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  主题: Winning Tanka of the TSA 2008 International Tanka Contest

回响: 7
阅读: 15243

帖子论坛: English Garden   发表于: 星期日 四月 12, 2009 7:50 pm   主题: Re: Winning Tanka of the TSA 2008 International Tanka Contes
fanfan 写到:

Third Prize:

late night storm . . .
I lock the door and hope
the children are safe
in the unruly boroughs
of their dreams

Collin Barber
Marion, Arizona

Comments from judges:

"All the lines in Collin Barber’s poem lean into, as well as support, the magnificent phrasing and meaning of those mysterious but instantly recognized “unruly boroughs” of the fourth line. Admittedly, there is some mystery here: that “late night storm”—was it the weather or something else? And what, exactly, are “unruly boroughs”? As judges, we still cannot answer those questions adequately. Though hardly a riddle, the poem has the elements of one: and that was the clincher for us, for its subject, finally, is human love. "
  主题: Myriad Leaves of words

回响: 3
阅读: 7099

帖子论坛: English Garden   发表于: 星期日 四月 12, 2009 7:48 pm   主题: Re: Myriad Leaves of words
agincourt 写到:

Myriad Leaves of words

sorrow and joy --
into the myriad leaves of words
seeds in heart and mind grow

A haiku or an unrhymed tercet poem?
  主题: Winning Tanka of the TSA 2008 International Tanka Contest

回响: 7
阅读: 15243

帖子论坛: English Garden   发表于: 星期五 四月 03, 2009 8:27 am   主题: Re: Winning Tanka of the TSA 2008 International Tanka Contes
dundas 写到:

I am impressed by this knoll metaphor and its imagery. Thanks for posting.

Actually or figuratively speaking, I believe most of us have all been to this “knoll” Kirsty Karkow writes about.

Judges' comments:

" ... from nature we all have sought that same promise of brief respite from the Monkey Mind that seems never to cease its chattering. The sensitivity and modesty of this poem justify the sympathy we may bring to it. The poem turns a rather common spring scene into something lyrically meaningful, an adult’s sensibility of the moment, of the peace offered by that little knoll .. . "
  主题: Winning Tanka of the TSA 2008 International Tanka Contest

回响: 7
阅读: 15243

帖子论坛: English Garden   发表于: 星期三 三月 25, 2009 8:44 am   主题: Re: Winning Tanka of the TSA 2008 International Tanka Contes
温暖的水獸 写到:

You fit into me
like a hook into an eye

A fish hook
An open eye

Thanks for posting her sharply poignant poem like this.

Yes, the image of a fish hook "may not be a pretty one but it is, without doubt, a psychologically valid one."
  主题: Winning Tanka of the TSA 2008 International Tanka Contest

回响: 7
阅读: 15243

帖子论坛: English Garden   发表于: 星期六 三月 21, 2009 7:43 am   主题: Re: Winning Tanka of the TSA 2008 International Tanka Contes
christine 写到:

I immensely love this compelling yet painful simile.

The imagery of the poem is impressive.


Judges' comments:

"Aphoristic, to be sure, but appropriately so and a wonderfully apt choice of image and metaphor, an’ya’s poem caught and kept our attention. The poem’s imaginative leap from “old memories” to “tangled fish hooks” carries remarkable force; it may not be a pretty image but it is, without doubt, a psychologically valid one, conveying both the character of fish hooks and the mixture of pleasure and pain that is human memory. There is nothing fancy here; the tone is matter-of-fact. It is a classic poem of the singular, durable image. "
  主题: Winning Tanka of the TSA 2008 International Tanka Contest

回响: 7
阅读: 15243

帖子论坛: English Garden   发表于: 星期四 三月 19, 2009 10:23 pm   主题: Winning Tanka of the TSA 2008 International Tanka Contest
Tanka of the Week (via The Tanka Society of America)

Winning Tanka of the TSA 2008 International Tanka Contest

First Prize:

old memories
like tangled fish hooks
to pick up only one
without all the others

Lapine, Oregon

Second Prize:

here on a knoll
in the fields of spring
I’ll lay it down . . .
and for a while be rid
of a mind that never rests

Kirsty Karkow
Waldoboro, Maine

Third Prize:

late night storm . . .
I lock the door and hope
the children are safe
in the unruly boroughs
of their dreams

Collin Barber
Marion, Arizona

What do you think of these poems?

Any thoughts, comments or disagreements would be much appreciated!
  主题: Winning Tanka of 2008 International Erotic Tanka Contest

回响: 10
阅读: 17571

帖子论坛: English Garden   发表于: 星期四 三月 19, 2009 3:35 pm   主题: Re: Winning Tanka of 2008 International Erotic Tanka Contest
浴恩福 写到:
fanfan 写到:

Third Place Winner: Claudia Coutu Radmore

night blooming cereus
its soundless blossoming
lost in ours
this morning’s serenity
of spent grace

A sexually appealing tanka.
Is it about two people making love?

Yes, you could say so.

