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  主题: White Rose
Blue Ice

回响: 7
阅读: 8032

帖子论坛: English Garden   发表于: 星期一 二月 13, 2006 9:32 pm   主题: White Rose
Please leave a rose,
it only belongs to me.
in a special date,
I wish to get a rose with white color.

I never understand the language of the flower,
but I know that white means purity,
and rose is love,
that is enough .

Please leave the rose on the stone stool,
which is on my front door.

When I wake up in the Moonlight,
I will glad to know,
you were here at one time
  主题: The Old Moon
Blue Ice

回响: 6
阅读: 7315

帖子论坛: English Garden   发表于: 星期一 十二月 26, 2005 10:07 pm   主题: The Old Moon
Last quarter moon is like a scythe
reaping the stars,
that were once my dream,
scattered in the sky.

The poetry
which were once my spirit
but today, just for a piece of bread,
I have to quit.
I cannot hold the glitter,
it breaks in the water.

The moon
incised silent lake
who knows about that bluish pain?
  主题: Snowflake
Blue Ice

回响: 4
阅读: 5526

帖子论坛: English Garden   发表于: 星期日 十二月 11, 2005 4:40 pm   主题: Snowflake

‘Is it snow
or flower?’
the one is staring at
the other

in different eyes
I am catching different colors
one is gray
and the other is nacarat



  主题: Friend
Blue Ice

回响: 6
阅读: 6631

帖子论坛: English Garden   发表于: 星期日 十二月 04, 2005 4:06 pm   主题: Friend

“Forget it”
You told me
When I fell down in upset
What is the point?
What is that I must forget?”
Honour, hurt
The past let it pass
Put the eyes in future

“Trust me”, you said
When I lost my confidence
“Why should I?
Could I believe myself?”
The question mark is in my mind.
“Just trust me, please.
I believe that I can give you a hand”
No more talk and promise
Only a few words warm my heart

Although outside,
It is still cold winter
  主题: Umbrella
Blue Ice

回响: 6
阅读: 7096

帖子论坛: English Garden   发表于: 星期六 十一月 12, 2005 1:22 am   主题: Umbrella

-I just want to say thanks lot to my best friend

The sky became dark
Under the thunderstorm
You opened the umbrella
You said to me with a smile
“ Look, we stand aside from the tears of the black clouds”

Are you an umbrella?
That blocks the cold rain
Or you are the poetry
That sings in my mind
“Don’t forget that,
Nobody could let you down
Don’t forget to become strong”

Oh, the simple poesy is a handkerchief
That wiped all of the haze from my heart
  主题: Where are you?
Blue Ice

回响: 11
阅读: 10914

帖子论坛: English Garden   发表于: 星期二 十一月 08, 2005 10:30 pm   主题: Where are you?
Where are you?

In my stray dream,
I lost my way
I could not find you
In my loneliness reverie

How deep is the forest
Where is you dissolved trace
I called again and again,
and broke my throat
But I can not find your silhouette

Dropped tear became icy star
It hung on the sky
Lit the lamp
to help you go home
Where are you? My Muse
did you fall down in vast dark
The floating cloud is your poem that you left half a month ago?
  主题: To You
Blue Ice

回响: 38
阅读: 23202

帖子论坛: English Garden   发表于: 星期六 十一月 05, 2005 4:56 pm   主题: To You
To You

The poet
I mean, a superior and impavid poet
You used all of the luxury and noble words to write impassioned verse
But only left the penury and loneliness for yourself

The stringed player
You give instrumental performance by words
You sing the refined music by fingers
The beautiful rhythms don’t come from chord
It is that blood vessels pound vibrato life

Far away read at you
I have never had an extravagant hope to become your bosom friend
But I want to open the window which throw chill wind
When the flowers and the praises are brimming your life, and
I will burn the candle when you fall down in the cold night



一个清高, 无畏的诗人


不是琴弦, 而是



Blue Ice

回响: 3
阅读: 5352

帖子论坛: English Garden   发表于: 星期日 八月 28, 2005 7:35 pm   主题: THE CLOUD
The Cloud (1)

I am the cloud, a piece of cloud
I don’t know where did I come from?
And where can I stay?
I forget that which was my mother language
And where is my country
Let me forget about my body,
and let it be as light as a leaf in the wind
Oh, I want to become a piece of cloud, to flow in the sky

The Cloud (2)

Why do you sing for a stone?
Could it be true that you don’t know the stone is cold?
Why do you sing for a bird?
Is it possible that you don’t know the bird will fly?

