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  主题: Why you want to throw butter out of the window

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帖子论坛: 有声有色   发表于: 星期五 七月 02, 2004 3:19 pm   主题: Why you want to throw butter out of the window
Because I want to see butterfly.
  主题: I love Canada day

回响: 2
阅读: 9084

帖子论坛: 有声有色   发表于: 星期五 七月 02, 2004 3:17 pm   主题: I love Canada day
Yesterday is a Canada day. There are so many activities. There is the first time this year I saw so many people on the street.

On downsview, the organizer deliver each person one red or white T-shirt. Every one wear it and stand at the designated position. The photographer took picture from above. A vivid Canadian flag have been formed by all the people.

What a lovely scene.
  主题: 家家都有一本难念的经

回响: 3
阅读: 9721

帖子论坛: 有声有色   发表于: 星期三 六月 30, 2004 1:03 pm   主题: 家家都有一本难念的经
I met a old man at the park. He just came from China. At the beginning I feel he is very poor. Since he always complaint the vegetable and meat is very expensive here.

In my mind, I think maybe his daughter and daughter in law are doing labor job. Or maybe get a very low paid.

But one day he surprise me by telling me that his daughter in law earn at least more than 100 thousands per year.

He told me that he can buy anything he want since he is rich. But he is more willing to buy stuff at China than buy stuff here. Since it is cheaper the stuff in China.

The most challenge thing for him to live here is that he feel he is very lonely. Even his daughter and daughter in law feel the same way. No too many friends and don't know how to spend the weekend. And especially for him, he feel he is deaf. Since no so many people at our area speak Mandrine.

  主题: caterpillar (our last memory about school)

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阅读: 6673

帖子论坛: 有声有色   发表于: 星期五 六月 25, 2004 3:49 pm   主题: caterpillar (our last memory about school)
Today is an special day for us. The last day of the University. All the classmates gather togethers to take photos. When I look at all my classmates. I still feel a little bit unfamiliar. Even we studied together for four years.

Why? Since I don't think I even talked to every boy in our class.

Maybe it is the last day of school. When we walked on the path, it is the first time I found out the girls start to talk to the boys.

I suddenly have a good idea. I went to one of my male classmate. I suddenly scream out loudly. "Caterpillar! a caterpillar at your coat."
His face suddenly turn pale. "Where?"

I started pretending looking for stick to help him. But unfortunatley no any stick around. "Quick, it almost got to your neck."

He is so scared. And quickly remove his coat. Of course no any catepillar.

Everyone laughed.
  主题: When life changed

回响: 3
阅读: 9327

帖子论坛: 有声有色   发表于: 星期四 六月 24, 2004 11:15 am   主题: When life changed
When first day I came to Toronto. I don't know what I will be. Too many uncertain things.

Everyday when I go shopping, I will time all the money I spend by 6. I feel guity when I spend 1:50$ for ice cream.

Most of the time I feel nervous about job, language ...

My baby is 1 and half years old. We leave him at China since we think we can not take care him well before we settle down in Toronto. Hunting job is a challenge for us. I don't even have time to think of my baby. We call him once a month since long distance call is $1 per minute at that time.

I feel the time go fast. I don't feel any guilty to leave him at China. And when we call him. His grandma always tell us happy story about him. I feel he still can live happy without us.

But the day when I see him at Toronto. That is one year later. I feel my heard broken. His grandma told us all the real story about him after we leave.

He asked his grandpa sing every night "世上只有妈妈好". And then he will go to bed to sleep.
He keep asking why my mom go to work and not coming back home at night time.
He has serious car sick. But as soon as they tell him the car is going to Toronto to meet his mom. He stop complaint.

Yesterday, I met a new comer at park. She is thinking about bring her son back to China with his grandma. When I told her about my son's story. Her tear can not help.
  主题: [原创] my son's joke 2

回响: 1
阅读: 7486

帖子论坛: 有声有色   发表于: 星期三 六月 23, 2004 1:38 pm   主题: [原创] my son's joke 2
"What do you want to be when you grow up?" I asked me son one day.

"Of course a dad." He replied.
  主题: [原创] My son's joke 1

回响: 8
阅读: 9022

帖子论坛: 有声有色   发表于: 星期三 六月 23, 2004 12:27 pm   主题: [原创] My son's joke 1
My son's name is Joe. I always force him to do extra homework every day. He is very unhappy for this.

One day, I ask him to do homework again. And he announce very loadly: " I hate my mom".

"Are you sure?" I asked angrily. My voice make everybody scared.

But Joe laugh loudly and said. "You know my name is Joe. And Joe means Joking."
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