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xocheng[Blackbear] xocheng作品集 秀才 (恭喜您迈出害羞的第一步!)

注册时间: 2006-07-05 帖子: 1
发表于: 星期三 七月 05, 2006 7:46 am 发表主题: 读<<挪威的森林>>有感 |
生, 何以是曲曲折折在幽幽暗暗的林中,那条走不完的小径?
Why is life such an endless path, winding alone through the deep faint forest?
死, 真的是"煮"着世间所有黑暗的那口古井吗?
Is death really in that old, old well, inside which all the darkness of the whole world is being boiled?
爱, 既是洒在少女透明的肌肤上那粉一样的月光,却为何灼得人隐隐发痛?
If love is just like the powdery moonlight shinning on the crystal skin of a maiden, why should there be such burning aches in my heart?
缘, 怎么总是以欢聚始,而以惜别终的无奈的轮回?
Why is fate always running on the same track, fatally beginning with happy gathering and ending with sad parting?
But how can it be true that the sounds of stepping on the most dried fallen leaves and cicada sloughs are echoing so long, so far in the empty valley of my heart?
N年前朋友送我《挪威的森林》。春树让我能从另一个角度去思考生与死的意义。此后一段时间,这种思考总是挥之不去!以致朋友说很后悔送了一剂迷幻药给我。第一感受是用英文写成,后来才有了自写自译。 |
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星子[ANNA] 星子作品集 酷我!I made it!

注册时间: 2004-06-05 帖子: 13192 来自: Toronto
发表于: 星期四 七月 06, 2006 7:22 am 发表主题: |
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