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  主题: Crown.

回响: 6
阅读: 7768

帖子论坛: English Garden   发表于: 星期六 八月 09, 2008 5:30 pm   主题: Crown.
ummm..haha....I think IM SHOWING MY BRIGHT-SIDE
since this poem is about being brave and that.
thanks for commenting.
  主题: Crown.

回响: 6
阅读: 7768

帖子论坛: English Garden   发表于: 星期四 六月 26, 2008 8:18 pm   主题: Crown.
clown the person who knows nothing but play.
crown is the person i wanna be since he(crown) is in charge of and responsible for himeself.
  主题: Crown.

回响: 6
阅读: 7768

帖子论坛: English Garden   发表于: 星期三 六月 25, 2008 8:50 pm   主题: Crown.

In the purpose of showing my true age,
sunlight flashes at the wrinkles on my face
I'm not in rage
because I know
it’s just trying to tell me past will never change.

My shoulder is penetrated by a bullet from a silver gun
blood starts slowly showing on.
It’s not frightening finding my body gleaming with red brown
since I understand
it’s their best way to remind me of the wound.

Oh I am not the clown,
the clown who sitting on the trunk
whose feet are dangling in the front.

Please call me crown!
The brave crown who stands upon
watching his body slowly disappearing
his heart strongly beating,
beating after everything's gone.
  主题: Stay With Me.

回响: 6
阅读: 7615

帖子论坛: English Garden   发表于: 星期一 六月 16, 2008 6:51 pm   主题: Stay With Me.
Thanks for your advise.!Very Happy
  主题: Stay With Me.

回响: 6
阅读: 7615

帖子论坛: English Garden   发表于: 星期五 六月 13, 2008 4:54 pm   主题: Stay With Me.'s just that I've always asked to send the analysis..= =sorry for that..
I am
oops..spelling wrong.Confused
  主题: Stay With Me.

回响: 6
阅读: 7615

帖子论坛: English Garden   发表于: 星期四 六月 12, 2008 4:51 pm   主题: Stay With Me. first poem and I know it is not that good as my mother said.
thanks for reading my LONG and BORING poem and give you a big smile.=)
Very Happy

Stay With Me

Sky is full of dark ominous clouds
ocean is gleaming right before me.
Daisies floating on the water
as if they are waiting for me.
I'm hesitant to step in
maybe because the water seems freezing cold
or maybe I know once I start
No return will be for me.

I vaguely hear someone's yelling
when I'm still staring,
Everything's gone
after I turn around.

This time
I'm lying on the bed
My daughter is murmuring something
but I couldn't hear it.
She is holding a bunch of daisies with an ice-blue wrap
as if those yellow petals are swimming within the sea
My eyes closed, body cold
thoughts floating away until I can't hear a sound.

The ocean and daisies are in my sight again,
Sunlight filters through my body
Breeze sweeps across the surface of the sea.
I suddenly understand what my daughter just said
Stay with me, stay with me.
I walk towards the daisies
reach out and hold them in my arm
as if all the memories and loves are hidden in the delicate petals.

Waves breaking at my feet,
I know, it is their way to welcome me.
I walk toward the centre of the sea
at the moment when the water submerges me
I'm ready to start the journey
the long journey with no one around.

Smiles flash across my face
who said there is only me?
The bright sunshine and my favorite daisies will stay with me,
stay with me until the immortal becomes mortal
until the end of the everlasting journey.
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