Judge's Comments:

"This tanka was strong in its subtle erotic beauty of two people making love. The tanka poet equates it to the silent blossoming of a night blooming cereus, a desert plant that blooms once a year in mid-summer for only one night. These two lovers openly surrender, not just their bodies, but, the essence of their inner being, the depth of their souls, petal by petal. There is a stillness after making love; after the fusion of two souls, two hearts, in perfect communion. Now, among the morning dew, the morning star, there is a tranquility, beyond words. A serenity that penetrates every fiber, the spent grace, of sacred love making."
  主题: International Women's Day: Housewife and Career Woman

回响: 11
阅读: 12941

帖子论坛: English Garden   发表于: 星期日 三月 08, 2009 8:30 am   主题: International Women's Day: Housewife and Career Woman
Read Anne Sexton’s literary bio and poems at

Watch rare film clips of Anne Sexton reciting some poetry, including Her Kind, and excerpts from home movies.
  主题: Winning Tanka of 2008 International Erotic Tanka Contest

回响: 10
阅读: 17571

帖子论坛: English Garden   发表于: 星期六 三月 07, 2009 8:48 pm   主题: Re: Winning Tanka of 2008 International Erotic Tanka Contest
fanfan 写到:

Second Place Winner: Marjorie Buettner

I wake
to feel your touch
entering my dreams
there you untie the canoe
and we drift under wild stars

Judge's Comments:

"This tanka was both sensual and evocative. A woman wakes to her lover’s touch entering, like a silent thief, in the night, into her hiding place of reveries. A secret place that few can enter or will ever enter. Once into the other lover’s dream world, she unties a canoe, that has been waiting to be released, where they drift effortlessly perhaps for years or for just a brief night. They float and sail beneath ambrosial stars. Stars that are savage, wild with passion, and who knows where those constellations will take them."
  主题: Winning Tanka of 2008 International Erotic Tanka Contest

回响: 10
阅读: 17571

帖子论坛: English Garden   发表于: 星期一 三月 02, 2009 8:44 am   主题: Re: Winners of the First International Erotic Tanka Contest
dundas 写到:

where are the physical aspects of Love or S e x?

If you read the second tanka carefully, it speaks to your “physical concerns of s e x.” – the erotic beauty of two people making love.
  主题: Winged Migration (revised)

回响: 9
阅读: 15741

帖子论坛: English Garden   发表于: 星期一 三月 02, 2009 8:40 am   主题: Winged Migration (revised)
The theme explored in the poem reminds me of Salman Rushdie's question about the problematic nature of the concept of "home" in his famous book entitled Imaginary Homelands:

The past is a country from which we have all emigrated ...
  主题: Winning Tanka of 2008 International Erotic Tanka Contest

回响: 10
阅读: 17571

帖子论坛: English Garden   发表于: 星期四 二月 26, 2009 10:13 am   主题: Re: Winners of the First International Erotic Tanka Contest
ericcoliu 写到:

She employs the classical Japanese imagery of springtime to describe “the fluidity of fleeting kisses, the color and perfume of falling cherry petals, lightly caressing every inch of her lover’s body, caught in the warmth of April wind,” arousing the reader’s sexual desire or interest in the most subtle way.


In my view, one of the literary strengths of this tanka is that it is deeply rooted in the poetic tradition of Japanese court poetry and at the same time reveals a contemporary view of human sexuality.
  主题: Winning Tanka of 2008 International Erotic Tanka Contest

回响: 10
阅读: 17571

帖子论坛: English Garden   发表于: 星期二 二月 24, 2009 6:36 pm   主题: Re: Winners of the First International Erotic Tanka Contest
agincourt 写到:

It depends on your definition of "erotic."

According to Pamela Babusci who is the sponsor and judge for the First International Erotic Tanka Contest for 2008, “erotic” means expressing love in all its manifestations.

My definition is that "erotic" means something marked by or tending to arouse sexual desire or interest.
  主题: Winning Tanka of 2008 International Erotic Tanka Contest

回响: 10
阅读: 17571

帖子论坛: English Garden   发表于: 星期一 二月 23, 2009 11:20 am   主题: Winning Tanka of 2008 International Erotic Tanka Contest
Tanka of the Week (via Tanka News and haiku Headlines)

First Place Winner: Natalia L. Rudychev

i wish
my kisses
were the cherry petals
that stream all over you
in April wind

Second Place Winner: Marjorie Buettner

I wake
to feel your touch
entering my dreams
there you untie the canoe
and we drift under wild stars

Third Place Winner: Claudia Coutu Radmore

night blooming cereus
its soundless blossoming
lost in ours
this morning’s serenity
of spent grace

What do you think of these poems? Are they good enough?

Any thoughts, comments or disagreements would be much appreciated!
  主题: Two Stages of a Frostian Choice (revised, two versions)

回响: 10
阅读: 10980

帖子论坛: English Garden   发表于: 星期一 二月 23, 2009 11:08 am   主题: Re: Two Stages of a Frostian Choice
ericcoliu 写到:

The Roads I Have Traveled

Ahead, two roads diverged
in the dim woods --
the journey's been long

arriving at the fork
once again, I chose the road less traveled --
deja vu

I concur! And I think the poem needs to be retitled as The Road Robert Frost Never Traveled.
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