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  主题: On Realizing He Has Written Some Bad Poems

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帖子论坛: English Garden   发表于: 星期四 八月 21, 2008 2:38 pm   主题: On Realizing He Has Written Some Bad Poems
ericcoliu 写到:
Eric: In Anna’s interview with you, you stressed that “poetry is a mirror and it reflects the people, the society to which the people belong, and the health and sickness of the society.” Would you like to elaborate more on your view of poetry?

What I was thinking of here is the remark of Eric Voegelin (in his Conversations given in Montreal) to the effect that he "trusted poetry". What he meant by this, I think, is that poets in their expressions are unable to falsify the experiences that are occuring in the "depth of their consciousnesses". To write at all , the individual must interact with this "depth" , and this interaction may involve a genuine "diving" down into the depth to find symbols that express/ represent one's experience, or may mimic this , for example, by "peopling" the depth with symbols of his/her own devising (like Carl Jung?), or positing processes in the depth( like Schelling ?). Purdy's poem describes a complex structure of consciousness, I think, that Voegelin calls "honest dishonesty". Purdy knows that he has written "some bad poems", but engages in a thought process (which he admits) that tries to make this series of symbols serve his purpose for them(i.e. to "make me important"). This leads him to "celebrate his failure" as if it were a success, which transforms the failure, as he says. The move is a variety of the Nietzschean "extending of forgiveness to oneself" strategy.

Purdy's work comes at the end of Canadian People's Poetry, I think, after the notion of "the people", both in the sense of the "common people", and in its meaning of a historically distinct people had atrophied in this country. Purdy is clearly trying to find some new meaning for the people, or, at least, for himself, and more or less declaring the impossibility of doing so.
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