I hear the song under the moon
I saw everything in dark blue

Picked a wind-bell to stuff my ears
And looked at you from far away. Oh! My Muse
I know you are upset
But what could I do?

If the smile is the breathing
Well then, the tears will be the softest rain
If the sun is a stove
Then, the moon is the eye that stares at you

But tonight there is only the cloud
This is the only thing I can do
To wrap the pain of separation with cotton
  主题: The Cloud
Blue Ice

回响: 5
阅读: 4777

帖子论坛: 当代诗歌   发表于: 星期六 八月 27, 2005 7:35 am   主题: The Cloud
The Cloud

I am the cloud, a piece of cloud
I don’t know where did I come from?
And where can I stay?
I forget that which was my mother language
And where is my country
Let me forget about my body,
and let it be as light as a leaf in the wind
Oh, I want to become a piece of cloud, to flow in the sky
  主题: I Had Dreams
Blue Ice

回响: 4
阅读: 4119

帖子论坛: 当代诗歌   发表于: 星期二 八月 23, 2005 7:42 pm   主题: I Had Dreams
I Had Dreams

When I was young
I had lots of dreams in my mind
The flower was blooming on the stone
I wish I had wings to fly

But now the fancy passes by
And nothing will remain
I want to travel around the world
And find a corner to hide myself
  主题: Dark Rain
Blue Ice

回响: 14
阅读: 13747

帖子论坛: English Garden   发表于: 星期六 八月 20, 2005 5:23 pm   主题: Dark Rain
Dark Rain

The thunder is hitting my heart
The rain drip like beads
I am walking in the water
Whose tear is sprinkling on the road?

The cloud looks gloomy
The wind is yarning with pain
The skeleton of the umbrella is broken
Whose hair is flowing in the dark rain?
  主题: 读者
Blue Ice

回响: 7
阅读: 6109

帖子论坛: 当代诗歌   发表于: 星期五 八月 12, 2005 8:36 pm   主题: 读者


第一天, 等待
第二天, 略感失落, 甚至怀疑

记不清了, 也许就两个字
“GOING ON” 或是 “不错”?

从此, 我成了一个读者



朋友, 不信你试试. 包有收益
如果有错, 算我没说
  主题: Switch
Blue Ice

回响: 4
阅读: 7018

帖子论坛: English Garden   发表于: 星期五 七月 08, 2005 8:12 pm   主题: Switch

“Please hold your hands”
I did it, with uncertainty
“You will become a poet”
You said

You read the poems
When we walked
You asked the tree, “Are you sleep?”
You burned the flowers
Worship God
Oh! How strange a man in my head
I hid my laugh to avert you got hurts

Time went by
We met again

I told you
I never became a poet
But I like the poems so much that it is just like you have predicted

You look at me like as if looking at an eccentric woman
“What age is now? Who is still wallow in poetry?”

Did we change the chairs?
There is nothing to say when we are face to face
The moonlight is like river
  主题: Fire Bird
Blue Ice

回响: 5
阅读: 8288

帖子论坛: English Garden   发表于: 星期四 六月 09, 2005 7:42 pm   主题: Fire Bird
Fire Bird

Why do you cry like a lion?
Why do you cut like a scissors?
Are you sure that you want to stop something now?
You threw the junk paper in the fire
Oh! I get you
You are like a beautiful bird fly from the red stove
I know you will leave soon
But the wonderful flash will enlighten my life

Ice Tea

I put ice in a cup of hot tea
Watching it vanish in the water
Let her go, my cold and beautiful friend
The tea is still the tea
But, wait a moment
Where is the steam on the cup?
Has it gone?
The steam is my dream.

The Book

I had a book
It was a wonderful book
But I have never read it
Because I always thought it belongs to me
One day, I lost the book
and could never find it
I cried and cried until I got so tired
The book came back, in my sweet dream
I wanted to hold it
But the book disappeared again
  主题: Magic Valley
Blue Ice

回响: 2
阅读: 5592

帖子论坛: English Garden   发表于: 星期一 五月 30, 2005 5:37 pm   主题: Magic Valley
Magic Valley

I do not know
Where I came from,
And where I will go.

I am not sure
Who I am
And why am I staying here?

I flied here by the cloud
Dropped down on the ground with the cold rain
Could you believe
I did it merely for the music that came from a magical flute?

A sound came from the wind
Once and again
“ You must leave to keep your life”
I tried to move my feet
Once for all get over
But at the moment
I got so hurt

The magic valley
Fire around fire
Burning red poppies
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