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Valedictory Address (by Wenxin Xu)

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注册时间: 2004-05-05
帖子: 9474
来自: 加拿大多伦多

帖子发表于: 星期一 一月 09, 2006 4:26 pm    发表主题: Valedictory Address (by Wenxin Xu) 引用并回复

Commencement 2005
Valedictory Address
(Don Mills Collegiate Institute, October 2005)

By: Wenxin Xu

There are a few different kinds of journeys.

Ninety-two years ago today, a guy named Henry Ford started on a journey when he began to build cars entirely on an assembly line. For the first time, each new car would pass through the hands of dozens of workers, each of whom would contribute in some way to the final product. For the automobile industry, it was a journey in manufacturing time from twelve and a half hours to a mere 93 minutes. For Mr. Ford, it was a journey from small business owner to fame and fortune. For the world, it was also a journey, one from the farms and haystacks of the countryside to the skyscrapers and factories of the new cities.

But today, we are here on behalf of another journey—the journey that was Don Mills: the journey that led us through these doors, into the classrooms, and finally, to this room today. In four years we, too, have taken a journey through the work of many hands. Our journey has led us from class to class, teacher to teacher. Along the way, we have picked up small pieces of wisdom; the wisdom of science, the wisdom of art, the wisdom of philosophy... the wisdom of writing essays the morning before they're due. That was not a joke, that was solid, indisputable fact. One way or another, these pieces of wisdom have changed us all. We entered, little more than children. We leave as very big, very mature, children.

Graduates, parents, teachers, friends, welcome to Commencement 2005.

(The diplomas we receive today represent a destination. The sheet of paper says to us, “You did it.” But we don't need a diploma to tell us we spent four years at Don Mills. We know the destination because we remember the journey, a journey that brought us together from around the world. Nor is the journey over. From here, our feet, after walking for a while side by side in these halls, will once again diverge. But even as we walk back into the far reaches of the world, our time together will not have been in vain. We have spent a few years as Don Mills students. We will spend eternity as Don Mills alumni. This is a bond of a journey, a bond that, from this day forth, is invincible to the forces of time and space. Such is the power of a journey.)

It has been a journey from September to June to September again, a journey from high school orientation to a personal party thrown by a man named Jimmy Wei. And Jimmy, Mr. President, I might have had a headache afterwards—from sleep deprivation, of course—but it was still a heckuva party.

It has been a journey from algorithm to alliteration, from cafeteria food to McDonalds to Tim Horton’s. But even though our hot dog stand has been crushed by the wheels of history, we might still rally to the cry of, “hot dog! Hot dog!” in the years to come.

Some of us will learn to become businessmen, tradesmen, professionals. Others, lawyers. A few of us want to become doctors. That may, or may not, be an understatement. Wherever your journeys take you, don't forget your rear-view mirror. Every one of us needs someone to talk to, someone to fall back on, someone to pick us up when we fall. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Look back. Your high school friends may be closer than they appear.

We are in a ceremony of commencement. As the word suggests, commencement is not the finish line, but the starting pistol. This is not the end, no more than it is a destination. It's not the end for the friendships we have made, or the dreams we have clung on to, or the journey we have taken together. In the words of Roosevelt, it is not even the beginning of the end. What commencement is perhaps, is the end of our beginning.

If I have advice to give, then here it is: live and love. Whether you’re sitting in a lecture hall, working at a summer job or making a 15-hour commute to your high school, do it because, at this very moment, there is absolutely nothing else you would rather do. If life is a journey, then none of us know when or where our destination might be. But how you’re going to get there is your own choice, and yours alone. Fill your life with love, and love the life you lead. Because we make this journey whether we want to or not, we choose to want to make this journey. We choose to make this journey count, we choose to make this journey great, we choose to make this journey our own, personal, lifetime work of art.

Today, gathered here to celebrate the Friday before Thanksgiving weekend, it is possible that one or two of us also expect to get a diploma. To those lucky few, a diploma means they have forgotten to do homework in at least thirty different classes, and that the community owes them no fewer than forty hours of unpaid labor. But that is not all a diploma means. From extensive research on, we now know that the word diploma means not only forgotten homework and unpaid labor but, from its ancient Greek roots, folded paper. So to those of you who are holding pieces of folded paper, congratulations. Unfortunately, it has come to my attention that my diploma was not folded today, but only rolled up and tied with ribbon. Well, the journey was worth it.

Now, having climbed this mountain together, we stand at its peak and see the world, with all its limitless possibilities, spread out before our feet—the world that will soon be passed onto us. It is a changing world—politically, economically, technologically. We are changing people. We are ready to receive this world; whether the world is ready for us, let us journey forth and see for ourselves. Good luck, and Godspeed.


最后进行编辑的是 晓鸣 on 星期六 五月 01, 2010 6:16 am, 总计第 2 次编辑
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酷我!I made it!
酷我!I made it!

注册时间: 2004-06-05
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来自: Toronto

帖子发表于: 星期一 一月 09, 2006 10:19 pm    发表主题: 引用并回复

very good speech.


