于: 星期一 六月 12, 2006 10:49 am    发表主题: Look for High Schools Ranking in Toronto and York Region 引用并回复

I would like to find a good high school for my son in Toronto and York Region area, and cannot find a high schools ranking for Ontario. Can anybody please help me and list some good high schools in these areas?

Thanks a lot.

By the way, I am sorry that I haven't installed Chinese in my laptop, and can only post question in English.

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Site Admin

注册时间: 2004-05-05
帖子: 9474
来自: 加拿大多伦多

帖子发表于: 星期二 六月 13, 2006 5:25 am    发表主题: Re: Look for High Schools Ranking in Toronto and York Region 引用并回复

winniedu 写到:
I would like to find a good high school for my son in Toronto and York Region area, and cannot find a high schools ranking for Ontario. Can anybody please help me and list some good high schools in these areas?

Thanks a lot.

By the way, I am sorry that I haven't installed Chinese in my laptop, and can only post question in English.



加拿大的公立高中没有重点和非重点之分。各校的经费是按学生人数来定的。所谓有名一些的学校,大多数是因为长期以来家长参与多一些, 家长对孩子要求严一些, 慢慢形成的。所以选校很大程度上是选社区。

加拿大的高中没有大家都认可的简单排名。只有 上有一个很老的排名。我个人认为它没有什么参考价值。其理由在我上述的文章中已经作了分析。如果一定要推荐一些高中的话,请问你有没有什么特别的考虑。按流行的说法, North York的Earl Haig S.S., York Mills C.I., Don Mills C.I.各有特点。York Region的Unionville, Richmond Hill H. S.等等也很有名。请注意这些只是流行的说法。如果您孩子有什么特别的爱好和特长,在选校时应加以考虑。
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注册时间: 2006-06-12
帖子: 2
来自: Wuhan

帖子发表于: 星期五 六月 16, 2006 5:11 pm    发表主题: More questions about Toronto high schools 引用并回复

Thanks a lot for reply. I really appreciate your help and information. I have more questions.

About Don Mills C.I., if my son cannot get into the gifted program, how about regular program in Don Mills C.I.?

I was told that Earl Haig S.S. has good reputation in arts and music. How about other subjects in Earl Haig S.S., like, math and science? Are these subjects also good at Earl Haig?

With regard to gifted program, is there any way to prepare for gifted test?

My son does not really have special talent in any specific area. He gets good mark in math, science, social study (sometimes, depending on the topic of that school year) and music (because he is taking piano lesson, but he hates piano). He doesnot like English. I asked him what he would like to do when he grows up, he said "business". But he is still a kid, he can change his mind momentarily.

Another problem with my son is that he does not have any initiative and inspiration. He does not have desire to excel and does not believe hard work. He told me he only lives one life, so he will enjoy it. He even does not want to go to gifted program since he thinks he will do more homework in gifted program. Is this common problem among boys here, or just him? How can I persuade and inspire him?

Thanks in advance. Sorry for so many questions at once, but do hope you will address all of them. Sometimes I really feel frustrated about my son's education.:roll:
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Site Admin

注册时间: 2004-05-05
帖子: 9474
来自: 加拿大多伦多

帖子发表于: 星期六 六月 17, 2006 6:42 am    发表主题: Re: More questions about Toronto high schools 引用并回复

winniedu 写到:
Thanks a lot for reply. I really appreciate your help and information. I have more questions.

About Don Mills C.I., if my son cannot get into the gifted program, how about regular program in Don Mills C.I.?

I was told that Earl Haig S.S. has good reputation in arts and music. How about other subjects in Earl Haig S.S., like, math and science? Are these subjects also good at Earl Haig?

With regard to gifted program, is there any way to prepare for gifted test?

My son does not really have special talent in any specific area. He gets good mark in math, science, social study (sometimes, depending on the topic of that school year) and music (because he is taking piano lesson, but he hates piano). He doesnot like English. I asked him what he would like to do when he grows up, he said "business". But he is still a kid, he can change his mind momentarily.

Another problem with my son is that he does not have any initiative and inspiration. He does not have desire to excel and does not believe hard work. He told me he only lives one life, so he will enjoy it. He even does not want to go to gifted program since he thinks he will do more homework in gifted program. Is this common problem among boys here, or just him? How can I persuade and inspire him?

Thanks in advance. Sorry for so many questions at once, but do hope you will address all of them. Sometimes I really feel frustrated about my son's education.:roll:

1). Don Mills C.I. 最好的program是Cyber-Arts, 即用电脑制作艺术品。 其次是它的gifted program. 它所在的社区较一般, 但有很多人慕名而来, 为了孩子的学习在附近地区租房。于是形成它的特点之一是尖子学生多。各种数理化竞赛成绩突出。这些尖子学生很多都不在gifted program,只是普通班。

我觉得如果去Don Mills C.I. 普通班,孩子最好是有上进心。在和尖子学生的相处中形成自己学习动力。如果孩子缺乏上进心,得益可能不大。

2)。Earl Haig S.S不仅music 和arts强, 其它各方面都不错。科学,数学等都有出色的表现,课外活动也丰富。但Earl Haig S.S现在人满为患。 即使住在附近的居民,也不能保证能进该校。

3)。你的孩子是有潜力的。他的enjoy life的人生理论也对。但可以启发他,人生几十年, 最关键还是中学和大学阶段。现在enjoy多了,放得太松, 将来就可能就enjoy不了。 现在抓紧一点, 走过关键的这几步, 将来才能真正enjoy。

但academic只是孩子教育的一个方面。他如果对business有兴趣, 可在这方面引导他,积极参与能培养能力的活动,如学校的社团组织,学生会等。 在选择义工时也着重在能培养交际能力和领导能力的工作。在兴趣的基础上,孩子容易去努力。

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