Keep on the is life-long...or more
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Site Admin

注册时间: 2004-05-05
帖子: 9474
来自: 加拿大多伦多

帖子发表于: 星期四 一月 12, 2006 4:32 pm    发表主题: 粗略翻译一下 引用并回复

By: Wenxin Xu


92年前的今天,一个名叫亨利福特的人开始他的旅程,用流水线组装汽车。 有史以来第一次,一辆新车经几十个人的手制成,在流水线上每个人都以某种方式在最终的成品中留下痕迹。 对汽车工业而言,这是一个造一辆车的时间从12.5小时缩短到93分钟的旅程。对福特本人而言,这是从一个小生意业主变成一个工业巨头的旅程。对世界而言,这是一个从田园风光转变为充满摩天大楼和工厂的新兴城市的旅程。

但是今天我们聚在这里, 是为了庆祝另一种旅程:我们在 Don Mills 高中的旅程。这个旅程引导我们从不同的门进入不同的教室,最终走到今天这个大厅。在过去的四年里,我们的旅程得到许多的人引导。我们的旅程让我们从一堂课到另一堂课,从一个老师到另一个老师。在这个旅程中,我们吸取了不同的智慧:科学的智慧,艺术的智慧, 哲学的智慧, 和赶在限期之前的凌晨完成作业的智慧。这些星星点点的智慧积累起来,整个地改变了我们所有同学。我们进校时只是半大的孩子,我们离开时已经成熟长大.

同学们,家长们, 老师们, 朋友们,欢迎你们参加我们的毕业典礼。

我们今天得到的毕业证书代表了一个人生的阶段。这张纸对我们说:“你做到了。”但我们不需要用这张纸来提醒自己在高中的四年。我们过去是Don Mills高中的学生,我们终生都是Don Mills高中的校友。

这个旅程从九月到第二年七月,又从七月到九月,周而复始。这个旅程从新生入学介绍开始, 到最近一次由学生会主席Jimmy Wei组织的聚会终结。Jimmy先生,尽管那次聚会剥夺了睡眠,让我之后头痛了一阵,但感觉仍然很棒。

这个旅程从数值系统到语音系统,从学校小卖部到McDonals再到Tim Horton's. 尽管历史车轮已经碾碎了我们的热狗摊子,我们将来仍然会齐声起哄“热狗, 热狗!".

我们中的一些人将成为生意人,商人,各行业的专家。另一些人或许成为律师和医生。不管你将来经历什么样的旅程,不要忘记你的后视镜。每个人都需要有人和你谈心,都需要帮助, 在跌倒后需要有人扶你一把。不要犹豫寻求帮助。你高中的朋友实际上比你从后视镜中看到的离你更近。

我们现在在完成高中学业的庆典上。 正如"庆典"这个词在英语中同时具有“重新开始”的歧义所昭示的那样, 庆典不是目的地,不是终点。它不是我们友谊的终结, 不是我们梦想的终结, 不是我们共同旅程的终结。用罗斯福的话来说,它甚至不是终端的开始。庆典也许只是我们助跑线的末端.

如果我有忠告的话,那就是两个词: 生活和爱。不管你此刻正坐在讲演厅,还是在外打工,还是正从千里之外赶回你的高中,你正在做你必须做的。如果生命象一次旅程,我们不能预知何时何地将是自己的终点。但是通过什么道路到达终点完全取决我们自己的选择。让你的生命充满爱,并热爱你选择的道路。既然不管情愿与否我们都必须经历人生这种旅程,那我们应该积极地期望这旅程,选择让这旅程有意义,让这旅程伟大,让这旅程充满个性,有声有色.

今天我们聚在一起庆祝感恩节前的星期五。 我们中有人也许正期望今天拿到毕业证书。对那些能如愿以偿的朋友而言,拿到毕业证书意味着永远不用再理会那三十多门课的作业了,也再也不用担心完不成40小时社区服务义工的要求了。 但毕业证书的含义不仅如此。如果你通过dictionary.com网站作深入研究的话,你会发现“毕业证书”的含义不仅是忘记作业和义工. 在古希腊的词根中“毕业证书”还指“折叠的纸”。所以我们应该祝贺今天那些拿到“折叠的纸”的同学。 非常不幸的是,我注意到我拿到的毕业证书并不是一张折叠的纸, 而是一张用绸带套住卷起来的纸。不管如何,这个旅程也值了.

在过去的几年里我们在一起登山。此刻我们站在峰顶环顾四周。我们将面临的世界正从我们的脚下延伸,充满无穷多的可能。这是一个正在被政治,经济和科技改变的世界。 我们也正在改变中。不管这个世界是否已经准备就绪接受我们,我们已经准备就绪接受这个世界。让我们开始旅程,并在这旅程中认识自我。祝大家幸运,一路顺风.

最后进行编辑的是 晓鸣 on 星期六 五月 01, 2010 6:17 am, 总计第 10 次编辑
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注册时间: 2004-05-29
帖子: 321
来自: China

帖子发表于: 星期四 一月 12, 2006 6:08 pm    发表主题: 引用并回复

thanks James....
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注册时间: 2005-11-22
帖子: 2254
来自: eimen

帖子发表于: 星期一 七月 14, 2008 11:53 pm    发表主题: 引用并回复

If life is a journey, then none of us know when or where our destination might be. But how you’re going to get there is your own choice, and yours alone.
Fill your life with love, and love the life you lead. Because we make this journey whether we want to or not, we choose to want to make this journey. We choose to make this journey count, we choose to make this journey great, we choose to make this journey our own, personal, lifetime work of art.

---very good ! beautiful !
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(酷我!I made it!)
一品翰林院大学士<BR>(酷我!I made it!)

注册时间: 2004-06-16
帖子: 5783
来自: Free sky

帖子发表于: 星期二 七月 15, 2008 12:59 am    发表主题: 引用并回复

如果我有忠告的话,那就是两个字: 生活和爱。_______两个字,"字"用"词"妥些

░░破茧成蝶 眼泪,从此不咸░░

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注册时间: 2004-07-27
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帖子发表于: 星期三 七月 23, 2008 8:54 am    发表主题: 引用并回复

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